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Wednesday 10 May 2023 locAl
Building and saving heritage! Episode CCV – 205
Stay in touch with the “Island-Insights” revelations re- than we need so that high taxes could materials that are and may be consid-
garding native Aruban ethnic heritage, upholding the be alleviated. ered national treasures There are also
island’s cultural identity in each of our weekly episodes, We know that cultural tourism has al- perceptions about documentary heri-
sharing awareness and education while encouraging ways been the great guardian of an- tage that, despite being outside of tra-
each reader to experience a true ad authentic island cient civilizations, but we see it today as ditional paradigms, deserve a place in
state of mind. the fundamental promoter of contem- better understanding the need to incor-
porary civilizations. We must show our porate information from those who take
In these times, the importance of preserving cultural visitors an orderly and educated lifestyle pride in maintaining private cultural her-
heritage throughout the world is emphasized to ben- and offer tourism activities based on itage collections.
efit human civilization in the future. preserving the historical, cultural, and Aruba has a very valuable intangible
As Aruba is an attractive tourist destination, cultural environmental aspects of Aruba. cultural heritage that includes oral tra-
conservation and promotion will only make sense if The effort to collect, preserve, and doc- ditions, performing arts, social practices,
they are economically sound, sustainable, and nature- ument cultural and historical value has rituals, festive events, and the knowl-
friendly. Building and holding on to heritage through been an extraordinary journey started edge and skills necessary to create tra-
sustainable cultural tourism for our future generations decades ago by Etnia Nativa in order ditional arts and crafts. It is an intangible
must be a priority! to collect, safeguard, and compile the cultural heritage, or “living heritage,”
Building heritage describes our origins and expresses Aruban heritage. A work that needs that refers to the practices, expressions,
our understanding of who we are today. It helps to de- support in the face of current challeng- knowledge, or techniques transmitted
fine a sense of place and an identity for a community es derived from preservation, conser- from generation to generation.
and contributes to feelings of belonging and national vation, digitization, etc. that are not al- We must “prepare” Aruba for any even-
pride. ways accessible. Culture and heritage tuality, take care of its nature, keep
We would like to shed light on this important issue of are facing many challenges in procur- public spaces and natural areas clean,
safeguarding Aruba’s cultural heritage and raise ing, conserving, and making materials drive carefully, and show respect at all
special awareness on the importance of protecting accessible. Changing the conditions of times.
and preserving sites in the face of threats like climate oral history and filed documents in order In this small and paradisiacal tourist des-
change, natural calamities, and incoherent human to disseminate these requires investing tination, we are already beginning to
activities like stacking stones, writing monuments, and in capable know-how to create open- see signs of fierce competition for visi-
leaving rubbish and dirt everywhere behind. access digital platforms and portals, tors due to the difficult global economic
The tourist industry on our island contributes in an im- which is in many ways time-consuming conditions and the lower availability of
portant way, and since the beginning - see episode and very costly. Other challenges in- income. A global situation that reflects
120- it has been an attractive destination for high- clude competing with institutions with how Aruba is supporting an “extra load”.
quality visitors. At that time, tourism was returning more larger available funds that don’t see As a museum and cultural professional,
than Aruba, its environment, and its people needed. the urgency to preserve or respect local Etnia Nativa specializes in the practice
Now, Aruba is immersed in the opposite situation, and costumes against small local endeav- of providing historical and cultural ex-
tourism has caused significant harm to the environ- ors with limited budgets. The question periences to learn about Aruba’s heri-
ment (both directly and indirectly). Our island needs of who owns nature, commerce, short- tage in a fun and educational way. Et-
solidarity but also to encourage responsible behavior sighted politics involved in the acquisi- nia Nativa will continue to work hard to
on the part of its inhabitants and visitors as well in order tion of more personal wealth, or those identify, maintain, preserve, and share
to protect it, and that tourism continues to give more committed to long-term preservation of Aruba’s records and history.
So do something off the tourist grid and
visit a unique private residential muse-
um where you can be touched by the
island’s authentic heritage and live out
the native effect between exhibits of ar-
chaeological art, archaic artifacts, lithic
tools, colonial furniture, and historical
items. q
Etnia Nativa is, since 1994, the home
of Anthony, our acclaimed columnist,
artist craftsman and island Piache who
guides and lectures you through his re-
splendent collection and it is the only
place that recreates and introduces
you to an authentic glimpse into Aru-
ba’s native cultural legacy and his co-
lonial family`s heritage dating back to
1640 when the Dutch occupation be-
gan dare to feel the true native effect,
meet Anthony!
Appointment is required + 297 592 2702