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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 29 OcTOber 2020

            Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Aruba

            Continued from Page 8        resort is home to the largest
                                         solar  panel  project  in  the
            Soon,  every  resort  project  island’s  private  sector,  cli-
            was more carefully viewed,  mate neutrality required far
            and a full-time sustainability  beyond  the  obvious  such
            &  certifications  manager  as  fossil-fuel  dependency.
            was added to the staff. Bie-  Some aspects include:
            mans soon sought eco-cer-    •      Gifting  every  guest
            tifications  viewing  them  as  with a refillable water can-
            a  management  structure  teen, which avoids the po-
            providing the framework of  tential of 290,000 single-use
            the  platform  to  build  and  plastic water bottles being
            grow a successful program  destined for Aruba’s landfill
            that  continues  providing  •       Gray  water  is  sani-
            a  safe  setting  for  guests  tized and used for irrigation
            and  staff  while  protecting  •    Healthy     Portions
            the  environment  for  gen-  sensibly  sized  meals  re-
            erations to come. Over the  duced  plated  food  waste
            years, the resort has earned  by 30%                      dry  equipment  requires  •         Sustainable  cooling  Achieving climate neutral-
            certifications for LEED Gold,  •    Eco-fitness   tread-  shorter cycles to wash, less  system.  Variable  Refriger-  ity and journeying beyond
            ISO  14001  and  9001,  Trav-  mills and bicycles let guests  water and les hot water  ant  Flow  A/C  installed  al-  Bucuti  &  Tara’s  sustainabil-
            elife  Gold,  Green  Globe  burn  calories  while  simul-  •     In-room      energy  lowing  system  use  only  as  ity  success  is  one  Biemans
            Platinum with this year mar-  taneously  generating  kilo-  management  system  and  needed.                        openly invites others to use
            keting the first perfect score  watts that are sent directly  sensors.  Triggered  by  mo-  In  August  2018,  it  became  as a resource. The property
            in Green Globe’s history.    to the resort’s power grid   tion and doors to regulate  the  Caribbean’s  first  car-  routinely  hosts  professors,
                                         •      Streamlined     pro-  energy  consumption  and  bon-neutral  hotel  and  re-    students  and  researchers
            Achieving climate neutrali-  curement  and  transporta-   limit  temperature  range.  mains  the  only  one  to  this  just as easily as foreign dig-
            ty required a careful exami-  tion  reduce  unnecessary  Average savings: 32-38%.      day.  The  resort  does  not  nitaries and industry associ-
            nation  of  every  standard  shipments  and  local  pur-  •      Waste     diversions.  see this as crossing the fin-  ates seeking knowledge for
            operating  procedure  at  chasing is key                  62% diverted from landfill by  ish line, rather the very day  implementing  eco-friendly
            the resort, both direct and  •      Staff  are  incentiv-  donating all food waste to  after it was certified carbon  initiatives.
            indirect  for  emissions  such  ized  to  take  public  trans-  pig farmers, recycling glass  neutral, it began its pursuit
            as energy smart appliances  portation or carpool          and  cardboard,  repurpos-   of carbon negative.                 Continued on Page 10
            to business travel. While the  •    Ozone-based  laun-    ing/donating linen/towels.
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