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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 30 June 2020
            Abortion foes vent disappointment after Supreme Court ruling

            Continued from Front                                                                                                that  “I  do  look  forward  to
                                                                                                                                the day when the Supreme
            “We  need  a  solid  pro-life                                                                                       Court will correct the gross
            majority  on  the  Supreme                                                                                          injustice of the Roe v. Wade
            Court  to  uphold  the  rights                                                                                      decision that has led to the
            of  women  and  the  un-                                                                                            killing  of  tens  of  millions  of
            born.”                                                                                                              unborn babies.”
            Johnnie  Moore,  an  evan-                                                                                          Russell Moore, president of
            gelical adviser to the Trump                                                                                        the public policy arm of the
            administration,  said  the                                                                                          Southern  Baptist  Conven-
            decision  could  help  moti-                                                                                        tion,  defended  Louisiana’s
            vate  anti-abortion  activists                                                                                      abortion  law  as  “placing
            to vote to reelect the pre-                                                                                         the  most  minimal  restric-
            sident  to  give  him  a  third                                                                                     tions  possible  on  an  abor-
            chance  to  put  a  nominee                                                                                         tion  industry  that  insists  on
            on the Supreme Court.                                                                                               laissez-faire for itself and its
            “Conservatives  know  they                                                                                          profits.”  “Nonetheless,  we
            are  on  the  one-yard-line,”                                                                                       will  continue  to  seek  an
            Moore  tweeted.  “Enthu-                                                                                            America  where  vulnerable
            siasm  is  already  unprece-                                                                                        persons,  including  unborn
            dented,  evangelical  tur-                                                                                          children and their mothers,
            nout will be too.”                                                                                                  are  seen  as  precious,  not
            The  Trump  campaign  also                                                                                          disposable,”  said  Moore,
            invoked  the  decision  to   Terrisa Bukovinac, founder of Pro-Life San Francisco, holds a model of a fetus as she and other   who leads the Ethics & Re-
            appeal to voters in a state-  anti-abortion protesters wait outside the Supreme Court for a decision, Monday, June 29, 2020.   ligious Liberty Commission.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            ment from deputy commu-                                                                                             The  chairman  of  the  U.S.
            nications director Ali Pardo.  concurred with the court’s  berts,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-  his  vote  as  one  to  protect  Conference  of  Catholic
            “This case underscores the  four  more  liberal  justices  Ark., said in a statement.  the court’s past precedent,  Bishops’   Committee    for
            importance  of  re-electing  while not signing onto their  “What’s  next,  Chief  Jus-  left  other  religious  conser-  Pro-Life  Activities,  Arch-
            President  Trump,  who  has  opinion in the case.         tice  Roberts?  Our  Second  vatives  vowing  to  rededi-  bishop Joseph Naumann of
            a  record  of  appointing  “Chief Justice Roberts is at  Amendment  rights?”  Rep.  cate  themselves  to  their  Kansas City in Kansas, said
            conservative judges, rather  it  again  with  his  political  Jim  Jordan,  R-Ohio,  twee-  fight  to  overturn  the  1973  in a statement that Catho-
            than Joe Biden, who will ap-  gamesmanship,”  Sen.  Ted  ted.                          Roe v. Wade decision that  lics would “grieve this deci-
            point  radical,  activist  jud-  Cruz,  R-Texas,  tweeted.  Missouri  GOP  Sen.  Josh  established abortion rights.  sion”  but  would  “continue
            ges  who  will  legislate  from  “This time he has sided with  Hawley,  a  former  Roberts  “This   case   was   about  to pray and fight for justice
            the courts,” Pardo said.     abortion  extremists  who  clerk, tweeted that the de-    whether  the  state  has  the  for mothers and children.”
            Some  right-leaning  abor-   care more about providing  cision was a “disaster” and  right  to  ensure  that  aborti-  “We  will  not  rest  until  the
            tion  foes  —  including  at  abortion-on-demand  than  “a  big-time  wake  up  call  onists  who  take  women’s  day  when  the  Supreme
            least  three  congressional  protecting  women’s  he-     to  religious  conservatives,”  money  also  provide  for  Court  corrects  the  grave
            Republicans  —  responded  alth.”                         whom  he  urged  to  “make  their  safety,”  Family  Re-  injustice  of  Roe  ...  and  re-
            to the decision by criticizing  “Americans  hoping  for  jus-  our voices heard.”      search  Council  President  cognizes  the  Constitutio-
            Chief Justice John Roberts,  tice  for  women  and  un-   But Roberts’ move to stand  Tony  Perkins,  a  prominent  nal  right  to  life  for  unborn
            appointed  by  President  born babies were let down  apart from his more liberal  pro-Trump evangelical ally,  human  beings,”  Naumann
            George  W.  Bush.  Roberts  again  today  by  John  Ro-   colleagues, contextualizing  said in a statement, adding  said.q

               Florida site of GOP convention orders wearing of masks

               By TAMARA LUSH and          tance.”                     that  the  head  of  the
               EMILY SCHMALL               White  House  spokeswom-    World Health Organization
               Associated Press            an Kayleigh McEnany said  warned that the pandem-
               The  city  of  Jacksonville,  the  president’s  advice  is  ic is “not even close to be-
               Florida,   where   mask-    to  “do  whatever  your  lo-  ing over” and is accelerat-
               averse  President  Donald  cal jurisdiction requests of  ing.
               Trump  plans  to  accept  you.”                         “The worst is yet to come,”
               the  Republican  nomina-    Trump has refused to wear  said   Tedros   Adhanom
               tion in August, ordered the  a  mask  on  recent  trips  to  Ghebreyesu.  “With  this
               wearing of face coverings  states and businesses that  kind  of  environment  and
               Monday, joining the list of  require them.              condition,  we  fear  the
               state  and  local  govern-  In  recent  weeks,  the  Re-  worst.”
               ments  reversing  course  to  publicans  moved  some  Health authorities have re-
               try  to  beat  back  a  resur-  of  the  convention  pag-  corded more than 10 mil-
               gence of the coronavirus.   eantry  to  Jacksonville  af-  lion  confirmed  infections   People,  social  distancing  and  wearing  masks  to  prevent
               Less  than  a  week  after  ter  Democratic  Gov.  Roy  and  a  half-million  deaths   the  spread  of  the  new  coronavirus,  wait  in  line  at  a  mask
               Mayor  Lenny  Curry  said  Cooper of North Carolina  globally, including 2.5 mil-   distribution event, Friday, June 26, 2020, in a COVID-19 hotspot
                                                                                                   of the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami.
               that  there  would  be  no  objected  to  the  holding  lion  cases  and  126,000                                         Associated Press
               mask  requirement,  city  of  a  large  gathering  in  lives  lost  in  the  United
               officials  announced  that  Charlotte  without  social-  States. The U.S. is seeing a  per day.                far higher, in part because
               coverings  must  be  worn  distancing measures.         surge  in  confirmed  cases,  Experts  say  the  actual  of  testing  limitations  and
               in  “situations  where  indi-  The   Jacksonville   order  especially in the South and  numbers,  both  in  the  U.S.  the large number of peo-
               viduals cannot socially dis-  came  on  the  same  day  West,  with  about  40,000  and globally, are probably  ple without symptoms.q
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