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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 3 OctOber 2022

                                         Intl overseer changes voting rules in Bosnia

            (AP) — Shortly after polls  The  changes  will  affect  the
            closed in Bosnia’s general  size of the parliament of one
            election  on  Sunday,  the  of  the  country’s  two  highly
            top international overseer  independent  administrative
            of a 1995 peace agreement  parts,  shared  between  eth-
            that  ended  the  country’s  nic Croats and Bosniaks, and
            inter-ethnic  war  in  the  prevent blockades of the for-
            1990s  announced  that  he  mation of its government.
            was changing its electoral
            law.                         Bosnians  on  Sunday  elected
                                         representatives  for  different
            Christian   Schmidt,   who  levels  of  government  that
            holds  the  post  of  the  inter-  are part of one of the world’s
            national  high  representative  most  complicated  institu-
            in  Bosnia,  announced  in  a  tional set-ups. That structure
            YouTube  video  that  he  was  was  agreed  upon  in  a  U.S.-
            amending the law “to ensure  sponsored  peace  deal  that
            functionality and timely im-  ended the brutal 1992-95 war
            plementation  of  election  re-  between  the  country’s  three
            sults,”  assuring  citizens  that  main ethnic groups: Muslim
            the  changes  “will  in  no  way  Bosniaks,  Orthodox  Serbs
            affect” the votes cast on Sun-  and Catholic Croats.      — one run by Serbs and the  quire  consensus  from  all  ability  to  impose  laws  and
            day.                                                      other shared by Bosniaks and  three ethnic groups.        to  dismiss  officials  and  civil
                                         The  U.S.-brokered  Day-     Croats. The two have broad                                servants who undermine the
            “It  is  crucial  for  destiny  of  ton  Agreement  divided  the   autonomy  but  are  linked  by  The  agreement  also  gave  country’s  fragile  post-war
            this country that there will be  country  into  two  highly  in-  shared  national  institutions.  broad  powers  to  the  high  ethnic balance.
            no blockades,” he said.      dependent governing entities   All  countrywide  actions  re-  representative,  including  the

                                  Ousted Burkina Faso leader leaves country for Togo

            (AP)  —  Burkina  Faso’s  Damiba.                         lowing his ouster. France ve-  imposed blockades on towns  Russian flags.
            ousted  coup  leader  Lt.                                 hemently  denied  the  allega-  and  have  intensified  attacks.
            Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo  Along  with  agreeing  not  to  tion, but soon protesters with  Last week, at least 11 soldiers  In  neighboring  Mali,  the
            Damiba  left  the  country  harm or prosecute him, Da-    torches thronged the perim-  were  killed  and  50  civilians  coup leader has invited Rus-
            for Togo Sunday two days  miba  also  asked  Traore  and  eter  of  the  French  Embassy  went  missing  after  a  supply  sian  mercenaries  from  the
            after he himself was over-   the  new  junta  leadership  to  in Ouagadougou.          convoy was attacked by gun-  Wagner  Group  to  help  with
            thrown  in  a  coup,  while  respect the commitments al-                               men  in  Gaskinde  commune  security,  a  move  than  has
            the  new  junta  urged  citi-  ready made to the West Afri-  Saturday’s violence was con-  in  the  Sahel.  The  group  of  drawn  global  condemnation
            zens not to loot or vandal-  can regional bloc ECOWAS.  demned  by  the  French  For-  officers  led  by  Traore  said  and  accusations  of  human
            ize.                         Damiba, who came to power  eign  Ministry,  which  denied  Friday that Damiba had failed  rights abuses.
                                         in a coup last January, had re-  any involvement in the rapid-  and was being removed.  Conflict analysts say Damiba
            Damiba’s    departure   was  cently reached an agreement  ly developing events. French                              was  probably  too  optimistic
            confirmed by two diplomats  to hold an election by 2024.  Institutes  in  Ouagadougou  To  some  in  Burkina  Faso’s  about what he could achieve
            who spoke to The Associated  In  a  statement  late  Sunday,  and  the  country’s  second-  military,  Damiba  also  was  in  the  short  term  but  that  a
            Press  on  condition  of  ano-  ECOWAS  said  it  would  be  largest  city,  Bobo-Dioulasso,  seen  as  too  cozy  with  for-  change at the top didn’t mean
            nymity  due  to  the  sensitiv-  sending a team of mediators  had  also  been  targeted  and  mer colonizer France, which  that  the  country’s  security
            ity  of  the  matter.  It  was  not  to Ouagadougou on Monday  French  citizens  were  urged  maintains a military presence  situation would improve.
            known whether Togo was his  including former Niger Pres-  to be very cautious.         in  Africa’s  Sahel  region  to
            final destination.           ident Mahamadou Issoufou.    “The situation is very volatile  help  countries  fight  Islamic  “The  problems  are  too  pro-
            Earlier   Sunday,   religious                             in  Burkina  Faso,”  a  French  extremists.               found and the crisis is deeply
            leaders  who  had  mediated  The  ECOWAS  statement,  spokeswoman  told  The  As-      Some  who  support  the  new  rooted,”  said  Heni  Nsaibia,
            between the factions said that  signed  by  Guinea-Bissau  sociated Press on Sunday.   coup  leader,  Traore,  have  a  senior  researcher  at  the
            Damiba had offered his resig-  President  Umaro  Sissoco                               called  on  Burkina  Faso’s  Armed  Conflict  Location  &
            nation as long as his security  Embalo,  noted  that  Damiba  Damiba  came  to  power  in  government  to  seek  Russian  Event  Data  Project,  adding
            and  other  conditions  were  had  resigned  “in  order  to  January  promising  to  secure  support instead. Outside the  that  “militant  groups  will
            met.  A  junta  representative  avoid a violent confrontation  the country from jihadi vio-  state  broadcaster  on  Sunday,  most  likely  continue  to  ex-
            later announced on state tele-  and possible bloodshed.”  lence. However, the situation  supporters  of  Traore  were  ploit”  the  country’s  political
            vision that their leader, Capt.  Earlier  in  the  day,  the  new  only  deteriorated  as  jihadis  seen  cheering  and  waving  disarray.
            Ibrahim Traore, officially has  junta  leadership  had  called
            been named head of state fol-  for an end to the unrest that
            lowing  the  Friday  coup  that  engulfed  Ouagadouou  in
            ousted Damiba.               wake of Friday night’s coup.
            Their  power  grab  marked  In  a  statement  broadcast  on
            Burkina  Faso’s  second  mili-  state  television,  junta  repre-
            tary coup this year, deepening  sentative  Capt.  Kiswendsida
            fears  that  the  political  chaos  Farouk  Azaria  Sorgho  called
            could  divert  attention  from  on people to “desist from any
            an Islamic insurgency whose  act  of  violence  and  vandal-
            violence has killed thousands  ism”  especially  those  against
            and  forced  2  million  to  flee  the  French  Embassy  or  the
            their homes. It followed un-  French military base.
            rest  in  Ouagadougou,  the
            capital,  in  which  mobs  on  Anti-French  sentiment  rose
            Saturday attacked the French  sharply  after  the  new  junta
            embassy  and  other  French-  alleged  that  interim  presi-
            related sites, wrongly believ-  dent  Damiba  was  sheltering
            ing that they were sheltering  at a French military base fol-
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