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                 Wednesday 23 March 2022

            Aruba’s Queen Beatrix International Airport Flying High on Journey

            to Sustainability

            Queen  Beatrix  International  Air-  strategy in which Sustainability and  with  LED  lighting,  the  placement  formation,  share  knowledge  and
            port  (Aruba  Airport)  facilitates  a  social responsibility play an impor-  of  electrical  timers  in  and  around  expertise. A successful joint venture
            diverse air service network, a var-  tant role and Green Globe Certifi-  the airport terminal and the intro-  of  this  caliber  will  stimulate  island
            ied choice of commercial services  cation aligns perfectly with our vi-  duction  of  more  efficient  air  con-  hopping  tourism,  labor  markets,
            and  pleasant  airport  experiences  sion towards building a sustainable  ditioning   equipment,   amongst  health services and social networks
            through  sustainable,  safe,  secure  company.                          other  initiatives.  Aruba  Airport  is  in  the  Dutch  Caribbean  without
            and  reliable  airport  operations  &                                   working  closely  with  third  parties  harming the planet.
            facilities  for  all  airport  users  con-  “We aim to become the first airport  to reduce wider airport-based car-
            tributing to a prosperous future for  in  the  Caribbean  and  hopefully  bon emissions and in doing so aims  Wings of Hope
            Aruba.                              the  first  in  the  world  to  be  Green  to  achieve  accreditation  Level  3  Wings of Hope” (WoH) took off on
                                                Globe Certified paving the way as  (Optimisation) by 2022.              June 1, 2020 with the sole purpose
            In  2022,  Aruba  Airport  Author-  a  leader  in  sustainable  operation                                   to  assist  and  support  around  70
            ity  N.V.  (AAA),  the  company  that  and management of our airport,”  Roadmap  to  Sustainable  Dutch  families  in  great  need  due  to  the
            manages  and  operates  Aruba  added CEO Meijs.                         Caribbean  Inter-Island  Air  Trans-  current  pandemic.  In  2021,  WoH
            Airport  has  begun  its  journey  with                                 portation                           focused  its  efforts  on  five  of  the
            Green Globe to achieve indepen-     Airport Carbon Accreditation Level  In  April  of  2021,  Aruba  Airport  United  Nation’s  SDGs:  No  Hunger,
            dent  certification  for  sustainable  2                                together  with  the  5  other  com-  Education,  Affordable  and  Clean
            operations and management.          Aruba  Airport  has  been  part  of  mercial  airports  of  the  Dutch  Ca-  Energy,  Environment/Sustainable
                                                the Airports Council International’s  ribbean  signed  a  Cooperation  Airport  Community,  and  Partner-
            Aruba  Airport  is  well  advanced  (ACI)  Airport  Carbon  Accredita-  Agreement  that  formalized  the  ship.  Several  projects  were  un-
            with  its  sustainability  initiatives  tion  (ACA)  for  the  last  four  years  Dutch  Caribbean  Cooperation  of  dertaken  including  provision  of
            and  seeks  to  gain  independent  and  has  taken  numerous  actions  Airports  (DCCA).  An  important  vi-  food vouchers to families in need,
            validation.  In  preparation,  four  of  in  favor  of  the  environment.  Air-  sion of DCCA is achieving sustain-  school  materials  and  uniforms  for
            AAA’s staff members have already  port  Carbon  Accreditation  is  the  able,  stable  and  affordable  air  students  as  well  as  coverage  of
            graduated from the Green Globe  only  global,  airport-specific  pro-   connections by adapting its airport  school tuition fees. In addition, an
            Academy  after  successfully  com-  gram that certifies airports’ efforts  infrastructure  where  possible  and  “Energy  Champion”  competition
            pleting  the  Sustainability  Leader-  to  manage  and  reduce  carbon  based on the needs of inter-island  where the winning school received
            ship for Tourism Professionals Train-  emissions.  It  is  the  ideal  program  airline operators.          AWG  20,000  to  complete  their
            ing Course. Aruba Airport already  for Aruba Airport to support Aruba                                       sustainable  plan  was  organized,
            has  significant  environmental  and  becoming  inclusive,  safe,  resilient,  DCCA has agreed to work together  along with support for a nursery for
            community  development  projects  and  sustainable  while  taking  ur-  to organize a Sustainable Air Trans-  the  Luna  Foundation  that  rescues
            underway  and  aims  to  complete  gent  action  to  combat  climate  portation  event  between  Dutch  street  dogs  and  strays  and  raises
            certification  by  the  beginning  of  change  and  its  impacts,  accord-  Caribbean  Islands  to  take  place  awareness  in  regard  to  spaying
            2023.                               ing  to  goals  #11  and  #13  of  the  in November 2022 in Aruba, orga-  and  neutering.  For  2022,  WoH’s
                                                United  Nations  Sustainable  Devel-  nized  by  Aruba  Airport  Authority  goals  focus  on:  No  Hunger,  Edu-
            CEO  Aruba  Airport  Authority  N.V.  opment Goals.                     N.V.. This event will be a crucial first  cation,  Awareness,  Environment/
            Joost  Meijs  says,  “As  one  of  the                                  step  towards  igniting  discussions  Sustainable  Airport  Community,
            leading  airports  in  the  region,  our  Airport Carbon Accreditation Lev-  on new air travel business models  and Partnership. The purpose is to
            vision  is  to  become  one  of  the  el  2,  (known  as  Reduction  Level)  including  passenger  handling  ex-  continue  contributing  to  the  Aru-
            most Sustainable, Safe and Future  highlights Aruba Airport’s efforts to  periences, competitive prices and  ban  community  through  various
            Proof  airports  in  the  Latin  Ameri-  measure, manage and reduce its  convenient air connection for both  projects and making a difference
            can & Caribbean region. We have  carbon  footprint.  These  efforts  in-  airlines and passengers. It is an im-  towards a more sustainable future
            defined  four  pillars  as  part  of  our  clude the replacement of all lights  portant  moment  to  exchange  in-  for all. q

