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A26    U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 30 June 2020
            Judge warns of possible move of trial in George Floyd death

            By STEVE KARNOWSKI                                                                                                  of  all  parties.  Kueng's  at-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    torney,  Tom  Plunkett,  was
            MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  A                                                                                             the  attorney  asking  Cahill
            Minnesota  judge  on  Mon-                                                                                          to  reconsider  his  ruling  on
            day warned that he's likely                                                                                         cameras. He asserted that
            to  move  the  trials  of  four                                                                                     prosecutors and other offi-
            police  officers  charged  in                                                                                       cials  forfeited  their  right  to
            George  Floyd's  death  out                                                                                         object  to  cameras  in  the
            of Minneapolis if public of-                                                                                        courtroom by making pub-
            ficials  and  attorneys  don't                                                                                      lic comments that went as
            stop  talking  about  the                                                                                           far  as  "saying  the  defen-
            case.                                                                                                               dants are guilty of murder."
            Hennepin  County  Judge                                                                                             He said allowing electronic
            Peter  Cahill  stopped  short                                                                                       coverage  of  pretrial  pro-
            of  issuing  a  gag  order  on                                                                                      ceedings  would  actually
            attorneys, but he said one                                                                                          make it easier to impanel a
            is likely if public statements                                                                                      fair jury by helping to "edu-
            continue. Cahill added that   This  combination  of  photos  provided  by  the  Hennepin  County  Sheriff's  Office  in  Minnesota  on   cate  the  public  that  there
            such a situation would also   Wednesday, June 3, 2020, shows Derek Chauvin, from left, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and   may be more to the cases
            make him likely to grant a   Tou Thao.                                                                              than what has been told to
            change-of-venue  motion                                                                            Associated Press  them by the state."
            if  one  is  filed."The  court  is  old  Black  man's  neck  for  he  likely  would  "have  to  sparked  protests  around  The   charges   against
            not  going  to  be  happy  nearly  eight  minutes.  The  pull (trials) out of Hennepin  the  world  against  police  Chauvin  are  unintentional
            about  hearing  about  the  officers were responding to  County  and  they  need  to  brutality.                    second-degree      murder,
            case in three areas: media,  a  call  about  a  man  trying  be aware of that."        Chauvin remains in custody  third-degree  murder  and
            evidence and guilt or inno-  to pass a counterfeit $20 bill  Cahill  set  a  March  8  trial  on $1 million bail and Thao  second-degree   man-
            cence," Cahill said.         at a nearby store.           date for the former officers  is  being  held  on  $750,000  slaughter.  Second-degree
            It  was  the  second  pretrial  Floyd's  death  was  univer-  if  they  are  tried  together,  bail.  Lane  and  Kueng  are  murder carries a maximum
            hearing for the officers, who  sally condemned in Minne-  though he said he expects  free on bond.                  penalty  of  40  years  in  pris-
            were fired after Floyd's May  sota,  with  elected  officials  motions to be filed to sep-  Cahill  also  rejected  a  de-  on,  third-degree  murder
            25  death.  Derek  Chauvin,  including Minneapolis May-   arate  their  trials.  The  next  fense request to reconsider  carries up to 25 years and
            44,  is  charged  with  sec-  or  Jacob  Frey  calling  for  court date is Sept. 11.   his earlier decision to allow  manslaughter up to 10.
            ond-degree  murder  and  the officers to be charged.  The  defendants  have  not  cameras  in  the  courtroom  The  other  three  former  of-
            other counts, while Thomas  Police Chief Medaria Arra-    entered  pleas.  Chauvin's  during  pretrial  proceed-    ficers  are  charged  with
            Lane, 37, J. Kueng, 26, and  dondo  said  Floyd's  death  attorney has not comment-    ings.   Defense   attorneys  aiding  and  abetting  both
            Tou Thao, 34, are charged  was "murder."                  ed publicly on the charges,  asked to allow such cover-   second-degree      murder
            with  aiding  and  abetting  Cahill  asked  Assistant  At-  while  Lane's  and  Kueng's  age,  but  prosecutors  ob-  and  second-degree  man-
            Chauvin.                     torney  General  Matthew  attorneys  have  sought  to  jected.  The  judge  has  not  slaughter.  Those  charges
            Floyd  died  after  Chauvin,  Frank to use his influence to  minimize  their  clients'  roles  ruled  on  whether  to  allow  are  legally  tantamount  to
            a  white  police  officer,  keep  public  officials  silent,  and  deflect  blame  to  cameras  for  the  trial  itself,  the counts against Chauvin
            pressed  his  knee  against  warning  that  if  they  con-  the  more  senior  Chauvin  which  in  Minnesota  usu-  and    carry   the   same
            the  handcuffed  46-year-    tinued to discuss it publicly,  in  Floyd's  death,  which  ally  requires  the  consent  penalties.q

            Cape Cod officials warn of white sharks ahead of July Fourth

                                                                                                   two  shark  attacks  on  seals  Great  whites  have  been
                                                                                                   in  recent  days,  the  Cape  coming  to  the  Cape  in
                                                                                                   Cod Times reports.           greater numbers each sum-
                                                                                                   And  Gregory  Skomal,  a  mer to prey on the region's
                                                                                                   prominent  shark  scientist  large  seal  colonies.  Most
                                                                                                   with  the  state  Division  of  tend  to  favor  the  Atlantic
                                                                                                   Marine  Fisheries,  says  he  Ocean-facing     beaches
                                                                                                   tagged  three  great  whites  where  seals  tend  to  con-
                                                                                                   circling  a  whale  carcass  gregate,  but  researchers
                                                                                                   earlier  this  month  as  his  have found them off nearly
                                                                                                   research  team  began  its  every part of the Cape.
                                                                                                   work for the season.         Local  residents  concerned
                                                                                                   The peninsula  southeast of  about  the  booming  shark
                                                                                                   Boston  saw  two  shark  at-  population,   meanwhile,
                                                                                                   tacks  on  humans  in  2018,  say they'll boost their efforts
                                                                                                   one of them fatal. Officials  to  help  protect  swimmers
            In this May, 22, 2019, file photo, a woman walks with her dogs at Newcomb Hollow Beach in   have recommended swim-  this summer.
            Wellfleet, Mass., where a boogie boarder was bitten by a shark in 2018 and later died of his injuries.   mers remain in waist deep  More  pilots  have  volun-
                                                                                  Associated Press  water  where  possible  and  teered  to  radio  in  shark
            WELLFLEET,  Mass.  (AP)  —  the  famous  Massachusetts  Reynolds warned at a news  avoid  areas  where  sharks  sightings  as  they  fly  over
            Cape  Cod's  beaches  and  destination remains a pop-     conference  that  the  pow-  have been previously spot-   the peninsula, said Heather
            towns  may  be  quieter  be-  ular getaway for other sum-  erful predators are coming  ted as they weigh a range  Doyle, co-founder of Cape
            cause  of  the  coronavirus  mertime  travelers:  great  close  enough  to  shore  to  of  responses  to  protect  Cod Ocean Community, a
            pandemic, but officials are  white sharks.                be a concern for swimmers.   beachgoers  and  preserve  local group that advocates
            reminding visitors ahead of  Cape  Cod  National  Sea-    Officials  in  Orleans  also  the  region's  tourist  econo-  for white shark surveillance
            the July Fourth holiday that  shore  Chief  Ranger  Leslie  have documented at least  my.                           and detection measures.q
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