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A30    world news
                     Diabierna 17 Juni 2022

                           Leaders pledge arms and EU path for Ukraine in Kyiv visit

                                                                                    emnly noting how the end of World  whelmed  amid  largescale  hunger  in
                                                                                    War  I  had  sown  the  seeds  of  World  the Southern Hemisphere.
                                                                                    War II.                             "We  want  the  atrocities  to  stop  and
                                                                                    "We are side by side today with Chan-  we  want  peace,"  Draghi  said.  "But
                                                                                    cellor  Scholz.  One  hundred  years  Ukraine  must  defend  itself,  and  it
                                                                                    ago, we were at war and allies helped  will  be  Ukraine  that  chooses  the
                                                                                    France win. France committed a his-  peace it wants."
                                                                                    toric mistake. It lost the peace because
                                                                                    it wanted to humiliate Germany. The  The leaders also visited Irpin, a Kyiv
                                                                                    question  of  humiliation  I  always  suburb that saw intense fighting and
                                                                                    placed in a context to come, not the  where  many  civilians  were  killed.
                                                                                    current context," he said. "Today, this  They  decried  the  destruction  there,
                                                                                    war must be won, France clearly sup-  with Macron saying he saw signs of
                                                                                    ports Ukraine so it prevails," Macron  "war crimes."
                                                                                    said. "Germany, like France, will nev-  While shocking images of such dev-
                                                                                    er be in situations where they negoti-  astation have rallied Western support,
                                                                                    ate on Ukraine's behalf with Russia.  Ukrainian  officials  have  expressed
                                                                                    Moreover, we have never done that."  concern  that  "war  fatigue"  could
                                                                                    Ukrainians and some of their Euro-  eventually erode that — particularly
                                                                                    pean neighbors also have been afraid  as  rising  prices  and  upcoming  U.S.
            (AP) — Four European leaders ex-    alone can decide its fate," Macron said  that Western powers might press for  elections  increasingly  dominating
            pressed their support for Ukraine  at a news conference with Zelenskyy  territorial concessions for the sake of  public concerns.
            on Thursday while meeting with  and the others.                         peace.
            President  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy,                                                                            The U.S. and its European allies have
            vowing  to  back  Kyiv's  candidacy  Amid  Ukrainian  fears  that  Western  Scholz reiterated that there is no such  given billions of dollars in weaponry
            to  eventually  join  the  European  resolve could wane, the visit carried  intent  to  dictate  anything  to  Ukrai-  to  Ukraine,  and  Germany  and  the
            Union  and  offering  more  weap-   heavy  symbolism.  France,  Germany  nians, and that only they "can decide  U.S.  recently  announced  new  arms
            ons to fend off Russia's invasion.  and Italy have all faced criticism for  what is right in terms of an agreement  shipments. Such arms have been cru-
                                                continuing  to  engage  with  Russian  on a peace which we are unfortunate-  cial in preventing the Russians from
            French President Emmanuel Macron  President Vladimir Putin — and fail-  ly very, very far away from."       taking  the  capital,  but  Kyiv  has  said
            promised  Ukraine  six  more  truck-  ing to give Kyiv the weaponry it says  Italian  Premier  Mario  Draghi  ex-  much more will be needed.
            mounted artillery guns, the latest in  its needs.                       pressed  concern  about  millions  of  A number of other European leaders
            a new round of Western arms pledges                                     tons of grain backed up in Black Sea  have  already  made  the  trip  to  show
            as the war grinds on in the Donbas  With  German  Chancellor  Olaf  ports by the war, saying it could bring  their  solidarity  with  Ukraine,  even
            region in the east.                 Scholz beside him, Macron defended  "worldwide  catastrophe."  Italy  has  when the fighting raged closer to the
            France, Germany, Italy and Romania  earlier comments that riled Ukraini-  been  a  first  destination  for  African  capital than it does now.
            "are doing everything so that Ukraine  ans about not humiliating Russia, sol-  migrants  and  could  find  itself  over-

