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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 17 Juni 2022

                             France: Nearly 40 jihadis killed in drone strikes in Niger

              AP)  —  French  drone  Barkhane  said  in  the  state-  ger has become a more reli-
            strikes killed nearly 40 Is-  ment. "In close coordination  able ally after military coups
            lamic  extremists  earlier  with  Niger's  Armed  Forces,  overthrew the democratically
            this  week  who  were  trav-  the Barkhane force conduct-  elected  presidents  of  neigh-
            eling on motorcycles near  ed several strikes against the  boring  Mali  and  Burkina
            Niger's border with Burki-   column. Nearly 40 terrorists  Faso over the last two years.
            na  Faso,  France's  military  were neutralized."
            announced Thursday.                                       Earlier  this  year,  France  an-
                                         Niger's  government  also  is-  nounced it was withdrawing
            In  a  statement,  the  French  sued  a  statement,  saying  the  all its forces from Mali nine
            military  called  the  strikes  jihadis  were  killed  after  an  years  after  the  French  mili-
            a  "new  tactical  success"  for  attack earlier this week killed  tary led an effort that ousted
            France's counterterrorism ef-  eight security forces in south-  Islamic extremists from Tim-
            forts in Africa's Sahel region,  western Niger.           buktu  and  other  centers  in
            named Operation Barkhane.                                 northern Mali. The decision
                                         The  drone  strikes  in  Niger  to withdraw from Mali came
            "Intelligence  obtained  from  come  as  France  reorganizes  amid  increasing  hostility  to-
            Nigerien  units  in  contact  its  military  efforts  in  the  ward the French armed pres-  France has said that it planned  Niger's  southwest  neighbor,
            with  the  column  confirmed  broader Sahel region, the vast  ence  and  tensions  with  the  to reposition its forces from  Burkina  Faso,  which  is  bat-
            that  the  motorcycles  be-  area south of the Sahara Des-  country's leader, who led two  Mali to other countries in the  tling growing jihadi attacks.
            longed  to  an  armed  terror-  ert where it was once a colo-  coups  nine  months  apart  to  Sahel region including Niger.  ___  Associated  Press  writer
            ist  group  moving  between  nial power and still maintains  consolidate his power.    Extremist  violence  is  grow-  Krista Larson in Dakar, Sen-
            Burkina  Faso  and  Niger,"  strong  economic  ties.  Ni-                              ing in the Sahel, including in  egal contributed.

                               India, ASEAN seek to boost ties amid US-China rivalry

                                                                      on food and energy security,  of  formal  "dialogue  partner"  ernment have been excluded
                                                                      prices and supply chains.    relations  between  India  and  from  recent  ASEAN  meet-
                                                                      Singapore  Foreign  Minis-   ASEAN.                       ings  because  of  disagree-
                                                                      ter  Vivian  Balakrishnan  said                           ments over their lack of co-
                                                                      Russia's actions have "upend-  It  is  being  attended  by  the  operation  in  implementing
                                                                      ed the international system of  foreign  ministers  of  Singa-  measures agreed upon by the
                                                                      rules and norms."            pore.  Brunei,  Cambodia,  10-member group last year to
                                                                      Balakrishnan  added  that  the  Indonesia,   Malaysia   and  help  ease  the  country's  vio-
                                                                      rivalry between the U.S. and  Vietnam, and by representa-  lent political crisis.
                                                                      China has direct implications  tives of the foreign ministers
                                                                      for all of Asia.             of Laos, the Philippines and  Trade between India and the
                                                                                                   Thailand, India's External Af-  ASEAN region surpassed $78
                                                                      Jaishankar  emphasized  the  fairs Ministry said.         billion in 2021.
                                                                      need  for  strengthening  land  It did not explain why there  India mainly exports organic
            (AP)  —  A  special  meet-   ed  States  and  China  that  and  sea  connectivity  among  was  no  representative  from  chemicals,  minerals,  ships
            ing  of  foreign  ministers  threaten peace and stabil-   ASEAN  member  states.  An  Myanmar,  which  also  be-    and  boats,  iron  and  steel,
            from India and Southeast  ity in the region.              upgrade  of  the  India-Myan-  longs  to  ASEAN.  Ministry  pharmaceuticals,  cotton  and
            Asian  countries  opened                                  mar-Thailand highway is part  spokesperson  Arindam  Bag-  tobacco  to  ASEAN  coun-
            Thursday  with  co-chairs  Indian External Affairs Min-   of  the  ASEAN-India  Con-   chi  said  last  week  that  India  tries,  according  to  India's
            India and Singapore call-    ister S. Jaishankar said India  nectivity initiative.     had invited Myanmar to the  Commerce  Ministry.  India's
            ing for a strengthening of  and the Association of South-                              meeting.                     top  imports  from  ASEAN
            ties  amid  Russia's  war  in  east Asian Nations face geo-  The two-day meeting in New                             include  coal,  palm  oil,  tele-
            Ukraine and a heightened  political headwinds from the  Delhi  marks  the  30th  anni-  Representatives  of  Myan-  phones,  light  vessels  and
            rivalry between the Unit-    war in Ukraine and its impact  versary  of  the  establishment  mar's  military-installed  gov-  electronic circuits.

