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                                                                                                           local Friday 18 November 2022
            Metabolic Foundation testing air quality sensor

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently,                                                                                            foundation  tries  to  make
            the  Metabolic  Foundation                                                                                          them  more  applicable  in
            had a replication session of                                                                                        order that they can also be
            their air quality sensor "the                                                                                       used  by  people  who  are
            first airbender", in connec-                                                                                        not scientists themselves.
            tion  with  their  Surfside  Sci-
            ence project.                                                                                                       To  guarantee  that  the
                                                                                                                                methods  are  trustworthy,
            “If  all  goes  well,  they  will                                                                                   throughout  the  year  the
            replicate this and we'll have                                                                                       foundation  will  be  working
            our 2nd airbender”, the or-                                                                                         together with marine ecol-
            ganizers  commented  on                                                                                             ogist  and  environmental
            a  post  on  their  Facebook                                                                                        engineer  Tatiana  Becker,
            Page. “Our good friend of                                                                                           who  will  compare  the  re-
            the foundation Jeff and our                                                                                         sults  that  Metabolic  Foun-
            new intern Steven studying                                                                                          dation  measures  with  the
            at  the  University  of  Aruba                                                                                      results that she will measure
            are working on it.”                                                                                                 using  standard  methods
                                                                                                                                generally  used  in  science.
            “One of our main goals is to                                                                                        With  this,  the  foundation
            make  all  our  environment                                                                                         hopes  to  prove  that  their
            monitoring  methods  repli-  and  collect  will  be  open  air and sea water, changes  data collection on Aruba’s  methods  can  be  applied
            cable  and  affordable.  This  source”, they said.        in the coast landscape and  coasts,  both  on  land  and  on  more  beaches  around
            way  we  want  to  stimulate                              vegetation  in  the  bottom  in the ocean itself, close to  Aruba.
            any  other  islands  that  also  Back  in  August,  Metabolic  of  the  ocean.  Surfside  Sci-  the  coast.  Mettes  indicat-
            have a lack of data to start  Foundation  announced  its  ence  is  a  project  that  re-  ed that these methods are  For   more   information,
            to collect their data as well.  Surfside  Science  project,  ceived  financing  from  RE-  more  affordable  than  tra-  please   visit   science.
            So  everything  we  develop  which focuses on methods  SEMBID, which is a fund of  ditional  method,  and  the
                                         for measuring the quality of  the  European  Union  man-
                                                                      aged  by  Expertise  France,
                                                                      the  collaboration  agency
                                                                      for  French  development
                                                                      that  manages  projects  in
                                                                      the   Overseas   Countries
                                                                      and Territories (OCT), which
                                                                      include Aruba and 11 other
                                                                      islands in the Caribbean.

                                                                      The Surfside Science project
                                                                      will  have  duration  of  one
                                                                      year, and during that year,
                                                                      Metabolic  Foundation  will
                                                                      test different methods that
                                                                      can  be  used  to  automate

            MoU zero-emission vehicles

            ORANJESTAD – The Govern-     additional step is also taken
            ment of Aruba, through the  to  stimulate  more  sustain-
            ministry  of  Nature  and  the  able practices in Aruba.
            ministry  of  Economic  Af-
            fairs,  signed  a  Memoran-  As  inhabitants  of  a  small
            dum  of  Understanding  re-  and arid island, the people
            garding  their  focus  so  that  of Aruba are aware of the
            by  2030,  30  percent  of  all  impact of climate change
            vehicles medium duty and  in our daily life and future.
            heavy  duty  in  our  country  Even  so,  we  construct  our
            are zero-emission vehicles.   community by dealing with
                                         our  vulnerabilities  and  by
            This  initiative  is  led  by  the  establishing high ambitions
            Dutch  government  and  and even higher standards,
            also CALSTART with its Glob-  according  to  a  press  re-
            al   Commercial    Vehicle  lease.
            Drive to Zero program.
                                         Aruba  has  shown  that  it
            The objective is to acceler-  contributes  to  a  collective
            ate the cero-emission mar-   impact  when  it  comes  to  all who adopt these in their  pects, like tourism for exam-  fortifies  Aruba’s  commit-
            ket, especially in the indus-  modernization  and  adap-  countries.  Aruba  also  con-  ple, but also sustainability.   ment to a more sustainable
            try  of  medium  and  heavy  tation  to  sustainable  prac-  tinues  leading  the  trend  in                        future.q
            duty  vehicles.  This  way  an  tices, and the benefit is to  the  region  in  different  as-  With this initiative, the MOU
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