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Friday 18 November 2022 locAl
Aruba wins singles Origin of Papiamento- Aruba’s native
championship in the language
Aruba Open Beach Tennis
Championships 2022
ORANJESTAD — Papiamento, Creole lan- the English), all originated in the Creole of
guage of ABC (Aruba, Bonaire and Cu- Cabo Verde (Cape Verdean language),
racao) is from the Cape Verdean Creole which was the French language spoken
family (Cape Verdean language) and was in Portuguese feitories on the coast of Af-
taken to the Caribbean in the 9th century rica (from Senegal to Sierra Leone), and
by the Cape Verdeans of that time (linings which was taken east by the thousands
and slaves), experts in cane culture and of cable - Verdeans (linings and slaves, al-
sugar production, and who were hired by ready Christianized and speaking Creole)
Jewish entrepreneurs who went to invest in who served as sailors and “slaves of arms′′
this business in the Caribbean. in Portuguese caravels, demanding the
east. I don't know why the official history
Cape Verdeans taught this pre-industrial of Portugal usually omits this fact, which is
revolution technology (planting cane and in the chronicles of the quinrentist chroni-
producing sugar, which they had learned clers, but which we never saw in the his-
from Madeirans) to slaves from other Afri- tory of Portugal that we study from primary
can regions, and did so in their language, education to higher education.
Cape Verde Creole (Cape Verdean lan-
guage) , hence the language implanted However, it has always been tried to de-
in Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. ceive us, in colonial time, that we were
descendants of Viriato (Iberian hero in the
Unlike many interesting stories, wanting to fight against the Romans) and the pastors
link Papiamento directly to Portuguese, of the Hermini Mountains, but not much
Galician or Castilian (see Papiamento, on speaking of our black-African ancestry.
Wikipedia - Portuguese version and Span-
ish version, where the Portuguese and We Cape Verdeans understand each
Spanish, each claim the direct origin of other very well with these Antillans and
Papiamento), in fact, this is not true. Papia- Easterns, whose language is from the
mento is not direct from Portuguese, Gali- same Creole family of Cape Verde (Cape
cian or Castilian, it is from the Cape Verde Verdean language), speaking their Cre-
Creole family (Cape Verdean language). ole and we ours. Therefore, Papiamento,
Hometown hero Aksel Sa- behind Aksel who plays for You can see this bestwhen it's saying ob- PapiCristang, PatuáMacaense and the
mardzic wins the singles Aruba. There was not one scene words and offending someone, pre- creoles, said of Portuguese origin, Daman,
title in the highest level of empty seat in the entire cisely as they say today in both ABC and India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, some locations
play against Spain's Anto- stadium. Cape Verde islands. The obscene words in the Philippines and some places in Indo-
mi Ramos who is the num- kept the original, had no lexical influence nesia, are creoles of the language family
ber 1 ranked player on the Aksel took home $1000 in either from Castilian or Dutch. Cape Verde Creole (Cape Verdean lan-
PBT ranking. prize money along with se- guage) and indirectly the Galaico-Du-
rious bragging rights. Also the PapiCristang of Malacca, the riense or Galaico-Portuguese, a language
On Wednesday, Novem- Patuá of Macau, and several creoles from that the people spoke in Portugal in the
ber 16 at Bushiri Beach's Congratulations to Aksel the east (from Daman, Sri Lanka, Myan- 6th and 7th century.
Center Court, the crowd and to Aruba. mar, Philippines, Indonesia) and Africa Anonymous
at Aruba Open Beach Ten- A massive victory. q (Casamança, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone Source: Dushi Aruba
nis Championship rallied
and Nigeria, these last two releases to