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U.S. NEWS Dialuna 27 September 2021
Alabama lawmakers weigh using virus funds to build prisons
MONTGOMERY, Ala. tion system.
(AP) — Alabama is weigh- Rep. Chris England, D-Tus-
ing the use of $400 mil- caloosa, said there are “obvi-
lion in pandemic relief ously better uses of the mon-
funds to build new pris- ey.” President Joe Biden’s
ons, a proposal that state sweeping $1.9 trillion COV-
Republican leaders say ID-19 rescue package known
would save state taxpayer as the American Rescue Plan
money but that critics ar- was signed in March, provid-
gue is not the intended use ing a stream of funds to states
of the federal aid. and cities to recover from the
Lawmakers on Monday are
scheduled to begin a special A spokesman said the U.S.
session focused on a $1.3 bil- Department of Treasury does
lion prison construction plan not preapprove any specific
to build at least three new uses of the funds and has not
prisons and renovate oth- issued a final rule on usage.
ers. The projects would be Treasury officials say the de-
done in phases and funded partment is monitoring all
with a $785 million bond is- proposed expenditures and
sue, $150 million in general expects any state or local gov-
fund dollars and $400 million ernment that uses state
from the state’s $2.2 billion
share of American Rescue why the virus funds should er restrictions” on how it is used for items such as an ex- and local funds in violation of
Plan funds. be used for prison construc- used. pansion of the state’s Medic- the eligible uses to repay the
tion. aid program to provide medi- misused funds to the federal
Gov. Kay Ivey and Republi- Dev Wakeley, a policy ana- cal coverage to previously government.
can legislative leaders have Republican Sen. Greg Albrit- lyst with Alabama Arise, said uninsured Alabamians and
defended the use of the vi- ton, who chairs the Senate while the state may be le- child care programs. “Con- The Alabama prison con-
rus funds, saying it will en- general fund budget commit- gally able to use the money gress surely did not contem- struction proposal calls for at
able the state to essentially tee, said legislative leaders are for prison construction, the plate, state governments, de- least three new prisons — at
“pay cash” for part of the comfortable they can legally purpose was to do things ciding that well, you know, least a 4,000- bed prison in
construction and avoid using use the money for prison that “will help everyday Ala- we’re just not going to use Elmore County with en-
state dollars as well as paying construction. bamians in their lives, and this money to actually im- hanced space for medical and
interest on a loan. to smooth out the recovery.” prove lives of people ... in- mental health care needs; an-
Albritton said part of the Alabama Arise is an advocacy stead we’re going to blow other at least 4,000-bed pris-
“We don’t have to borrow federal dollars are to replace organization for low-income $400 million on building on in Escambia County; and
quite as much money and pay revenue lost during the pan- families. fancy new prisons that don’t a women’s prison — as well
all that money back,” Ivey demic. He said that pot of even really get at the prob- as renovations to existing fa-
told reporters this week of funds “has many, many few- He said the money could be lems” of the state incarcera- cilities.
US has enough COVID-19 vaccines for boosters, kids’ shots
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — nearing expiration this fall.
With more than 40 mil- While most vaccines can stay
lion doses of coronavirus on the shelf unopened for
vaccines available, U.S. months, once a vial is opened
health authorities said the clock starts ticking. Vac-
they’re confident there cines are only usable for six
will be enough for both to 12 hours, depending on
qualified older Americans the manufacturer, according
seeking booster shots and to the U.S. Food and Drug
the young children for Administration.
whom initial vaccines are Moderna vaccines come in
expected to be approved vials containing 11 to 15 dos-
in the not-too-distant fu- es. Pfizer vials contain up to
ture. six doses and Johnson &
Johnson vials five doses.
The spike in demand — ex-
pected following last week’s “We are going to see more
federal recommendation on doses that go unused over
booster shots — would be time,” said Wisconsin’s
the first significant jump in health secretary, Karen Tim-
months. More than 70 mil- of more doses can easily ac- have plenty of vaccines.” access in countries where berlake. “They come in mul-
lion Americans remain un- commodate those seeking even the most vulnerable tidose files. They don’t come
vaccinated despite the entice- boosters or initial vaccina- Robust supply in the U.S people haven’t had a shot. in nice, tidy individual sin-
ment of lottery prizes, free tion, avoiding a repeat of the enabled President Joe Biden gle-serving packages.”
food or gifts and pleas from frustratingly slow rollout of this week to promise an addi- Among the challenges states State health officials said they
exhausted health care work- COVID-19 vaccines across tional 500 million of Pfizer’s face is not ordering too many have tried to request only
ers as the average number the country early this year. COVID-19 shots to share doses and letting them go to what health care providers
of deaths per day climbed to “I hope that we have the level with the world, doubling the waste. Several states with low and pharmacies expect to
more than 1,900 in recent of interest in the booster ... United States’ global con- vaccination rates, including need from the federal sup-
weeks. that we need more vaccines,” tribution. Aid groups and Idaho and Kansas, have re- ply. Those numbers have
Federal and state health au- Colorado Gov. Jared Polis health organizations have ported throwing away thou- dwindled since the vaccines
thorities said current sup- said Tuesday. “That’s simply pushed the U.S. and other sands of expired doses or are became widely available in
ply and steady production not where we are today. We countries to improve vaccine struggling to use vaccines early spring