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                Thursday 29 OcTOber 2020

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Aruba:

            First hotel in world to win Global United Nations 2020 Climate

            Neutral Now Award

            UN signals world hospitality plays significant role in combatting climate change

                                                                                    smallest  villages.  It  is  the  most  ur-
                                                                                    gent threat facing humanity today,
                                                                                    but we cannot forget that climate
                                                                                    change is the biggest threat facing
                                                                                    humanity over the long term.” “The
                                                                                    convergence  of  these  two  crises  property and rallied the communi-
                                                                                    has opened a window of opportu-     ty and actively engaged with the
                                                                                    nity to build forward—to build cit-  government.
                                                                                    ies and communities that are safe,
                                                                                    healthy,  green  and  sustainable,”  He  busied  himself,  just  as  he  still
                                                                                    Ms. Espinosa added. “Nothing ex-    does, with researching and imple-
                                                                                    emplifies this better than the efforts  menting  forward-thinking  initia-
                                                                                    of  our  2020  award-winning  activi-  tives.  In  a  “think  globally,  act  lo-
                                                                                    ties to address climate change.”    cally”  approach,  a  key  driver  for
                                                                                                                        Ewald  was  the  1992  Earth  Summit
                                                                                    Sustainability is not an add-on     in Rio. With Agenda 21 being ad-
                                                                                    “We are not in the tourism business;  opted by more than 170 heads of
                                                                                    we  are  in  the  nature  business.”  state  worldwide,  momentum  was
                                                                                    Bucuti  &  Tara  Owner/CEO  Ewald  afoot.  Years  of  initiatives  followed
                                                                                    Biemans often shares this perspec-  and  with  the  sustainability  suc-
            EAGLE BEACH —  The Caribbean’s  dently owned Bucuti & Tara is not a  tive  whether  he  is  talking  with  in-  cess came invitations to share with
            most eco-certified hotel is now set-  stereotypical  chain  resort  backed  dustry colleagues or speaking from  others  how  to  achieve  the  same.
            ting the world  standard as Bucuti  by corporate finances. On its own,  a  world  stage.  It  is  this  difference  Fast-forward to 2019 and Biemans
            & Tara Beach Resort in Aruba is the  Bucuti  &  Tara  researched,  sought  in mindset combined with passion  was  accepting  the  World  Travel
            first-ever  hotel  in  the  world  to  win  and  implemented  sustainability  and  the  relentless  pursuit  of  pro-  & Tourism Council’s Tourism for To-
            the  prestigious  Global  United  Na-  initiatives  that  can  be  easily  repli-  viding  a  well-rounded,  high-quali-  morrow Climate Action Award. At
            tions  2020  Climate  Action  Award  cable  and  scalable,  which  drew  ty  vacation  that  has  led  Bucuti  &  the  WTTC  Global  Summit,  keynot-
            for Climate Neutral Now. The Unit-  the UN to the resort’s success. Due  Tara to be Tripadvisor’s No. 1 Hotel  ed by former U.S. President Barack
            ed  Nations  made  the  announce-   to this, Bucuti & Tara will also serve  in the Caribbean while simultane-  Obama,  Biemans  was  asked  to
            ment  9  a.m.  CET  at  the  UNFCCC  as a Lighthouse Activity among the  ously being the Caribbean’s most  present “The Path to Carbon Neu-
            secretariat  (UN  Climate  Change)  UN’s collection of inspiring, action-  eco-certified,  and  first  and  only  trality/Net Zero” so the world could
            in Bonn, Germany.                   oriented  resources  the  organiza-  carbon-neutral resort.             learn.
                                                tion invites others to reference for
            For the first time in the award’s his-  their own sustainability journeys.  From  the  first  step,  to  the  world  At  the  adults-only  enclave,  three
            tory,  a  hotel  is  a  winner.  Past  re-                              stage                               cornerstones  prevail:  romance,
            cipients include global giants and  “I congratulate the winners of the  While Bucuti & Tara is on the largest  wellness  and  sustainability.  Each
            household  names  such  as  Apple  2020  UN  Global  Climate  Action  swathe  of  Eagle  Beach,  with  sea  day  guests  hail  from  one  of  25
            and  Infosys  and  projects  backed  Awards,  who  provide  tangible  level rise predictions, the turquoise  countries  worldwide  and  the  re-
            by major banks. With Bucuti & Tara  proof  that  climate  action  is  un-  waters  could  be  lapping  at  the  sort  hums  at  97%+  occupancy
            as the first hotel, the UN is signaling  der  way  around  the  world,”  said  resort’s  backdoors  in  20-30  years.  year-round. Bucuti & Tara proves a
            to the world the significantly posi-  UN   Secretary-General   António  Ewald  is  known  to  soberly  say,  “If  memorable vacation and sustain-
            tive  affect  every  member  of  the  Guterres. “It is exciting to see these  we  do  not  stop  global  warming,  ability are mutually inclusive.
            hospitality sector – more than 10%  climate  solutions,  which  reinforce  guests will need snorkels to see our
            of the world’s GDP – can and must  my call for decisive leadership on  world-famous beach!”                 Relatability:  scalable,  replicable
            have to combat climate change.      climate  change  by  governments,  Having  lived  in  Aruba  the  past  initiatives
                                                businesses  and  cities,  and  for  a  50  years,  Austrian-born  Biemans  Like  every  sustainability  journey,
            The  UN’s  Momentum  for  Change  green recovery from the COVID-19  opened Bucuti in 1987. He soon no-      Bucuti’s  earliest  days  included  its
            program is a highlight of the annu-  pandemic.  Let  us  keep  pressing  ticed construction cranes touching  tangible first step. A German guest
            al United Nations Climate Change  ahead to build a more sustainable  the skyline further down the pow-      was  bewildered  that  Bucuti  was
            Conference.  This  year  is  the  10th  and equitable future for all.”  dery white sand beach and grew  pouring  cans  and  bottles  of  beer
            anniversary of the awards and 510                                       concerned about the small island’s  into  disposable  plastic  cups.  That
            organizations  and  business  world-  “The last eight months have been  natural resources. As Aruba quickly  left  a  significant  impression  and
            wide answered the call for submis-  a  nightmare  for  many  through-   grew  into  an  international  vaca-  shortly  after,  Bucuti  began  with
            sions.                              out  the  world,”  said  UN  Climate  tion spot (today, 90% of its GDP is  banning single-use plastic and Sty-
                                                Change  Executive  Secretary  Pa-   from  tourism),  Biemans  knew  the  rofoam, long before it was ever dis-
            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba:  tricia  Espinosa.  “COVID-19  has  al-  vacation  experience  had  to  be  cussed in mainstream media.
            Excelling  Beyond  Carbon  Neutral-  tered  lives,  economies  and  the  in  harmony  with  the  planet,  oth-
            ity  is  the  winning  case  study  sub-  nature of business on every conti-  erwise,  the  small  island  would  be        Continued on Page 9
            mission. At just 104 rooms, indepen-  nent—from the largest cities to the  ruined.  He  looked  within  his  own
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