Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210927
P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 27 September 2021
Theoneste Bagosora, architect of Rwanda genocide, dies at 80
(AP) — Theoneste Bago- 10 Belgian peacekeepers and
sora, a former Rwandan responsible for the deaths of
army colonel regarded as the Rwandan prime minister
the architect of the 1994 and head of the constitution-
genocide in which more al court.
than 800,000 ethnic Tutsi
and Hutus who tried to He was also found respon-
protect them were killed, sible for organized killings
died in a hospital in Mali of Tutsi at numerous sites in
on Saturday. Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, and
in Gisenyi in the west of the
His son Achille Bagosora an- country.
nounced the death in a Face-
book post: “Rest in Peace, Reacting to the news of
Papa.” Bagosora’s death, Rwanda’s
ambassador to the Nether-
Bagosora was serving a 35- lands, Olivier Nduhungire-
year sentence after being he, said Bagosora didn’t show
found guilty of crimes against remorse for his crimes.
humanity by the then-Inter-
national Criminal Tribunal “The main reasons against
for Rwanda. Bagosora, 80, Bagosora’s request for early
had been sentenced to life in release were that he never
2008 but on appeal his sen- accepted responsibility for
tence was reduced to 35 years genocide, showing no sign
in prison. of remorse or regret; and that
he is a man with a forceful
Known as a hardliner with- personality who at times is
in the National Republican unable to control himself,”
Movement for Democracy him, told The Associated fled into exile in Cameroon. Nduhungirehe said in a
and Development party of The position made him an- Press. Canadian Gen. Romeo He was arrested there in 1996 Twitter post.
Rwandan President Juvenal swerable only to the presi- Dallaire, head of United Na- and flown to face trial in Aru-
Habyarimana, Bagosora in dent. When the president tions peacekeepers in Rwan- sha, Tanzania in 1997. His Bagosora’s application for
1993 was appointed cabinet died in a plane crash, Bagoso- da at the time, described trial began in 2002 and lasted early release was turned
director in the defense min- ra took over the affairs of state Bagosora as the “kingpin” be- until 2007. down earlier this year, with
istry and took control of mili- and ordered the massacre of hind the genocide. the judge ruling that he had
tary and political affairs in the Tutsi, Donat Rutayisire, a Bagosora was found guilty in failed to demonstrate reha-
country. genocide survivor who knew After the genocide, Bagosora connection with the killing of bilitation.
UN and Afghanistan’s Taliban, figuring out how to interact
(AP) - It’s been little more The Taliban wrote to the Assembly leaders’ session on of nations, then you want ab-
than a month since Ka- United Nations requesting Monday. With no meeting yet solutely everyone of the fam- “Taliban does not represent
lashnikov-toting Taliban to address the U.N. General held by the U.N. commit- ily there — even you know, the will of the Afghan peo-
fighters in their signa- Assembly meeting of lead- tee that decides challenges to the distant cousin that not ple,” Afghanistan’s currently
ture heavy beards, high- ers that is underway in New credentials, it appears almost everyone’s proud of,” he said. accredited ambassador to
top sneakers and shalwar York. They argue they have certain that Afghanistan’s “So the U.N. needs Afghani- the U.N. in Geneva, Nasir
kameezes descended on all the requirements needed current ambassador will give stan and countries to demon- Andisha, told The Associated
the Afghan capital and for recognition of a govern- the address this year — or strate the value of many of its Press.
cemented their takeover. ment. The U.N. has effec- that no one will at all. operations.”
Now they’re vying for tively responded to the Tal- If the United Nations recog-
a seat in the club of na- iban’s request by signaling: The U.N. can withhold or In Afghanistan, the Unit- nizes the Taliban’s claim to
tions and seeking what no Not so fast. bestow formal acknowledge- ed Nations can deploy the power, Andisha said, then it
country has given them ment on the Taliban, and weight of its vast aid and sends a corrosive message to
as they attempt to govern Afghanistan, which joined use this as crucial leverage development programs to others — be it in Yemen or
for a second time: interna- the U.N. in 1946 as an early to exact assurances on hu- show just how crucial its of- in Myanmar — that they can
tional recognition of their member state, is scheduled man rights, girls’ access to ten underfunded agencies are take up guns, create violence,
rule. to speak last at the General education and political con- in providing stability and se- join with U.S.-designated
cessions. This is where the curity. The country is facing terrorist groups.
power — and relevance, even multiple humanitarian crises
— of the 76-year-old world and near-total poverty due to “I think for the world, for the
body still holds. fallout from the political situ- United Nations, it’s time to
ation. use this as a leverage,” Andi-
Afghanistan is a good, and sha said.
perhaps extreme, represen- There are already growing
tative case study of precisely calls for aid to be contingent The Taliban’s appointed
why the United Nations was on ensuring girls’ access to U.N. representative, Suhail
founded in the aftermath of education. Despite promis- Shaheen, a former negotia-
World War II, said Rohin- es to be inclusive and open, tor and political spokesman,
ton Medhora, president of the Taliban have yet to allow told The Associated Press
the Center for International older girls back to school, that his government should
Governance Innovation in have curtailed local media be admitted into the club of
Canada. freedoms and returned to nations and that “all borders,
brutal practices like publicly territory and major cities of
“If you’re the U.N. and you hanging dead bodies in city Afghanistan are in our con-
want to represent the family squares. trol.”