                          Ethics adviser to scandal-hit UK leader Boris Johnson quits

            (AP)  —  The  ethics  ad-    cial  industry"  which  might  vant's  report  said  the  prime  Geidt's predecessor as ethics  Geidt,  a  former  private  sec-
            viser  to  Britain's  scandal-  "be seen to conflict with our  minister  and  senior  officials  adviser, Alex Allan, also quit,  retary  to  Queen  Elizabeth
            hit  Prime  Minister  Boris  obligations" under the World  must  bear  responsibility  for  stepping down in November  II,  had  been  accused  of  go-
            Johnson  has  quit  and  ac-  Trade Organization.         "failures  of  leadership  and  2020  after  the  prime  minis-  ing  easy  on  top  officials  in
            cused  the  Conservative  The  government  declined  judgment" that created a cul-     ter  ignored  his  finding  that  his  investigations.  Last  year,
            government  of  planning  to  confirm  reports  that  the  ture of rule-breaking in gov-  a  Cabinet  member,  Home  he cleared Johnson of break-
            to  flout  conduct  rules,  industry  is  steelmaking,  cit-  ernment.                 Secretary Priti Patel, had bul-  ing the ministerial code when
            weeks after a separate in-   ing  "commercial  sensitivity."  When he was quizzed by law-  lied her staff and broken the  the  leader  failed  to  disclose
            vestigation  criticized  the  Britain  has  imposed  restric-  makers  this  week,  Geidt  ac-  ministerial  code  of  conduct  that  a  Conservative  party
            U.K. leader for overseeing  tions on imports of Chinese  knowledged  he  felt  "frustra-  — also usually a resigning of-  donor  had  funded  a  pricey
            a  culture  of  government  steel  to  protect  its  domestic  tion" in his job, noting that he  fense.             refurbishment  of  the  prime
            rule-breaking.               industry.                    was  appointed  by  the  prime                            minister's official residence.
                                         Johnson's  government  kept  minister and so not "truly in-  "For  the  prime  minister  to
            Christopher  Geidt  stepped  most of the "steel safeguard"  dependent."                lose one adviser on ministers'  In April, he cleared Treasury
            down late Wednesday as In-   measures  in  place  last  year,                          interests may be regarded as a  chief Rishi Sunak of wrong-
            dependent Adviser on Minis-  overruling  advice  from  its  The resignation of his hand-  misfortune. To lose two looks  doing  over  his  wife's  tax  af-
            ters' Interests, a decision the  trade  advisory  body  to  lift  picked  ethics  adviser  is  the  like  carelessness,"  said  Con-  fairs  and  his  possession  of  a
            government  said  came  as  a  some of them. Ministers are  latest  blow  for  Johnson.  He  servative  lawmaker  William  U.S.  permanent  resident's
            surprise.                    currently considering wheth-  survived  a  no-confidence  Wragg, a critic of Johnson.  card.
                                         er to extend them again.     vote by his own Conservative
            In a resignation letter, which                            Party  last  week  but  was  left
            was  published  Thursday  by  Johnson's  spokesman  said  weakened after 41% of Con-
            the  government,  Geidt  said  "no decisions have been tak-  servative lawmakers voted to
            he was put in an "impossible  en" on what to do about the  remove him.
            and odious position" because  tariffs.                    Johnson  still  faces  a  parlia-
            the prime minister had asked  Geidt had stayed in his job as  mentary  ethics  probe  that
            him  to  advise  on  measures  Johnson was buffeted by al-  could  conclude  he  deliber-
            that would "risk a deliberate  legations about his judgment  ately misled Parliament over
            and purposeful breach of the  and ethics, culminating in the  "partygate"  —  traditionally  a
            Ministerial Code" that regu-  "partygate"  scandal  over  par-  resigning offense.
            lates government conduct.    ties in government buildings
            He did not elaborate but said:  during  Britain's  coronavirus  No  replacement  has  been
            "I can have no part in this."  lockdowns.                 named  for  Geidt.  Johnson's
                                                                      spokesman,  Max  Blain,  said
            In a response, Johnson indi-  Johnson was one of 83 people  the  prime  minister  was  re-
            cated the issue concerned tar-  fined by police for attending  viewing  "how  best  to  carry
            iffs imposed to protect a "cru-  the  parties,  and  a  civil  ser-  out" the ethics role.
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