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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 18 November 2022

            Successful Edition of the Big Live Nature Quiz Kids

            Kralendijk,  Bonaire-  17th  of  November  first-place team, ‘Kenatra Palarchie’, won
            2022-  The  Dutch  Caribbean  Nature  Alli-  a  sailing  and  snorkeling  trip  around  Sint
            ance (DCNA) just hosted the Big Live Na-   Maarten,  on  which  we  are  sure  they  will
            ture  Quiz  for  young  people,  aged  12-14,  treat their fellow sailors with lots of interest-
            living on Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba,  ing trivia facts about the marine life they
            Sint  Maarten,  and  Sint  Eustatius.  With  134  see.  Also,  several  local  prizes  were  avail-
            participating  teams  (consisting  of  1  to  4  able  for  the  island  winners.  The  highest
            kids per team) competing from across the  scoring team was ‘Lions’ for Bonaire, ‘4x4’
            six Dutch Caribbean islands, the event was  for Curacao, ‘Perros’ for Saba, ‘Fun-tastic
            a great opportunity to bring nature into the  four’  for  St  Eustatius,  and  ‘Kenatra  Palar-
            classrooms. After many exciting and thrill-  chie’ for St Maarten. DCNA would like to
            ing nature question rounds, a team on Sint  congratulate all the teams on their impres-
            Maarten won.                               sive trivia knowledge!

            Multi-island effort                        Endangered Species
            The Big Live Nature Quiz- kids edition is a  This  year’s  quiz  included  questions  about
            live  online  nature  trivia  game  hosted  by  the endangered animals and plants within
            DCNA and played in high schools across  the Dutch Caribbean. From rare flowers to
            the  Dutch  Caribbean.  The  quiz  is  a  true  burrowing owls, this quiz covered a whole
            multi-island team effort: created and sup-  host of island inhabitants, showcasing the
            ported by the six Dutch Caribbean islands  unique  and  extraordinary  wildlife  across
            including the nature conservation organi-  the islands.
            zations (parks), high schools, (local) spon-
            sors,  and  Dutch  Caribbean  TV.  The  quiz  Yearly Free Event for Adults and youth
            questions  were  made  available  in  4  lan-  The  Big  Live  Nature  Quiz  is  created  to
            guages: English, Dutch, Papiamentu, and  teach citizens about nature in a fun and in-
            Papiamento. Due to the extreme weather  teractive way, to instill pride in the islands’
            and school closures on some of the islands,  wildlife,  support  nature-friendly  practices,
            the quiz was postponed for a week, to No-  support  the  projects  of  the  nature  parks,
            vember 15th.                               and  to  bring  people  in  the  Dutch  Carib-
                                                       bean into contact with each other. This is
            Winners                                    a free annual event for adults and youth
            There  were  134  teams  competing.  The  since 2020. q
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