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Dialuna 3 OctOber 2022
Denmark says Nord Stream 1 pipelines stop leaking
(AP) — Authorities in pressure now appears to have pleted,” the Danish agency led to huge methane leaks. The U.S.-Russia clashes con-
Denmark said Sunday been achieved on the Nord tweeted Sunday. Nordic investigators said the tinued later at an emergency
that the Nord Stream 1 Stream 1 pipelines. blasts have involved several meeting of the U.N. Security
natural gas pipelines have The Danish agency said Sat- hundred pounds of explo- Council in New York called
also stopped leaking, a day “The Nord Stream AG com- urday the Nord Stream 2 sives. by Russia on the pipelines
after officials said that the pany has informed the Dan- ruptured natural gas pipe- attacks and as Norwegian
ruptured Nord Stream 2 ish Energy Agency that a lines in the Baltic Sea appears Russian President Vladimir researchers published a map
pipelines also appeared to stable pressure now appears to have stopped leaking natu- Putin on Friday accused the projecting that a huge plume
stop leaking. to have been achieved on the ral gas. West of sabotaging the Rus- of methane from the dam-
two Nord Stream 1 pipelines. sia-built pipelines, a charge aged pipelines will travel over
The Nord Stream AG com- This indicates that the blow- Undersea blasts that dam- vehemently denied by the large swaths of the Nordic
pany informed the Danish out of gas from the last two aged the Nord Stream I and United States and its allies. region.
Energy Agency that a stable leaks has now also been com- 2 pipelines this week have
King Charles III decides not to attend climate summit
(AP) — King Charles III palace and the government,’’
has decided not to attend Simon Clarke told Times But Charles is now king, and
the international climate Radio. “The suggestions this he has acknowledged that
change summit in Egypt morning that he was ordered he will have less freedom to
next month, fueling spec- to stay away are simply not speak out on public issues
ulation that the new mon- true.” as monarch than he did as
arch will have to rein in the heir to the throne. At the
his environmental activ- Clarke also rejected sugges- same time, his advisers would
ism now that he has as- tions that Truss didn’t want be looking for the right time
cended the throne. Charles to attend the summit and place for Charles’ first
because she intends to water overseas trip as sovereign.
The Sunday Times newspa- down Britain’s climate goals.
per reported that the deci- The government remains “My life will, of course,
sion came after Conservative committed to the achieving change as I take up my new
Prime Minister Liz Truss its target of net-zero carbon responsibilities,’’ Charles
objected to Charles attend- emissions by 2050, he said. said in a televised address af-
ing the conference, known as Queen Elizabeth II died on never confirmed. COP27 is ter his mother’s death.
COP27, when she met with Under the rules that govern Sept. 8, there had been spec- taking place Nov. 16-18 in “It will no longer be possible
the king last month at Buck- Britain’s constitutional mon- ulation Charles would travel the Red Sea resort of Sharm for me to give so much of
ingham Palace. archy, the king is barred from my time and energies to the
interfering in politics. By to the summit in the role he el-Sheikh. charities and issues for which
But a member of Truss’ Cab- convention, all official over- then held as Prince of Wales. When he was Prince of Wales, I care so deeply. But I know
inet said the government and seas visits by members of the Charles attended the previ- Charles was accused of med- this important work will go
palace were in agreement royal family are undertaken ous climate summit,COP26, dling in government affairs, on in the trusted hands of
about the decision. in accordance with advice last year in Glasgow, Scot- including allegations that he others.”
“That is a decision that has from the government.
been made amicably, as far land, but his attendance at inappropriately lobbied gov-
this year’s conference was ernment ministers.
as I am aware, between the Before becoming king when
Israel holding 800 Palestinians without trial
JERUSALEM (AP) — Is- practice where the prisoners tacks against Israelis earlier executive director. “This has thwart attacks against Israelis.
rael is holding nearly can be held for months, do this year. to stop. If Israel cannot bring Palestinians say the raids are
800 Palestinians without not know the charges against them to trial, it must release aimed at maintaining Israel’s
trial or charge, the high- them and are not granted ac- Israel claims it uses adminis- all administrative detainees.” 55-year military rule over
est number since 2008, an cess to the evidence against trative detention to impede territories they want for a fu-
Israeli rights group said them. attacks and restrain danger- HaMoked said the figure was ture state.
Sunday. ous militants without reveal- a new peak in a growing wave
The group said the number ing sensitive intelligence. of administrative detentions The last time Israel held as
The group, HaMoked, which of those held in adminis- Rights groups and Palestin- which began last spring fol- many administrative detain-
regularly gathers figures from trative detention has risen ians say it is an abusive system lowing a series of attacks by ees, in May 2008, also co-
Israeli prison authorities, said steadily this year, as Israel that denies freedom without Palestinians against Israelis incided with an increase in
that 798 Palestinians are cur- conducts nightly arrest raids due process, leaving some that killed 19 people. Those Israeli-Palestinian violence.
rently being held in so-called in the occupied West Bank Palestinians for months or attacks sparked the Israeli
administrative detention, a in response to a spate of at- even years behind bars with raids that have killed some Israel’s Shin Bet domestic se-
no evidence against them 100 Palestinians, many of curity service did not respond
made accessible. Some resort them said to be militants or to a request for comment.
to life-threatening hunger local youths out to protest the
strikes to draw attention to incursion into their cities or Israel captured the West Bank
their detention, which often towns, but civilians have also in the 1967 Mideast war and
drives up tensions between died in the violence. has since established some
Israel and Palestinians. 130 settlements there, home
The Israeli military says some to 500,000 settlers. The Pal-
“Administrative detention 1,500 Palestinians have been estinians want the territory,
should be an exceptional arrested during that time in- along with east Jerusalem
measure but Israel makes cluding those held in admin- and the Gaza Strip for their
wholesale use of this deten- istrative detention. It says the hoped-for independent state.
tion without trial,” said Jes- raids are necessary to dis-
sica Montell, HaMoked’s mantle militant networks and