Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Monday 9 March 2020
Continued from previous page tourism and travel clientele business of making mon-
abroad will change. Don’t ey, benefits, profit, salary,
By now, we are probably try sidetracking by “yes, etc. Did you know that the
agreeing that we live in a but...” or “well, oh…”. What pay-off of innovation is the
time of uncertainty. What solutions will we come up highest where the uncer-
is the problem that really with? Are we able to re- tainty is the highest? Isn’t
may affect us? It is not the spond well to changes in that great to hear in a time
infamous virus outbreak! market behavior? of uncertainty? Innova-
It causes a chain reaction tion has been defined as
and a crack in the image. Are the Caribbean econo- “Change that creates a
What part of the chain re- my models aging? Yes, in a new dimension of perfor-
action may affect us? At combination of probabilis- mance.” I’ll subscribe to
this time, we already need tic aging and proximal ag- that. Dare to think different-
to look ahead and beyond ing. Please don’t let me get ly about the economy and
what is happening in the into explaining what that business can be changed.
next months or even next means, just trust me. It does How things can be done
years. sound quite bad, doesn’t smarter. Daring to think be-
it? Rejuvenation is what is yond the conventional way
Source markets and con- needed, and it should result of thought is part of the rec-
sumers will make adjust- in youthful vigor and ap- ipe. Change is better than
ments to their situation over pearance. Rejuvenation more of the same. How-
the coming months. Where is a repair of damage that ever, the common belief is
these adjustments have is associated with aging or still that if something merely
worked, they’re not likely to replacement of damaged smells new it should be
change in the future. The components with new called innovation. In some
ways of looking at expen- components. Refreshment cases that would imply that
ditures and travel behav- and innovations are need- changing underwear is an
ior may change. One must ed in the economy and its innovation.
be ready to respond to the prevailing industry, tourism.
market and the best way Actually, the rejuvenation Here is something to think About the author. Cdr. Bud Slabbaert is the Chairman and
is to offer a new concept, is more about how we do about and it is not even Coordinator of the Caribbean Aviation Meetup, an annual
new products or services things throughout the in- an innovation: The biggest results and solution oriented conference for stakeholders
that differ from what was dustry including transporta- market for the Caribbean of ‘airlift’ in the Caribbean which will be held June 16-18 on
offered before the down- tion, travel and hospitality. might be the Caribbean it- St.Maarten. Mr. Slabbaert’s background is accentuated by
turn situation. Patterns of self. q aviation business development, strategic communication,
and journalism.
consumer behavior of the We are all somehow in the