Page 17 - MIN JUS 20 AUG 2015
P. 17
Thursday 20 August 2015
Defense cross-examines US girl who says student raped her
LYNNE TUOHY her fault for not kicking or Defendant Owen Labrie looks downward during a lawyer conference on the second day of his
Associated Press screaming or trying to push trial at Merrimack County Superior Court in Concord, N.H., Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015. Labrie is
CONCORD, New Hamp- him off. accused of raping a 15-year-old freshman as part of the “Senior Salute,” a practice of sexual
shire (AP) — A lawyer for Labrie, of Tunbridge, Ver- conquest at the prestigious St. Paul’s School in Concord.
a recent graduate of an mont, has pleaded not
elite prep school accused guilty to several felony (Geoff Forester/The Concord Monitor via AP, Pool)
of raping a first-year stu- charges and maintains the
dent last year began cross- two had consensual sexual — the now-16-year-old girl The Associated Press gener- day that when he tried to
examining his accuser contact — a misdemean- explained, “I didn’t want to ally doesn’t identify people move lower on her body,
Wednesday, asking wheth- or considering their ages show weakness. ... I wanted who say they have been she grabbed his head and
er she told her close friend — but did not have inter- to control a situation where sexually assaulted. said, “No, no, no. Keep it
in graphic details which course, which would be a I completely lost control.” The girl testified Wednes- up here.”q
sex acts she was prepared felony.
to engage in. Carney told jurors Tuesday
Nineteen-year-old Owen that emails between the
Labrie is charged with rap- two suggest the girl was a
ing the then-15-year-old willing participant.
girl at St. Paul’s School in Carney, who minimized
Concord two days before the Senior Salute element,
he graduated last year. read to jurors from a string
Prosecutors have said the of emails between the two
rape occurred as part of a before and immediately
tradition at St. Paul’s called after they got together the
“Senior Salute” in which se- night. In them, the fresh-
niors try to have sex with or man agreed to meet Lab-
romance underclassmen. rie, saying “only if it’s our
St. Paul’s is a member of little secret.”
a group of elite U.S. prep When questioned about
schools and counts as seemingly breezy emails
alumni an international ros- and Facebook exchang-
ter of senators, congress- es in the hours after their
men, ambassadors, Pulitzer encounter — including
Prize winners, Nobel laure- messages in which she re-
ates and World Series of peatedly uses “ha ha ha”
Poker winners.
Defense attorney J.W. Car- Hackers expose millions on Ashley Madison site
ney, reading from a Con-
cord police affidavit detail- RAPHAEL SATTER said. forcement are involved in cluded details such as us-
ing the friend’s interview, Associated Press Ashley Madison has long the probe, the company ers’ height, weight and GPS
asked the accuser if she LONDON (AP) — Hackers courted attention with its said. The Associated Press coordinates. He said men
had talked to her friend say they have exposed un- claim to be the Internet’s wasn’t immediately able to outnumbered women on
about what she would let faithful partners across the leading facilitator of extra- determine the authenticity the service five-to-one.
Labrie do to her. world, posting what they marital liaisons, boasting of the leaked files, although Avid Life Media declined
The girl responded that she said were the personal de- of having nearly 39 million many analysts who have to comment Wednesday
had no recollection of that. tails of millions of people members and that “thou- scanned the data believe beyond its statement. The
She testified that Labrie registered with cheating sands of cheating wives it is genuine. hackers also didn’t imme-
bit her breast and tried to website Ashley Madison. and cheating husbands TrustedSec Chief Executive diately return emails.
pull her underwear off in a A message posted by the sign up every day looking Dave Kennedy said the The prospect of millions of
school building on May 30, hackers alongside their for an affair.” information dump includ- adulterous partners be-
2014. On the witness stand, massive trove accused Its owner, Toronto-based ed full names, passwords, ing publicly shamed drew
the girl said she was in pain Ashley Madison’s owners of Avid Life Media Inc., has street addresses, credit widespread attention but
when he bit her and during deceit and incompetence previously acknowledged card information and “an the sheer size of the data-
intercourse but said noth- and said the company had suffering an electronic extensive amount of inter- base — and the technical
ing to Labrie, who was 18 refused to bow to their de- break-in and said in a state- nal data.” In a separate savvy needed to navigate
at the time. mands to close the site. ment Tuesday it was investi- blog, Errata Security Chief it — means it’s unlikely to
She testified she felt “fro- “Now everyone gets to see gating the hackers’ claim. Executive Rob Graham said lead to an immediate rush
zen” when he became their data,” the statement U.S. and Canadian law en- the information released in- to divorce courts.q
aggressive and she initially
felt like the sex assault was