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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 22 september 2022

                          US Embassy in Cuba to process full immigrant visas in 2023

            (AP)  —  The  Biden  administration  U.S. sooner than conventionally allowed.
            said Wednesday that the U.S. Embas-
            sy in Cuba will begin processing full  Under accords with Cuba, the U.S. has
            immigrant visas in early 2023, making  committed  to  ensuring  the  legal  migra-
            it  easier  for  Cubans  to  reunite  with  tion  of  at  least  20,000  Cubans  annually,
            family members in the United States.    not including immediate relatives of U.S.
            The  embassy  in  Havana  had  last  pro-
            cessed full immigrant visas in 2017. The  Attempted  border  crossings  by  Cubans
            U.S. government will also stop requiring  has increased sharply over the past year,
            Cubans seeking visas in family preference  according to data issued Monday by the
            categories to travel to Georgetown, Guy-  U.S.  Customs  and  Border  Protection.
            ana, for their interviews.              U.S. officials stopped Cubans who were
                                                    trying to enter the U.S. 19,057 times in
            Additional  government  personnel  will  August,  a  more  than  four-fold  increase
            staff  the  embassy  to  handle  the  visa  re-  from August 2021.
            quests. The added personnel are part of
            the commitment stemming from the re-    Border crossings have been fueled partly
            sumption of the Cuban Family Reunifica-  by  repeat  crossers  because  there  are  no
            tion Parole program last month. The 2007  legal  consequences  for  getting  expelled
            program enables U.S. citizens and lawful  under a pandemic-era rule known as Title
            permanent  residents  to  apply  for  their  42. That rule denies a right to seek asy-
            family members in Cuba to come to the  lum.

                            Ex-cop Lane gets 3 years for role in George Floyd's death

            (AP)  —  A  former  Minneapolis  Chauvin's.                             the judge ended the proceeding, but  worldwide reckoning over racial in-
            police officer who was sentenced                                        before the video session ended. Lane  justice.
            Wednesday to three years in pris-   "I  gotta  register  as  a  predatory  of-  added: "That's what Chauvin has to
            on for aiding and abetting man-     fender? What the (expletive) is that?"  do. If I have a minimal role, why the  Lane  is  already  serving  a  2  1/2-year
            slaughter in the killing of George  Thomas  Lane,  who  pleaded  guilty  (expletive) do I have to do that?"  federal sentence after being convict-
            Floyd  became  angry  when  he  earlier  this  year  to  aiding  and  abet-                                 ed this year of violating Floyd's civil
            erroneously  thought  he  might  ting  second-degree  manslaughter,  Lane's  remarks  were  in  response  to  rights,  and  he  appeared  at  Wednes-
            have to register as a predatory of-  said after his sentencing hearing. The  the  judge's  instruction  for  Lane  to  day's hearing via video from the low-
            fender, saying his role was "mini-  hearing was held remotely via video,  register  as  a  predatory  offender  "if  security federal prison camp in Little-
            mal" when compared with Derek  and  Lane  made  the  comment  after  required by law" — something legal  ton, Colorado.
                                                                                    experts told The Associated Press is
                                                                                    fairly standard language in Minnesota  As part of his plea agreement in the
                                                                                    criminal cases, but that neither Lane  state  case,  prosecutors  dropped  a
                                                                                    nor  Chauvin  would  be  required  to  more  serious  count  of  aiding  and
                                                                                    do. Lane's attorney, Earl Gray, told his  abetting second-degree unintentional
                                                                                    client he would look into the matter.  murder.  They  also  said  they  would
                                                                                                                        seek  a  sentence  of  three  years  and
                                                                                    Floyd,  46,  died  in  May  2020  after  that he could serve it at the same time
                                                                                    Chauvin, who is white, pinned him  as the federal one, and in federal cus-
                                                                                    to the ground with a knee on Floyd's  tody. That state sentence is below the
                                                                                    neck  as  the  Black  man  repeatedly  sentencing guidelines that range be-
                                                                                    said  he  couldn't  breathe.  Lane,  who  tween 41 and 57 months.
                                                                                    is  white,  held  down  Floyd's  legs.  J.
                                                                                    Alexander Kueng, who is Black, knelt  Prosecutor Matt Frank said Wednes-
                                                                                    on Floyd's back, and Tou Thao, who  day that a lower sentence was appro-
                                                                                    is  Hmong  American,  kept  bystand-  priate because Lane played a "some-
                                                                                    ers  from  intervening  during  the  9  what  less  culpable  role"  in  Floyd's
                                                                                    1/2-minute restraint.               death, adding, "there were moments
                                                                                                                        when Mr. Lane tried to change what
                                                                                    The  killing,  captured  on  bystander  was going on that day."
                                                                                    video,  sparked  protests  as  part  of  a

                Florida highway covered in Coors Light

                                  beer after semi crash

            (AP) — A Florida highway  the  Florida  Highway  Patrol  was  filled  with  cases  of  the
            had  to  temporarily  close  said in a news release.      Silver Bullet beer.
            Wednesday  after  a  semi-
            trailer  carrying  cases  of  The pileup began when one  Minor injuries were reported
            Coors  Light  crashed  and  semitrailer  clipped  another  by the occupants of the pick-
            turned the roadway into a  while  changing  lanes,  offi-  up  truck,  the  news  release
            silver sea of beer cans.     cials  said.  That  forced  other  said.
                                         semis to brake, but one failed
            The  multi-vehicle  crash  oc-  to  stop  and  collided  with  a  The inside shoulder and trav-
            curred shortly after 6 a.m. in  pickup truck and another one  el lanes were opened to traf-
            the southbound lanes of In-  of the stopping semis.       fic by 8:30 a.m., and the rest
            terstate 75 about 30 miles (48                            of the roadway was reopened
            kilometers) north of Tampa,  The semi that failed to stop  around noon, troopers said.
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