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A28    US NEWS
                   Dialuna 3 OctOber 2022

                           Archives: Records from Trump WH staffers remain missing

            (AP) — The National Ar-                                                                The agency says that while it  ments as property of the U.S.
            chives  and  Records  Ad-                                                              has been able to obtain these  government.  The  request  is
            ministration     informed                                                              records  from  some  former  the  latest  development  in  a
            lawmakers that a number                                                                officials,  a  number  remain  monthslong  back-and-forth
            of electronic communica-                                                               outstanding. The Justice De-  between  the  agency  and  the
            tions  from  Trump  White                                                              partment has already pursued  committee,  which  has  been
            House  staffers  remain                                                                records  from  one  former  investigating  Trump’s  han-
            missing,  nearly  two  years                                                           Trump official, Peter Navar-  dling of records.
            since  the  administration                                                             ro, who prosecutors accused
            was required to turn them                                                              of  using  at  least  one  “non-  The  letter  on  Friday  also
            over.                                                                                  official”  email  account  —  a  comes  nearly  two  months
                                                                                                   ProtonMail  account  —  to  after  the  FBI  recovered
            The  nation’s  record-keeping                                                          send and receive emails while  more  than  100  documents
            agency,  in  a  letter  Friday  to                                                     he worked as the president’s  with classified markings and
            the  House  Committee  on                                                              trade adviser.               more than 10,000 other gov-
            Oversight  and  Reform,  said                                                                                       ernment  documents  from
            that  despite  an  ongoing  ef-  Oversight Chairwoman Car-  Donald   Trump’s   White  The  legal  action  in  August  Trump’s  Mar-a-Lago  estate.
            fort by staff, electronic com-  olyn Maloney, D-N.Y.      House used non-official elec-  came  just  weeks  after  Na-  Lawyers for Trump had pro-
            munications between certain                               tronic  messaging  accounts  varro was indicted on crimi-  vided  a  sworn  certification
            unidentified  White  House  The letter went on to specify  throughout his four years in  nal  charges  after  refusing  to  that  all  government  records
            officials were still not in their  that  the  National  Archives  office.  The  Presidential  Re-  cooperate with a congressio-  had been returned.
            custody.                     would consult with the Jus-  cords  Act,  which  says  that  nal investigation into the Jan.  Maloney  and  other  Demo-
            “While  there  is  no  easy  way  tice  Department  about  how  such records are government  6,  2021,  attack  on  the  U.S.  cratic lawmakers on the panel
            to establish absolute account-  to move forward and recover  property  and  must  be  pre-  Capitol.                have been seeking a briefing
            ability,  we  do  know  that  we  “the  records  unlawfully  re-  served, requires staff to copy  The  House  committee  has  from  the  National  Archives,
            do  not  have  custody  of  ev-  moved.”                  or  forward  those  messages  jurisdiction  over  the  Presi-  but haven’t received one due
            erything  we  should,”  Debra                             into  their  official  electronic  dential  Records  Act,  a  1978  to  the  Justice  Department’s
            Steidel Wall, the acting U.S.  It  has  been  widely  reported  messaging accounts.    law that requires the preser-  ongoing  criminal  investiga-
            archivist, wrote in a letter to  that  officials  in  President                        vation of White House docu-  tion into the matter.

