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                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY Tuesday 30 June 2020
            Amazon looks to self-driving future by acquiring Zoox

            By JOSEPH PISANI and                                                                   that  lets  people  start  busi-  also working on self-piloted
            TOM KRISHER                                                                            nesses that deliver packag-  drones that fly small goods
            AP Business Writers                                                                    es in vans stamped with the   to customers' homes.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon                                                                 Amazon  logo.  The  invest-  The deal comes at a time
            said  Friday  that  it  is  buy-                                                       ment  could  complement      when  the  power  of  Ama-
            ing  self-driving  technology                                                          the  $700  million  that  Ama-  zon and other technology
            company Zoox, which is de-                                                             zon  put  into  electric  ve-  stalwarts  such  as  Google,
            veloping  an  autonomous                                                               hicle startup Rivian in 2019.   Facebook   and   Apple
            vehicle  for  a  ride-hailing                                                          Rivian,  with  operations  in   have  drawn  increasing
            service  that  people  would                                                           suburban Detroit and Cali-   scrutiny  from  U.S.  lawmak-
            request on their phones.                                                               fornia,  has  a  contract  to   ers and antitrust regulators.
            Seattle-based Amazon did                                                               make  100,000  electric  de-  The    pandemic-stricken
            not disclose how much it is                                                            livery vans for Amazon. The   economy is making it more
            paying for Zoox, which was                                                             company  also  has  a  fac-  difficult for startups to raise
            founded  six  years  ago  in                                                           tory  in  Normal,  Ill.,  with  ex-  money  to  continue  work,
            Foster City, California. Ana-  This Sept. 6, 2012, file photo, shows the Amazon logo in Santa   tra capacity that could be   creating  opportunities  for
            lysts pegged the purchase    Monica, Calif.                                            used to build the Zoox ve-   the industry's still-thriving gi-
            price at over $1 billion.                                             Associated Press  hicles  for  Amazon,  Abuel-  ants  to  make  acquisitions
            The  online  retailing  giant  vans,"  said  Sam  Abuel-  ity  as  a  service  by  devel-  samid said.              at bargain prices.q
            said Zoox will keep running  samid, principal analyst for  oping  a  fully  autonomous,  Amazon's      acquisition
            as a separate business and  Guidehouse  Insights,  who  purpose built vehicle."        changes  the  landscape  in
            continue  to  develop  its  follows  autonomous  vehi-    The  company  cautioned  the  autonomous  vehicle
            own autonomous vehicle.      cle developments.            that  widespread  use  of  business  by  bringing  in  a
            "We're  excited  to  help  the  Abuelsamid said Zoox has a  autonomous vehicles is still  deep-pocketed  competi-
            talented  Zoox  team  to  good  autonomous  system  years away and will require  tor,  Abuelsamid  said.  It  in-
            bring their vision to reality in  and  was  planning  to  de-  a substantial capital invest-  creases pressure on smaller
            the years ahead," said Am-   ploy  a  ride-hailing  service  ment  in  a  crowded  field.  companies  that  are  build-
            azon's Jeff Wilke, who runs  next  year.  It's  also  building  The  deal  puts  Amazon,  ing  delivery  vehicles,  he
            the  company's  retail  busi-  its  own  vehicle  that  can  which  has  grown  rapidly  said.
            ness.  The deal could drive  travel  in  two  directions  —  from  its  start  as  an  online  The  Zoox  acquisition  isn't
            Amazon  into  an  entirely  both ends can be the front  bookseller 25 years ago, in  Amazon's first foray into au-
            new  business:  transporting  and the back — making it  competition  with  Google's  tonomous vehicles. Early in
            people from one place  to  ideal  for  urban  deliveries.  self-driving  technology  spi-  2019,  it  joined  other  inves-
            another. But some industry  He  sees  Amazon  convert-    noff  called  Waymo,  and  tors  in  a  $530  million  stake
            analysts  think  Amazon's  ul-  ing  the  small  vehicles  into  General Motors' Cruise au-  in  Aurora  Innovation.  Au-
            timate goal is to repurpose  mobile  lockers  that  would  tonomous vehicle unit.      rora  recently  has  focused
            the Zoox vehicle for its core  stop  at  delivery  sites  for  Autonomous    delivery  on a self-driving system for
            business,  delivering  pack-  people  to  pick  up  pack-  would  fit  with  Amazon's  heavy trucks.
            ages to shoppers.            ages.                        plans to deliver more of its  Amazon has used autono-
            "My guess would be in the  Amazon       didn't   directly  packages  on  its  own  and  mous technology to get or-
            near  term  that  Amazon  is  answer  a  question  about  rely less on UPS and the U.S.  ders  to  shoppers:  self-driv-
            probably  more  interested  whether        autonomous  Postal  Service.  In  recent  ing  robots  shuffle  products
            in taking that platform and  package delivery is its goal,  years  it  has  expanded  its  around its warehouses and
            adapting  it  as  an  alterna-  but  said  Zoox  would  "con-  fleet  of  planes,  built  pack-  a  cooler-sized  robot  with
            tive  or  complement  to  its  tinue  working  toward  their  age sorting hubs at airports  six wheels has delivered or-
            existing  fleet  of  delivery  mission  to  transform  mobil-  and  launched  a  program  ders in a Seattle suburb. It's

              Reddit, Twitch clamp down Trumpist forums for hate speech

              By TALI ARBEL                                                                       deal with hate speech on
              AP Technology Writer                                                                their platforms.
              Reddit,  an  online  com-                                                           A growing number of large
              ment forum that is one of                                                           advertisers have said they
              the  internet’s  most  popu-                                                        are  pausing  social-media
              lar  websites,  on  Monday                                                          spending  after  a  cam-
              banned a forum that sup-                                                            paign by a group of civil-
              ported  President-Donald                                                            rights  and  other  groups
              Trump as part of a crack-                                                           called  for  an  ad  boycott
              down on hate speech.                                                                of Facebook, saying it has
              The  Trump  forum,  called                                                          failed  to  curb  racist  and
              The_Donald,  was  banned                                                            violent content and misin-
              because  it  encouraged                                                             formation.
              violence,  regularly  broke   This Monday, June 29, 2020 photo shows the Reddit logo on a   On  Monday,  Ford  Motor
              other  Reddit  rules,  and   mobile device in New York.                             Co.  put  the  brakes  on  all
              defiantly   “antagonized”                                          Associated Press  national social media ad-
              both Reddit and other fo-                                                           vertising  for  the  next  30
              rums, the company said in  ald  was  part  of  a  larger  as the site as “subreddits,”  days.  The  company  says
              a  statement.  Reddit  had  purge  at  the  San  Francis-  most of which it said were  hate  speech,  as  well  as
              previously  tried  to  disci-  co-based site. The compa-  inactive or had few users.   violent and racial injustice
              pline  the  forum.  Reddit’s  ny said it took down a to-  Social-media  companies  content need to be eradi-
              action  against  The_Don-   tal of 2,000 forums, known  have  long  struggled  to  cated from the sites. q
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