Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220922
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 22 september 2022
2 American veterans captured in Ukraine released
ence with weapons, Shaw
The Saudi embassy released a said previously. Drueke pon-
statement saying it had medi- dered whether to go for a
ated the release of 10 prison- few weeks, she said, and then
ers from Morocco, the Unit- made up his mind and left in
ed States, the United King- mid-April.
dom, Sweden and Croatia.
Shaw confirmed that Drueke Huynh moved to north Ala-
and Huynh were part of the bama two years ago from his
group. native California and lives
about 120 miles (193 kilo-
The United Kingdom con- meters) from Drueke. Before
firmed that five British na- leaving for Europe, Huynh
tionals had been released, and told his local newspaper, The
lawmaker Robert Jenrick said Decatur Daily, he couldn't
one of them was Aiden Aslin, stop thinking about Russia's
28, who had been sentenced invasion.
to death after he was captured
in eastern Ukraine. "I know it wasn't my prob-
lem, but there was that gut
"Aiden's return brings to an feeling that I felt I had to
end months of agonising do something," Huynh told
uncertainty for Aiden's lov- the paper. "Two weeks after
ing family in Newark who the war began, it kept eating
suffered every day of Aiden's me up inside and it just felt
(AP) — Two U.S. military Russian border June 9. Both tody of the U.S. embassy in sham trial but never lost wrong. I was losing sleep. ...
veterans who disappeared had traveled to Ukraine on Saudi Arabia and after medi- hope. As they are united as a All I could think about was
while fighting Russia with their own and became friends cal checks and debriefing family once more, they can the situation in Ukraine."
Ukrainian forces have because both are from Ala- they will return to the states," finally be at peace," Jenrick
been released after about bama. the statement said. tweeted. The two men bonded over
three months in captivity, their home state and were to-
relatives said Wednesday. The families announced Shaw said both men have Drueke joined the Army gether when their unit came
their release in a joint state- spoken with relatives in the at age 19 after the terror at- under heavy fire. Relatives
Alex Drueke, 39, and Andy ment from Dianna Shaw, an United States and are in tacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and spoke with Drueke several
Huynh, 27, went missing in aunt of Drueke. "pretty good shape," accord- he believed he could help times by phone while the two
the Kharkiv region of north- ing to an official with the Ukrainian fighters because were being held.
eastern Ukraine near the "They are safely in the cus- U.S. embassy. of his training and experi-
Trump accused of vast fraud in suit by NY attorney general
(AP) — New York's attor- TV host on "The Apprentice" General's political agenda," New York corporation or taxed perks to senior execu-
ney general sued former and "Celebrity Apprentice," accusing James of abusing similar business entity regis- tives, including its longtime
President Donald Trump and later as president. her authority "by prying into tered and/or licensed in New finance chief Weisselberg,
and his company for fraud transactions where absolutely York State. who alone took more than
on Wednesday, alleging James wants Trump and the no wrongdoing has taken $1.7 million in extras.
they padded his net worth other defendants to pay at place." She also seeks to permanent-
by billions of dollars by least $250 million, which ly bar Weisselberg and Mc- In May, Trump paid $110,000
lying about the value of she said was the approximate Habba said the allegations in Conney from serving in the in fines after he was held in
prized assets including worth of the benefits it got the lawsuit are "meritless." financial control function of contempt of court for being
golf courses, hotels and through fraudulent practices. any New York corporation or slow to respond to a subpoe-
his homes at Trump Tow- James is seeking to remove similar business entity regis- na James' office issued seek-
er and Mar-a-Lago. James, a Democrat, an- the Trumps from businesses tered and/or licensed in New ing documents and other evi-
nounced details of the law- engaged in the alleged fraud York State. dence. The contempt finding
Attorney General Letitia suit at a news conference on and wants an independent was lifted in June after Trump
James dubbed it: "The art of Wednesday. She said her of- monitor appointed for no less The Trump Organization is and his lawyers submitted
the steal." fice filed the case — which is than five years to oversee the set to go on trial in October paperwork showing they had
civil, not criminal in nature Trump Organization's com- in a criminal case alleging made a good faith effort to
James' lawsuit, filed in state — after rejecting settlement pliance, financial reporting, that it schemed to give un- find relevant documents.
court in New York, is the offers made by lawyers for valuations and disclosures to
culmination of a three-year the defendants. lenders, insurers and tax au-
civil investigation of Trump thorities.
and the Trump Organization. James said her investigation
Trump's three eldest chil- uncovered potential criminal She is seeking to replace the
dren, Donald Jr., Ivanka and violations, including falsify- current trustees of Trump's
Eric Trump, were also named ing business records, issuing revocable trust, which con-
as defendants, along with two false financial statements, trols his business interests,
longtime company execu- insurance fraud, conspiracy with independent trustees,
tives, Allen Weisselberg and and bank fraud. She said her to bar Trump and the Trump
Jeffrey McConney. office is referring those find- Organization from entering
ings to federal prosecutors into commercial real estate
The lawsuit strikes at the core and the Internal Revenue acquisitions for five years,
of what made Trump famous, Service. from obtaining loans from
taking a blacklight to the im- Trump lawyer Alina Habba banks in New York for five
age of wealth and opulence said the lawsuit "is neither fo- years and permanently bar
he's embraced throughout his cused on the facts nor the law Trump and three of his adult
career — first as a real estate — rather, it is solely focused children from serving as an
developer, then as a reality on advancing the Attorney officer or director in any