                            Florida deaths rise to 47 amid struggle to recover from Ian

            (AP)  —  Rescuers  evacu-    from a peak of 2.67 million.
            ated  stunned  survivors
            on  a  large  barrier  island  At least 54 people were con-
            cut  off  by  Hurricane  Ian  firmed  dead:  47  in  Florida,
            and  Florida’s  death  toll  four  in  North  Carolina  and
            climbed  sharply,  as  hun-  three in Cuba. The weakened
            dreds  of  thousands  of  storm  had  drifted  north  on
            people  were  still  swelter-  Sunday and was expected to
            ing  without  power  days  dump rain on parts of Virgin-
            after  the  monster  storm  ia,  West  Virginia,  Maryland
            rampaged from the state’s  and  southern  Pennsylvania,
            southwestern  coast  up  to  according  to  the  National
            the Carolinas.               Hurricane Center, which has
                                         warned  of  the  potential  for
            Florida,  with  nearly  four  flash flooding.
            dozen reported dead, was hit
            hardest  by  the  Category  4  More than 1,000 people were
            hurricane,  one  of  the  stron-  rescued  from  flooded  areas
            gest  to  make  landfall  in  the  along Florida’s southwestern
            United States. Flooded road-  coast  alone,  Daniel  Hokan-
            ways and washed-out bridges  son,  a  four-star  general  and
            to  barrier  islands  left  many  head of the National Guard,
            people  isolated,  amid  lim-  told  The  Associated  Press  residents if they wanted to be  drop  significantly  for  days,  downed  trees  and  power
            ited  cellphone  service  and  a  while airborne to Florida.  evacuated.               National  Weather  Service  lines. Two of the four deaths
            lack  of  basic  amenities  such                                                       meteorologist  Tyler  Fleming  in the state were from storm-
            as  water,  electricity  and  the  In  Washington,  the  White  Some  flew  out  by  helicop-  said.                related  vehicle  crashes,  and
            internet.                    House announced that Presi-  ter, and people described the                             the  others  involved  a  man
                                         dent Joe Biden and first lady  horror  of  being  trapped  in  Elsewhere,  South  Carolina’s  who  drowned  when  his
            Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSan-   Jill  Biden  would  travel  to  their homes as water kept ris-  Pawleys Island, a beach com-  truck plunged into a swamp
            tis  said  Saturday  that  mul-  Florida  on  Wednesday.  But  ing.                    munity roughly 75 miles (115  and another killed by carbon
            tibillionaire   businessman  a  brief  statement  did  not                             kilometers) up the coast from  monoxide  poisoning  from  a
            Elon  Musk  was  providing  release  any  details  of  the  River flooding posed a major  Charleston, was also hit hard.  generator in a garage.
            some  120  Starlink  satellites  planned visit.           challenge  at  times  to  rescue  Power remained knocked out
            to  “help  bridge  some  of  the                          and  supply  delivery  efforts.  to at least half the island Sat-  At  Port  Sanibel  Marina  in
            communication issues.” Star-  The  bridge  to  Pine  Island,  The  Myakka  River  washed  urday.                    Fort  Myers,  Florida,  the
            link, a satellite-based internet  the  largest  barrier  island  off  over  a  stretch  of  Interstate              storm  surge  pushed  several
            system  created  by  Musk’s  Florida’s  Gulf  Coast,  was  75,  forcing  a  traffic-snarling  Eddie Wilder, who has been  boats  and  a  dock  onshore.
            SpaceX,  will  provide  high-  destroyed  by  the  storm,  highway  closure  for  a  while  coming to Pawleys Island for  Charter  captain  Ryan  Kane
            speed connectivity.          leaving  it  accessible  only  by  before  officials  said  later  more than six decades, said it  said  his  vessel  was  so  badly
                                         boat  or  air.  The  volunteer  Saturday that it could be re-  was “insane” to see waves as  damaged  that  he  was  un-
            Florida utilities were working  group  Medic  Corps,  which  opened.                   high  as  25  feet  (7.6  meters)  able to use it to help rescue
            to restore power. As of Sun-  responds  to  natural  disas-                            wash  away  a  landmark  pier  people, and now it will be a
            day morning, nearly 850,000  ters  worldwide  with  pilots,  While  swollen  rivers  have  near his home.           long time before he can take
            homes  and  businesses  were  paramedics   and   doctors,  crested  or  are  near  cresting,                        clients fishing again.
            still without electricity, down  went  door-to-door  asking  the  levels  aren’t  expected  to  In North Carolina, the storm
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