Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16
LOCAL Monday 9 March 2020
Aruban born and bred Steve Francees has a passion for photography. Being a local photographer he knows the hidden
gems of this island and captures them in an amazing way. As a Family and Landscape photographer Steve is ready to create
your next ‘vacation memories’, morning and/or sunset shots. T: (297) 738-0777, M:, and
129 years of marriage in two couples Yes, I feel sad
There are great hobbies that we have here in Aruba and that’s fish-
ing and watersports. Yes, I like soccer and baseball too but fishing is
The best location to celebrate any anniversary is here in Aruba and so did Tuke and Flor- like in our genes. Nine days ago a very experienced fisherman Pau
ence celebrating their 66th Marriage anniversary, 3rd and 4th from right to left. Joined by Jim Martijn went fishing at Baho, that’s about one and a half hour south
and Joanne and also celebrating 63 years of happy marriage on the happy beach here in of Aruba and till today he is lost at sea. Let’s pray and hope that the
Aruba. What a big blessings and we all wish these two couples many more years of happi- recue team will find him.
ness and good health.
Algemene Rekenkamer in Oranjestad Drone photo of Palm Beach
I do like the façades of the Dutch architecture and this can be seen all over in Oranjestad.
Buildings like the Algemene Rekenkamer(Court of Audit) and also the Amsterdam Manor The first hotel in the area was the Hotel Basi-Ruti and was built in 1947
Resort do have this style of design. Don’t leave Aruba without a walk in the downtown area
and appreciate all this Dutch architecture in Oranjestad. We do have a free tram that will just after WW2. From then the tourist industry started and now this area
take you thru the whole downtown so take my word and sure you will learn a lot of our down- is totally developed. Morning walks at Palm Beach is just amazing
town history. and you can start from Fisherman’s hut and walk the whole beach
strip and then join the Eagle Beach. Just between La Cabana and
Phoenix you must skip the rocks.