              Changes in the law regarding tobacco products

              From the 2  of May 2022,  On October 26, 2021, min-     unanimous approval.         responsible for the protec-  sale  or  distribution  of  to-
              the changes to the law re-  ister of Public Health, Dan-                            tion  of  their  employees  bacco  to  people  un-
              garding tobacco products  gui  Oduber  was  in  Parlia-  On  the  2nd  of  May  2022,  from cigarette smoke dur-  der  21  years  of  age;
              will go into effect. The main  ment of Aruba to debate  this law will go into effect.  ing  working  hours  and  at  7:  Article  6A:  prohibits  the

              changes  include  a  prohi-  de  law  ‘Landsverorden-   In  short,  the  changes  are:  work premises;          sale  of  individual  ciga-
              bition from smoking in cer-  ing  tot  wijziging  van  den  1.   Article   2:   prohibits  4. Article 4: prohibits smok-  rettes.  Cigarettes  must  be
              tain areas, including trans-  Landsverordeing  beperk-  smoking  in  public  places;  ing  in  any  form  of  public  sold in a sealed pack.
              portation, as well as a ban  ing  tabaksproducten’,  es-  2.  Article  2A:  prohibits  transportation;
              on the sale of cigarettes to  sentially,  a  law  to  make  smoking  in  private  trans-  5.  Article  5:  prohibits  the  In  the  following  days,  the
              people  under  21  years  of  changes  to  the  existing  portation  when  there  is  a  sale  or  distribution  of  to-  government  will  provide
              age.                        law  regarding  tobacco  minor in the vehicle;          bacco in certain instances;  further information regard-
                                          products. This law received  3. Article 3: employers are  6:  Article  6:  prohibits  the  ing these changes.q
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