Page 16 - MIN JUS 20 AUG 2015
P. 16

                                                                                                                                         Thursday 20 August 2015

Fogle to plead guilty to sex acts with minors, child porn 

RICK CALLAHAN                  Former pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Aug.                                     lege student, in part by
Associated Press               19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges. Fogle agreed to plead guilty to al-                                 eating the chain’s sand-
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) —            legations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography in a case that                                  wiches. He was the public
Longtime pitchman Jared        destroyed his career at the sandwich-shop chain and could send him to prison for more than a                                   face of the company for
Fogle agreed Wednesday         decade.                                                                                                                        more than 15 years — a
to plead guilty to allega-                                                                                                                                    period in which its number
tions that he paid for sex                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)  of locations tripled, making
acts with minors and re-                                                                                                                                      Subway the world’s largest
ceived child pornography       pornography. The agree-           and Fogle could get a lon-       elaborate.                                                  restaurant chain.
in a case that destroyed his   ment released by prosecu-         ger sentence. The child-         As Fogle left the court-                                    Subway suspended the
career at a sandwich-shop      tors said Fogle will pay $1.4     porn charge carries a maxi-      house, several people                                       partnership in July after
chain and could send him       million in restitution to 14 mi-  mum penalty of 20 years in       jeered him amid a throng                                    agents raided his home
to prison for more than a      nor victims, who will each        prison. The count involving      of TV cameras, onlookers                                    in the affluent Indianapo-
decade.                        receive $100,000. He will         sex with a minor is punish-      and protesters.                                             lis suburb of Zionsville, and
Prosecutors alleged that       also be required to register      able by up to 30 years.          One man shouted, “Hey,                                      the chain said this week
Fogle knew the pornog-         as a sex offender and un-         Fogle “knows that restitu-       Jared, leave those kids                                     that it had ended its rela-
raphy had been secretly        dergo treatment for sexual        tion can’t undo the dam-         alone.” Others waved signs                                  tionship with Fogle. Federal
produced by the former         disorders. The government         age that he’s done, but he       accusing authorities of go-                                 prosecutors alleged in the
director of his charitable     agreed not to seek a sen-         will do all in his power to try  ing light on Fogle while giv-                               documents that Fogle trav-
foundation, which sought       tence of more than 12½            to make it right,” defense       ing many minorities rougher                                 eled to pay for sex acts,
to raise awareness about       years in prison, and Fogle        attorney Jeremy Margolis         treatment.                                                  including with minors, from
childhood obesity and ar-      agreed not to ask for less        told reporters.                  Fogle, 37, whose wife filed                                 2007 until as recently as
ranged for Fogle to visit      than five years, according        The married father of two,       for divorce Wednesday,                                      June and that he repeat-
schools and urge children      to court documents.               he added, has a “medical         became Subway’s pitch-                                      edly planned  business  trips
to adopt healthy eating        Federal judges have wide          problem” and “expects to         man after shedding more                                     to coincide with his sexual
and exercise habits.           discretion in sentencing,         get well,” but he did not        than 200 pounds as a col-                                   pursuits. The court docu-
Authorities said Fogle of-                                                                                                                                    ment detailing the charges
fered to pay adult prosti-                                                                                                                                    against Fogle states that
tutes a finder’s fee if they                                                                                                                                  he paid for sex at New York
could connect him with mi-                                                                                                                                    City hotels with two girls un-
nors for sex acts, including                                                                                                                                  der age 18 — one of whom
some as young as 14 or 15                                                                                                                                     was 17. But the plea agree-
years old.                                                                                                                                                    ment refers to the two girls
“This is about using wealth,                                                                                                                                  as being 16, and that one
status and secrecy to ille-                                                                                                                                   of them also had sex with
gally exploit children,” U.S.                                                                                                                                 Fogle after she turned 17.
Attorney Josh Minkler said.                                                                                                                                   Federal prosecutors could
A tight-lipped Fogle sat                                                                                                                                      not explain the discrepan-
in federal court with his                                                                                                                                     cy between the two docu-
hands clasped and quietly                                                                                                                                     ments. One of the girls told
answered “no” when the                                                                                                                                        investigators she had sex
judge asked whether he                                                                                                                                        with Fogle three times in
had any questions about                                                                                                                                       November 2012 and again
his rights. He is expected                                                                                                                                    two months later, in Janu-
to enter the formal plea at                                                                                                                                   ary. After their first meeting,
a later date to one count                                                                                                                                     Fogle allegedly texted the
each of travelling to en-                                                                                                                                     girl and offered to pay her
gage in illicit sexual con-                                                                                                                                   a fee if she could find him
duct with a minor and distri-                                                                                                                                 another underage girl to
bution and receipt of child                                                                                                                                   pay for sex acts.q
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