Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220922
P. 26

a26     obituario/u.s. news
               Diahuebs 22 september 2022

                                                                                                                     Senate ratifies

                                                                                                               international climate

                                                                                                                deal on refrigerants

              The swirling and shimmering leaf                Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
              Lands softly                                    Laga  tur  locual  cu  mi  encontra  na  caminda  ta
              -      Debbie                                   bunita
                                                              Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y
                                                              Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.
                                                              Cado Wever.

                                                              Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  anuncia
                                                              fayecimento di:

                                                                                                             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  In  a  major  action
                                                                                                             to  address  climate  change,  the  Senate  on
                                                                                                             Wednesday  ratified  an  international  agree-
              Deborah Ann Taylor Williams                                                                    ment  that  compels  the  United  States  and
                               “Debbie”                                                                      other  countries  to  limit  use  of  hydrofluo-
                           29-5-41  -  18-9-22                                                               rocarbons,  highly  potent  greenhouse  gases
                                                                                                             commonly used in refrigeration and air con-
              Celebrating her life:                                                                          ditioning  that  are  far  more  powerful  than
              Children              Lucia and Kees                                                           carbon dioxide.
                                    Paul and Maureen
                                    Kai and Eveline             Christine E. D. C. Gamez Galezo              The  so-called  Kigali  Amendment  to  the  1987
                                                                       *28-08-2019 - †11-09-2022             Montreal  Protocol  on  ozone  pollution  requires
              Grandchildren                                                                                  participating  nations  to  phase  down  production
              Aaron, Taco, Sean, Sam, Thije, Sverre           Na nomber di su:                               and  use  of  hydrofluorocarbons,  also  known  as
                                                              Mayornan:      Erick y Christina Gamez Galero
              Brother                                                                                        HFCs, by 85% over the next 14 years, as part of a
              John and Caroline                               Rumannan:                                      global phaseout intended to slow climate change.
                                                              Christy-Ann Semeleer
              Nephews                                                                                        The Senate approved the treaty, 69-27, above the
              Caleb, Jared, Nathaniel and their families      Danilo Semeleer                                two-thirds margin required for ratification.
                                                              Christian Alexander Gamez Galero
              Friends near and far                            Edrick Gamez Galero                            HFCs  are  considered  a  major  driver  of  global
              Many  heartfelt  thanks  to  all  medical  and  nursing   Caroline “Alexia” Gamez Galero       warming and are being targeted worldwide. Near-
              professionals that supported us all.                                                           ly  200  nations  reached  a  deal  in  2016  in  Kigali,
              Condolences  may  be  offered  at  Aurora  Funeral   Wela:      Nataly Ras                     Rwanda, to limit HFCs and find substitutes more
              Home on Thursday, September 22 from 6 to 8 PM.   Welo:         Giovanni Tromp y pareha
              Please  wear  cheerful  colors.  In  lieu  of  flowers,   Cesar y Dalila Gamez Galero          friendly  to  the  atmosphere.  More  than  130  na-
              please  make  a  donation  to  your  favorite  charity.   Bisawela:    Rosa Ras                tions, including China, India and Russia, have for-
              Debbie’s choice would be The Donkey Sanctuary   Anastacia Gamez                                mally ratified the agreement, which scientists say
              or Fundacion pa Nos Communidad. A box will be                                                  could help the world avoid a half-degree Celsius
              available.                                      Cecilia Galero                                 of global warming.
              Cremation will take place privately.            Juan Tromp                                     President Joe Biden pledged to embrace the Ki-
                                                              †Martiniano Galero                             gali  deal  during  the  2020  presidential  campaign
              A Celebration Of Life will be organized at a later   Manera Wela: Anagaly Erasmus              and  submitted  the  agreement  to  the  Senate  last
              date.                                                                                          year, months after the Environmental Protection
                                                              T antanan:                                     Agency proposed a rule that would limit U.S. pro-
                                                              Valeria Tromp y yiu                            duction and use of HFCs in line with Kigali. The
                                                              Givianca T romp                                EPA rule, in turn, followed a 2020 law passed by
                                                              Jovaneska Gamez y yiunan                       Congress authorizing a 15-year phaseout of HFCs
                                                              Jennifer Gamez y yiu                           in the U.S.
                                                              Rodger y Nallelys Gamez y yiunan
                                                              AlexanderGamez                                 "The Kigali Amendment will be one of the most
                                                              Primo y prima: Diaman, Jathal, Adon, Anastacia,   significant  bipartisan  measures  the  Senate  takes
              “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios, maske mi no ta na e   Rosemary, Victoria, Mia                 on  all  year,''  said  Senate  Majority  Leader  Chuck
              mundo aki, tur dia lo mi ta banda di boso Curazon,   Pepe:      Rose-Ann  y  Sednji  Sambo  y
              mi por stens di loke Señor ta hasi”             yiunan                                         Schumer, D-N.Y.
              Salmo 33                                        Madrina:       Medilyse Zievinger y yiunan
                                                              Padrino:       Rigal Luidens                   By ratifying the treaty, "not only will we protect
              Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa                                               our  planet,''  Schumer  said  Tuesday,  but  senators
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                                  also  will  provide  "a  golden  opportunity  to  help
                                                              Amigo di cas: Leonardo y Gloria Chong y famia,   American  businesses  dominate  in  an  emerging
                                                              Rashid y Malyn van Bergen y yiunan, Leidymar   (global) business'' of refrigerants that do not rely
                                                              y Glembert Kock y yiunan, Gina y Raul Aparicio  on HFCs.

                                                              Oportunidad  pa  condolencia:  Aurora  Funeral   "If we fail to ratify the amendment, the rest of the
                                                              Home, diabierna 23 di September 2022 di 7:00
                                                              pa 9:00 di anochi.                             world is going to move on without us,'' Schumer
                                                                                                             said. "Without Kigali, we're going to play second
                     Hyacintho F. Kock                                                                       fiddle to nations like China, whose businesses will
                      Cariñosamente yama “Chinto”             Ta invita pa e acto d entiero cu lo tuma lugar   surpass  ours  in  developing  viable  HFC  alterna-
                                                              diasabra  24  di  September  2022  na  misa  Santa
                        *10-09-1934 - †20-09-2022                                                            tives, taking jobs that by all rights belong here in
                                                              Annadi 2:00 pa 4:00 di atardi, despues lo sali pa   America.''
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues        Santana catolico na Noord.
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