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                                                                                                       SPORTS Dialuna 3 OctOber 2022

                          125 die as tear gas triggers crush at Indonesia soccer match

            (AP) — Police firing tear                                                                                           mainder of the season.
            gas  after  an  Indonesian
            soccer  match  in  an  at-                                                                                          Ferli  Hidayat,  local  police
            tempt  to  stop  violence                                                                                           chief  of  Malang,  said  there
            triggered    a   disastrous                                                                                         were some 42,000 spectators
            crush  of  fans  making  a                                                                                          at  the  game  Saturday,  all  of
            panicked, chaotic run for                                                                                           whom were Arema support-
            the  exits,  leaving  at  least                                                                                     ers because the organizer had
            125  people  dead,  most  of                                                                                        banned  Persebaya  fans  from
            them  trampled  upon  or                                                                                            entering  the  stadium  in  an
            suffocated.                                                                                                         effort to avoid brawls.

            Attention  immediately  fo-                                                                                         The restriction was imposed
            cused  on  police  crowd-con-                                                                                       after  clashes  between  sup-
            trol  measures  at  Saturday                                                                                        porters of the two rival teams
            night’s  match  between  host                                                                                       in  East  Java’s  Blitar  stadium
            Arema  FC  of  East  Java’s                                                                                         in February 2020 caused 250
            Malang  city  and  Persebaya                                                                                        million  rupiah  ($18,000)  in
            Surabaya.   Witnesses   de-  why, after 23 years of unde-  beating  the  fans  with  sticks  East  Java  police  chief  Nico   damage.  Brawls  were  re-
            scribed officers beating them   feated home matches against  and shields, and they fought  Afinta  defended  the  use  of   ported  outside  the  stadium
            with sticks and shields before   Persebaya, this one ended in  back.                   tear gas.                    during  and  after  the  semifi-
            shooting tear gas canisters di-  a defeat.                                                                          nals  of  the  East  Java  Gover-
            rectly into the crowds.                                   “Officers fired tear gas direct-  “We have already done a pre-  nor’s Cup, which ended with
                                         At  least  five  police  vehicles  ly at spectators in the stands,  ventive  action  before  finally  Persebaya beating Arema 4-2.
            It  was  among  the  deadliest   were  toppled  and  set  ablaze  forcing us to run toward the  firing  the  tear  gas  as  (fans)
            disasters  ever  at  a  sporting   outside the stadium. Riot po-  exit,” he said. “Many victims  began  to  attack  the  police,   He said tear gas should only
            event. President Joko Wido-  lice responded by firing tear  fell  because  of  shortness  of  acting anarchically and burn-  be  used  to  disperse  crowds
            do  ordered  an  investigation   gas, including toward the sta-  breath  and  difficulty  see-  ing vehicles,” he told a news   when  widespread  violence
            of  security  procedures,  and   dium’s stands, causing panic  ing due to tear gas and were  conference early Sunday.  has occurred and when other
            the  president  of  FIFA  called   among the crowd.       trampled.”                                                methods  have  failed.  People
            the  deaths  “a  dark  day  for                                                        Indonesia’s  soccer  associa-  must  be  warned  that  tear
            all involved in football and a   “The  stadium  turned  into  a  He said he climbed the roof  tion,  known  as  PSSI,  sus-  gas will be used and allowed
            tragedy  beyond  comprehen-  smoke-filled   battleground  of the stands and only came  pended  the  premier  soccer  to disperse. “No one should
            sion.”  While  FIFA  has  no   when  police  fired  tear  gas,”  down  when  the  situation  league  Liga  1  indefinitely  lose  their  lives  at  a  football
            control over domestic games,   said Rizky, who goes by one  calmed.                    in  light  of  the  tragedy  and  match,” Hamid said.
            it has advised against the use   name.  He  came  with  his                            banned Arema from hosting
            of tear gas at soccer stadiums.  cousin to watch the game.  Others  suffocated  and  were  soccer  matches  for  the  re-
                                                                      trampled as hundreds of peo-
            Brawls  are  common  among   “I felt hot and stinging in my  ple ran to the exit to avoid the
            rival Indonesian soccer fans,   eyes,  I  couldn’t  see  clearly  tear gas. In the chaos, 34 died
            so much so that the organizer   while  my  head  was  dizzy  at the stadium, including two
            had  banned  Persebaya  sup-  and everything went dark ...  officers,  and  some  reports
            porters  from  Arema’s  stadi-  I passed out,” he said. When  include  children  among  the
            um. But violence still broke   he  woke  up,  he  was  already  casualties.
            out when the home team lost   in  the  emergency  room.  He
            3-2  and  some  of  the  42,000   said his cousin died because  National  Police  chief  Listyo
            Arema  fans,  known  as  “Are-  of head injuries.         Sigit Prabowo said the death
            mania,”  threw  bottles  and                              toll had been revised to 125
            other  objects  at  players  and   “We wanted to entertain our-  from  174,  after  authorities
            soccer officials.            selves by watching a football  found  some  of  the  victims
                                         match,  but  we  got  disaster,”  were  counted  twice.  More
            Witnesses said the fans flood-  he said.                  than  100  were  receiving  in-
            ed  the  Kanjuruhan  Stadium                              tensive  treatment  in  eight
            pitch  and  demanded  that   Another  spectator,  Ahmad  hospitals, 11 of them in criti-
            Arema  management  explain   Fatoni, said police had started  cal condition.

                             Debutant Amos Kipruto of Kenya wins London Marathon

            (AP)  —  Debutant  Amos  trip  on  a  speed  bump  with                                                             Kipruto pulled away from the
            Kipruto  won  the  men’s  six  miles  remaining,  but  re-                                                          rest of the field as it reached
            race  at  the  London  Mar-  covered  to  rejoin  the  lead-                                                        the final five kilometers.
            athon  on  Sunday,  with  ing  pack  and  came  home  in
            Yalemzerf  Yehualaw  tri-    2 hours, 17 minutes, and 25                                                            The race will return to its tra-
            umphing in the women’s.      seconds, the third fastest time                                                        ditional April date next year.
                                         at the event.
            Kipruto,  a  world  bronze                                                                                          Marcel  Hug  and  Catherine
            medallist  in  Doha  in  2019,  Defending  champion  Joy-                                                           Debrunner  won  the  wheel-
            finished in a time of 2 hours,  ciline Jepkosgei of Kenya had                                                       chair  titles  –  setting  new
            4  minutes,  and  39  seconds.  to settle for second.                                                               course records.
            The 30-year-old Kenyan beat
            Leul  Gebresilase  of  Ethio-  This year’s race is taking place                                                     Defending  champion  Hug
            pia into second with Belgian  in October for the third and                                                          won  in  1  hour,  24  minutes,
            Bashir Abdi finishing third.  final time, after it was moved                                                        and 38 seconds.
                                         in 2020 due to COVID-19.
            Yehualaw  recovered  from  a                              debut over the distance. She  Marathon champion.          Debrunner won the race for
            fall to win the women’s race.  Yehualaw’s victory came just   is the youngest ever London                           the  first  time  in  1  hour,  38
            The 23-year-old appeared to  six months after making her                                                            minutes, and 24 seconds.
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