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A28    u.s. news
                     Diabierna 17 Juni 2022

                                                                  Election deniers quiet on fraud claims after

                                                                                               primary wins

                                                             (AP)  -  Nevada  Republican
                                                             Jim  Marchant  insisted  there
                                                             hadn’t been a legitimate elec-
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin                tion in his state in more than
              falta di nada                                  a  decade.  All  of  Nevada’s
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta                 election  winners  since  2006,
              ponemi sosega.
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    he  said  on  a  recent  podcast,
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       were  “installed  by  the  deep-
              Salmo: 23                                      state cabal.”
              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                             But  when  Marchant  won  the
                                                             Republican nomination for Ne-

               Dayenn Melony                                 vada secretary of state this week,
                                                             he  immediately  celebrated  the
                     Tromp                                   victory as legitimate.
              Mihor conoci como: “Enchi, Nene, Mosa”
              *22-02-1993 - †06-06-2022
                                                             “I  am  beyond  humbled  by  the
              Na nomber di su:                               overwhelming  support  of  our
              Yiu: Jayrick Dayneall Felisia                  campaign. Nevadans made their                                   not  have  standing  to  sue  other
              Tata di su yiu: Jeric Kenrick Felisia          voices  heard,”  Marchant  de-  In  Pennsylvania,  Republican  states  over  how  they  conduct
              Mama y tata:
              †Omira Mirella Tromp y Douglas Garces Colina   clared on social media.         nominee  for  governor  Doug  their  elections.  And  the  state
                                                             Such  inconsistency  has  become  Mastriano  spearheaded  a  state  bar  moved  to  discipline  Paxton
              Rumannan:                                      a  hallmark  of  election  deniers  Senate hearing in which witness-  just  days  after  his  primary  win,
              Omayra Tromp                                   in  Republican  primary  contests  es  —  including  former  Trump  claiming his leading role in pe-
              Darrien Tromp                                  across  the  U.S.  in  this  year’s  campaign  attorneys  Jenna  Ellis  titioning the Supreme Court to
              Dayanira Tromp Y Miguel Angel Koolman
                                                             midterms. Dozens of GOP can-    and Rudy Giuliani — aired false  block  Biden’s  victory  was  “dis-
              Sobrino(a)nan: Giomar Richardson, Lymaira Webb,   didates who sought former Pres-  claims  about  mass  voter  fraud.  honest.”
              Myrick Dabian, Daynah Tromp, Mi-Kaylee Koolman,   ident  Donald  Trump’s  backing  Mastriano  also  was  outside  the  State  and  federal  election  of-
              Dey-Viön Koolman                               in Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania,  U.S.  Capitol  when  a  mob  of  ficials  across  the  country  and
                                                             Texas and elsewhere have spent  Trump  supporters  stormed  the  Trump’s  own  attorney  general
              Suegra: Caroline y Avelino Krozzendijk-Hernandez
              Wela y welo: †Elizabeth Tromp y †Lionel Brenborg  months  parroting  his  baseless  building during the deadly 2021  have said there is no credible ev-
              Madrina y padrino: Jessica Petrocchi           claims of 2020 election fraud but  insurrection.  And  he  later  tried  idence the election was tainted.
              Ernesto Erasmus                                then  declared  victory  without  to bring a partisan election audit  The  former  president’s  allega-
              Swa y cuñanan: Stacey Felisia y Jose Falcon    raising  such  concerns  in  their  to  Pennsylvania  before  he  was  tions of fraud also were roundly
              Abel y Abilaysha Hernandez-Villalobos          own elections.                  stripped of his committee chair-  rejected by courts, including by
              Tanta y omonan:
              Zoraida Tromp y yiunan                         Amid  such  seeming  hypocrisy,  manship by his own party.      judges he appointed.
              Myrna Tromp y yiunan                           many Republican candidates are
              †Junior Tromp                                  still vowing to pursue a series of  Mastriano made no mention of  But  after  nearly  two  years  of
              Marianela Tromp y yiunan                       election reforms that could make  voter fraud as he declared victory  Trump’s  constant  claims  that
              Jessica y Rufino Petrocchi y yiunan            it more difficult to vote — par-  in  Pennsylvania’s  Republican  the election was “stolen,” which
              Bianca Tromp y yiunan
              †Natalie Tromp y yiu                           ticularly for those who tradition-  primary for governor last month.  have  been  embraced  by  hun-
              Richard Tromp y yiunan                         ally support Democrats — in the                                 dreds  of  Republican  candidates