                       Turkish, Greek defense ministers meet amid renewed tensions

            (AP) — The defense min-      cording to the statement.    by Turks — or in the case of  any way that would heighten  strong rhetoric from Turkey,
            isters  of  Greece  and  Tur-  Turkey  and  Greece  have  a  Rhodes and Kos, by Italy.  the tension in the region."  relations  are  not  as  low  as
            key  met  Thursday  on  the  history  of  disputes  over  a  Greece  counters  that  the  is-  Greek Prime Minister Kyria-  they were in 2020, when the
            sidelines of a NATO meet-    range of issues, such as min-  lands  need  defenses  given  kos Mitsotakis sought to re-  neighbors'  warships  shad-
            ing amid renewed tensions  eral  exploration  in  the  east-  threats  of  war  from  Turkey,  assure  his  compatriots  this  owed each other in the east-
            between  the  neighbor-      ern  Mediterranean  and  rival  which  has  NATO's  second-  week.  He  said  that  despite  ern Mediterranean.
            ing  countries  and  allies,  claims in the Aegean Sea.   biggest  military  and  main-
            Turkey's  defense  ministry  Last  week,  Turkish  Presi-  tains a large landing fleet on
            said.                        dent  Recep  Tayyip  Erdogan  its Aegean coast.
                                         warned  Greece  to  demilita-  Greece's  state-run  television
            The  discussion  in  Brussels  rize its islands in the Aegean,  said  Panagiotopoulos  spoke
            between  Turkey's  Hulusi  saying  he  was  "not  joking."  briefly  with  Akar  after  they
            Akar  and  Nikos  Panagioto-  He  spoke  during  Turkish  stood next to each other for a
            poulos of Greece focused on  military exercises near the is-  photo of the NATO leaders.
            the  "importance  of  continu-  lands, including an amphibi-  It quoted Panagiotopoulos as
            ing  the  dialogue  in  order  to  ous landing scenario.  telling Akar: "We can't move
            reduce  tensions,"  according  The  government  in  Ankara  forward if you continue with
            to a ministry statement.     says Athens has built a mili-  this  rhetoric  and  these  poli-
            They  discussed  the  need  to  tary presence on the Aegean  cies."
            keep  channels  of  commu-   islands  in  violation  of  20th  Greek  government  spokes-
            nication open, to focus on a  century  treaties  that  ceded  man  Giannis  Oikonomou
            positive  agenda  and  bilateral  the islands to Greece after a  said  Thursday:  "Greece  has
            and regional cooperation, ac-  long  period  of  occupation  no  intention  of  engaging  in
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