Page 18 - MIN JUS 20 AUG 2015
P. 18


U.S. NEWSThursday 20 August 2015

Prosecutor: Mom, not legal system, to blame in sons’ deaths 

ANDREW HUGGINS                   This photo provided by the Logan County Jail shows Brittany      But Goslee said Wednes-        newborn boy, Noah, were
Associated Press                                                                                  day they didn’t have any       taken into custody with
BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio (AP)         Pilkington, who calmly called 911 to report her baby son wasn’t  evidence of a crime in         Logan County Children’s
— A mother accused of                                                                             the earlier deaths, and no     Services pending an inves-
killing her three sons was       breathing on Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015, and then hours later        one could have predicted       tigation.
dominated and isolated                                                                            Pilkington would kill her re-  Then on Tuesday, Noah
by her husband, a man            confessed to killing him and her two other young sons over the   maining son.                   was dead as well.
nearly twice her age who                                                                          “Everybody that is involved    Joseph Pilkington, now 43,
had been her own moth-           past several months, police said. Pilkington was charged with    in this is truly emotionally   is not a suspect in the mur-
er’s live-in boyfriend before                                                                     distraught — including my-     ders, Police Chief Brandon
they married, authorities        three counts of murder and was jailed Tuesday, said police in    self, quite honestly — and     Standley said.
said Wednesday.                                                                                   it isn’t because the system    He came home from his
Investigators believe Brit-      Bellefontaine, Ohio. 		       (Logan County Jail via AP)         failed,” Goslee said. “It’s    job on a night shift Tuesday
tany Pilkington used each                                                                         because this child is dead.    and tried in vain to revive
boy’s comfort blanket to         parently feared how the       was furious that a judge           This was not a foreseeable     Noah as Brittany Pilkington
suffocate them in their          boys would grow up, and       ordered the surviving chil-        event.”                        called emergency services
crib or bed over the last        described her daughter        dren returned to the cou-          The Associated Press left      yet again from their home
13 months, because she           Hailey as her only friend.    ple last week.                     messages seeking com-          in Bellefontaine.
wanted her husband to            “It was her plan to elimi-    “Why would you give them           ment from the attorneys        “He’s not breathing,” Brit-
pay more attention to her-       nate male children in order   back after a little boy just       who represented the Pilk-      tany Pilkington was record-
self and their 3-year-old        that this father would have   died and when you’re in            ingtons in the protective      ed saying each time in a
daughter, Prosecutor Wil-        more attention available      the middle of an investiga-        custody case as well as Lo-    childlike voice.
liam Goslee said.                for her and for Hailey the    tion?” Skaggs, standing in         gan County Family Court        “Gavin, wake up!” her
Pilkington, 23, is jailed        daughter,” Goslee said.       front of his niece’s apart-        Judge Dan Bratka, whose        husband shouted in April.
on murder charges in all         “That’s a fact.”              ment, told The Columbus            ruling sent Noah and Hai-      Their daughter could be
three deaths, including          Her uncle, Joe Skaggs,        Dispatch on Tuesday.               ley home.                      heard, too, repeating that
her 3-month-old son Noah,                                                                         The Pilkingtons were mar-      her brother had become
who died Tuesday, less                                                                            ried in March 2010, when       “white.”
than a week after he was                                                                          she was 18 and he was 38,      On Tuesday, a sleep ap-
returned from protective                                                                          and Gavin was born that        nea monitor pinged re-
custody on a judge’s or-                                                                          June. Their other three chil-  peatedly as Joseph Pilking-
der.                                                                                              dren were born in quick        ton shouted “Noah, what’s
Goslee said he won’t likely                                                                       succession.                    going on?” and Brittany
seek the death penalty be-                                                                        Authorities had not been       quietly responded to the
cause of the background                                                                           sure what caused the           dispatcher’s questions. “I
of Brittany Pilkington, in-                                                                       death of 3-month-old Niall     imagine he’s probably blu-
cluding the fact she had                                                                          Pilkington in July 2014,       ish right now,” she said.
been dominated by her                                                                             which was attributed to        The prosecutor said in-
husband Joseph Pilking-                                                                           Sudden Infant Death Syn-       vestigators obtained her
ton, 43, who had been her                                                                         drome. After 4-year-old        confession after noticing
“semi-stepfather” at one                                                                          Gavin died in April, their     her “flat” reaction to the
point. Goslee said she ap-                                                                        daughter Hailey and the        deaths.q

US: Man arrested for hoax bomb threat at Statue of Liberty 

JAKE PEARSON                     rested in Texas, where he’s   Liberty,” FBI special agent        sweep of the island before     Hirst said.
Associated Press                 charged with conveying        Alexander Hirst wrote in a         officials determined there     On May 18, two other
NEW YORK (AP) — A man            false and misleading infor-   complaint filed in federal         were no explosives. The        emergency calls made via
who used the name of a           mation and hoaxes, au-        court in New York.                 statue, one of the nation’s    the calling service for the
1993 World Trade Center          thorities said.               Smith, 42, could face up to        most visited landmarks, re-    hearing impaired — one
bombing conspirator and          Smith, of West Virginia, who  five years in prison if con-       opened the next day.           threatening to “blow up
threatened to “blow up”          is not actually Yasin, iden-  victed. A federal public           Smith, who attended a          a bridge at Times Square”
the Statue of Liberty in April,  tified himself as the only    defender hasn’t returned           school for the deaf and        and another threatening
forcing the evacuation of        conspirator not to be cap-    a message seeking com-             the blind, used a service      to kill officers at the Brook-
Liberty Island, has been ar-     tured in the 1993 bombing,    ment on the case.                  for the hearing impaired       lyn Bridge — were made
rested, federal authorities      and said he was an “ISI       More than 3,200 people             to place the emergency         from an iPad at Smith’s
announced Wednesday.             terrorist” when he called     were removed by boats              call, Hirst wrote. Another     West Virginia address by a
Jason Paul Smith, who said       police from his iPad to say   following the April 24 call,       18 emergency calls were        user who identified himself
in an emergency call he          “that ‘we’ were preparing     and bomb-sniffing dogs             made Jan. 29-31 from an        as an “Isis allah Bomb mak-
was Abdul Yasin, was ar-         to ‘blow up’ the Statue of    were brought in to make a          email address on his iPad,     er,” Hirst wrote.q
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