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Friday 18 November 2022
Successful DCCA - 1st International Sustainable Air Transportation Event
After the community event goals, sustainably improv-
held on November 11, ing inter-island connectiv-
2022, at the Southside Gen- ity.
eral Aviation Hangar, the
Dutch Caribbean Coop- “The knowledge and in-
eration of Airports (DCCA), sights gained during the
a cooperation between all event will further strengthen
6 Caribbean Airports within our efforts as Dutch Carib-
the Kingdom of the Nether- bean Cooperation of Air-
lands, can look back on a ports to be innovative front
successful 1st International runners on electric flying in
Sustainable Air Transporta- the Caribbean region and
tion Event - A Flight to the making interisland air con-
Future. nections more sustainable,
efficient, and affordable
The keynote speech, for the Dutch Caribbean
speakers, presentations, communities. This will in turn
panel discussions, and further enhance the soci-
masterclasses at the event eties of the island nations
were of immense value to considering the sustain-
the continued efforts of able development goals of
all the airports involved to all”, said Joost Meijs, CEO
venture into sustainable of Aruba Airport Authority
air transportation develop- N.V. and DCCA Chairman
ments, solutions, and tech- on behalf of DCCA. the in-person conference nity also came out in large working on a Joint Business
nologies. These endeavors throughout the week, and numbers to view the Pip- Plan describing how to
support one of their main 311 participants attended 888 virtually. The commu- istrel Velis Electro and learn achieve it and which hur-
more about its capabilities dles to eliminate. They will
and technology. deliver this business plan
within seven months from
As one of the accomplish- the day of the signing of
ments, a Memorandum of this MOU.
Understanding (MOU) was
signed during the event On behalf of DCCA, chair-
between all four countries man Mr. Joost Meijs sin-
(Aruba, St Maarten, Cura- cerely thanks all contribu-
cao, and The Netherlands) tors, participants, and
of the Dutch Kingdom, six support staff for making
airports of the Dutch Ca- this event possible and a
ribbean and the Dutch As- grand success. A heartfelt
sociation of Airports (NVL). thank you is also in place
In this Memorandum of for all the speakers, panel-
Understanding, all signa- ists, moderators, stakehold-
tories have expressed their ers, and volunteers that
commitment to improving participated in getting this
interisland connectivity by event off the ground and
making it more affordable, completed.
efficient, and sustainable.
For more information on
As a result of this MOU, the the conference, visit DC-
parties will form a steering CA’s website at www.dc-
committee and workgroup