              Carina y Kurt Mc Kenzi y yiunan                name of election integrity.     “God  is  good,”  a  smiling  Mas-  across the U.S. seeking his sup-
              Judith y Julio Gross y yiunan                                                  triano told cheering supporters.  port, an extraordinary number of
              †Jairo Tromp y yiu                                                                                             Americans have lost faith in the
              Ruben Colina y Raiza y yiunan na Venezuela     Democratic  National  Commit-
              Yoleida Colina y Rufo y yiunan na Venezuela    tee Chair Jamie Harrison warned  The  Mastriano  campaign  de-  U.S. election system.
              Prima(o)nan: Jonathan lake y yiunan, Gregory Lake y   that  “MAGA  Republicans  will  clined to respond to a question
              Rosemary y yiunan, Suhael Lake y Alfred Bernabela y   do  anything  in  their  desperate  about the apparent double stan-  Only  45%  of  U.S.  adults  said
              yiunan, Sulina y Jesus Sanchez y yiu, †Marlon Tromp,   chase for power.”       dard.                           they have significant confidence
              Brian y yiunan na Hulanda, Jean Carlo Tromp y yiunan,
              Marco y yiunan na Hulanda, Robertico y yiunan na                               Texas Attorney General Ken Pax-  that votes in the 2022 midterm
              Hulanda, Ricky Hodge “Doy” y yiunan, Jemilex Tromp   “From undermining our democ-  ton also ignored questions about  election  will  be  counted  accu-
              y yiunan, Evangerino Tromp y yiu, Marvick Charles   racy  by  spreading  Trump’s  Big  his  contradictory  positions  on  rately, and 30% have some con-
              y Dayelin Romero y yiunan, Evion, Julio Jr Gross y   Lie,  to  laying  the  groundwork  voter fraud.           fidence,  according  to  a  Febru-
              yiu, Gabriela Gross, Cassandra Petrocchi y yiu, Kate   to try to cancel votes when they                        ary AP-NORC poll. Democrats
              Petrocchi, Roland Petrocchi, Christopher Petrocchi, Jordy
              Tromp y Suheili y yiu, Antonio y yiunan na Venezuela,   don’t  agree  with  the  outcome,  Paxton  won  his  fiercely  con-  were much more likely than Re-
              Jose y yiunan na Venezuela, Jonathan Colina y yiunan   but  falling  silent  if  they  win,  tested  primary  last  month  after  publicans  to  be  very  confident,
              na Venezuela, Martina Colina y yiu na Venezuela, Raizar   this is today’s Republican Party,”  spending  much  of  the  last  year  66% vs. 24%.
              Colina na Venezuela, Richard Tromp, Jean-Pierre   Harrison  told  The  Associated  championing  Trump’s  bogus
              y Tanisha y yiu na Hulanda, Jairo Jr. Tromp, Jersey,   Press.
              Marijean “Sugiero” Tromp y yiunan, Jean Paul Tromp                             claims  of  election  fraud.  In  the  Polling continues to show most
              na Hulanda, Denisa Gross y Juan Luis Perez y yiunan,                           aftermath  of  Joe  Biden’s  presi-  Republicans  have  doubts  about
              Giselle Tromp, Ginon Tromp, tambe demas primo(a)nan   In  Nevada  on  Tuesday,  March-  dential win, Paxton filed a legal  the 2020 presidential election. In
              na Venezuela.                                  ant was among a slate of election  challenge to the election results  July 2021, 68% of adults -- but
              Bon amiganan manera ruman; Jennely Brito, Isa Helder,   deniers who secured their places  in  four  battleground  states.  He  only 33% of Republicans -- said
              Stephanie Rollock
              Tur su hendenan cu tabata cune full su proceso na   on the November ballot without  asked  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  Biden  was  legitimately  elected
              Hulanda: Dayana, Xanthe, Vanessa, Carissa      questioning the legitimacy of the  to set them aside and allow the  president,  according  to  an  AP-
              Grupo di oracion Talmidim                      results. The group included can-  Republican-controlled state leg-  NORC  poll.  Sixty-six  percent
              Bon bisiñanan y nan ser keri                   didates for Senate, state treasurer  islatures  to  determine  the  win-  of  Republicans  said  he  was  not
              Famianan na Aruba, Curacao, Venezuela y Hulanda  and  a  Las  Vegas-area  congres-  ner.                       legitimately elected.
              Nos disculpa si nos por a lubida cualkier famia y of
              conocir den nos tristeza.  Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar   sional  seat.  That’s  even  as  the
              diabierna 17 di juni 2022 na Aurora Funeral Home di 2’or   majority of counties relied upon  Seventeen  other  Republican  In addition to key state officials,
              pa 4’or di atardi, despues saliendo pa Santanacentraal na   Dominion  voting  machines,  state attorneys general supported  several  Trump-backed  Senate
              Sabana Basora.                                 which continue to be the target  the effort.                    candidates promoted the specter
              Ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no ta ricibi bishita di   of conspiracy theories by Trump                 of  election  fraud  over  and  over
              condolencia na cas.
                                                             and his allies.                 The high court rejected the chal-  — except when delivering their
              Deseo di famia ta pa bin bisti na paña colorido.  The  phenomenon  extends  well  lenge  three  days  after  the  law-  primary  victory  speeches  in  re-
              No mag uza celular pa saca potret dia di entiero  beyond Nevada.               suit was filed, finding Texas did  cent weeks.
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