Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
Monday 9 March 2020
The future economy of the Caribbean
seen shock. While action is worry everything will be al-
taken to contain and miti- right” is not realistic. Surreal-
gate the outbreak, a global ism is an art form and not
recession is likely, and the a form of socio-economic
Caribbean will also be af- development. Whenever
fected. Global recessions these kinds of comfort-
are known to have an im- ing phrases are used, they
pact over a two-year pe- should be placed under
riod. Now is the time to be the sub-category “Social
prepared for what comes work in the economy”.
The greatest peril for any
January 23, 2020 - Carib- government, organization,
bean Travel Marketplace: business and its executives
“The record-breaking feats is: “Not knowing, what you
made by the Caribbean in don’t know!” Does that
2019 are expected to con- sound crazy? It isn’t! Let me
tinue into 2020, the Carib- explain. If you know what
bean’s two major tourism you don’t know, you shop
advocacy organizations, for it and get the informa-
the Caribbean Hotel and tion somewhere, then up-
By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert difficult situation with low velopments around the Tourism Association (CHTA) date it, and act accord-
growth, high debt, fiscal spread of the novel coro- and the Caribbean Tourism ingly. If you don’t know
ORANJESTAD — Many Ca- deficits, and low domestic navirus around the world, Organization (CTO), have what you don’t know, it
ribbean economies find private sector investments. economies worldwide will predicted,” a media report means that something is
themselves already in a Because of the current de- be dealing with an unfore- reads. developing beyond your
horizon or radar screen
Yet, predictions don't al- that may have an impact
ways square with reality. on you sooner or later. You
Now, about two months may be in danger of losing
later, one would consider control or subject to tak-
these statements to be ing fatalities into account.
euphoric and one would But, not knowing what you
tend to believe to have don’t know could also be
been in the wrong film. It is rephrased into “You don’t
hard to believe in another know what you’re missing,
boom year; on the con- or you don’t know what’s
trary a looming recession is ahead!” Explore for dan-
more likely with all its con- gers as well as opportuni-
sequences for the island ties.
economies, but especially
the communities. Someone Continued on next page
who still preaches “Don’t