Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 9 March 2020
             Preserve & protect our beautiful island:

                                        Have you made your promise to Aruba?

             ORANJESTAD — As the official Des-
             tination  Management  and  Mar-
             keting  Organization  (DMMO)  for
             Aruba, the Aruba Tourism Author-
             ity (A.T.A.) is responsible for coor-
             dinating Aruba’s destination mar-
             keting,  destination  development,
             and  destination  partnerships.  The
             A.T.A. continuously strives to place
             Aruba one step ahead of its com-
             petitors  in  an  effort  to  promote
             Aruba as the preferred Caribbean
             destination  for  both  current  and
             potential visitors.

             With a clear view of what they as-
             pire Aruba to be, the A.T.A. has set
             the positioning and development
             of  Aruba  as  a  desirable  and  sus-
             tainable destination as its clear-cut
             vision. The A.T.A. strives to achieve
             this vision by functioning as an in-  ways that contribute to the com-  sented  with  a  list  of  ‘house  rules’  social  media.  With  your  contribu-
             novative and agile company that     munity’s  economic,  social,  and  that  guide  their  commitment  to  tion to our Code of Conduct, our
             drives prosperity for Aruba through   environmental  well-being  while  Aruba.  These  house  rules  include  ‘One  Happy  Island’  is  protected
             sustainable tourism.                also catering to the needs of our  various do’s and don’ts that touch  and  preserved  for  generations  to
                                                 visitors. In order to materialize the  bases on various topics such as the  come.
             In  accordance  with  the  A.T.A.’s   Code  of  Conduct,  A.T.A.  also  in-  protection and preservation of the
             vision  for  the  future,  A.T.A.  has   troduced the ‘My Promise to Aru-  island’s  flora  and  fauna,  showing  Visit our website
             launched the ‘Code of Conduct’      ba’  campaign.  The  goal  behind  respect  for  the  local  culture  and  us/aruba-promise and make your
             awareness  campaign.  The  Code     this  is  to  encourage  both  locals  heritage,  and  portraying  a  ‘One  promise to Aruba today! q
             of  Conduct  serves  to  encourage   and  visitors  to  pledge  to  acting  Happy  Island’  behavior  by  being
             both  locals  and  visitors  alike  to   kind and responsible while visiting  kind and respectful.
             behave  themselves  in  a  sustain-  Aruba  by  not  bringing  any  harm
             able manner in an effort to ensure   and destruction to themselves, our  The A.T.A. encourages both locals
             that our ‘One Happy Island’ is pre-  natural  environment,  our  cultural  and visitors to make their promise   #arubapromise
             served and protected for the gen-   heritage and our happy people.     to Aruba and hereby contribute to   #mypromise
             erations  to  come/the  future  gen-                                   the achievement of a sustainable    #onehappyisland
             eration.  Hereby,  the  A.T.A.  aims   When making their promise to Aru-  form of tourism on the island. Make
                                                                                    your pledge today and share it on  #aruba
             to  promote  controlled  growth  in   ba, both locals and visitors are pre-
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