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a8 local
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Fresh fish right out of the Caribbean
Sea to your plate
If you haven’t visited The Grand Fish yet, check out our
local page for a coupon for a free glass of wine and
make sure to drop by. The staff will be happy to wel-
come, guide and serve you for an amazing casual bite
and good time.
The Grand Fish Restaurant is situated at
Taratata Road 15, unit #1.
Open from 11AM – 10PM from Wednesday till Monday
CLOSED on Tuesdays!!!q
ORANJESTAD – Fish restaurants are ev- seafood or seafood rice (paella lo-
erywhere, but do they serve fresh fish cal style) combined with sides of veg-
daily right out of the Caribbean Sea? The etables, french fries, rice, plantain, the
Grand Fish Restaurant does. This locally- island’s traditional ‘pan bati’ (slapped
owned restaurant is situated merely 5 bread) or funchi (cornmeal cake).
minutes from the strip and is open as
early as 11am for the lunch lovers. Each and every dish is made with pas-
sion, love and dedication. Yes… even
The minute you step inside you can feel the fried ones!
the homey and cozy warm ambiance There are also pasta, meat and poul-
by the décor and the friendly staff who try options plus a kid-friendly menu with
will receive you with open arms. crispy chicken or fish nuggets, cheese
burgers, mac & cheese and kid tender-
The Grand Fish Restaurant has an ex- loin.
traordinary menu starting with appetiz-
ers, salads and their famous fish soup. Pair your meal with your favorite drink
The entree dishes consist of a variety or cocktail, a wine of your choice or a
of fresh fish like whole red snapper, fish glass of The Grand Fish yummy home-
steak, fish cake, grilled salmon, mixed made fresh lemonade.
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Divi All Inclusive Resort
consecutively visiting Aruba) wonderful visitors who still keep
choosing Aruba after so many
The honorees were: years!
Distinguished Visitor of Aruba
Mrs. Renee Braun from Michigan, Top reasons for returning to Aruba
United States. provided by Mrs. Braun were:
The friendliness of everyone who
Goodwill Ambassador of Aruba works at all the Divi properties
Mrs. Cardin Paidoussis from New All the great friendships made over
York, United States. the years
“The walk I do on beach every day
Ms. Kimberley Richardson repre- to admire the beautiful Aruba wa-
senting the Aruba Tourism Author- ters & shells”
ity, and staff members of the Divi “I brought many family & friends to
All Inclusive Resort bestowed the Aruba”
certificates to the honorees, pre- “The warm & kind locals which
sented them with memorable gifts, made Aruba my home-away-
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- as a token of appreciation and to and also thanked them for choos- from-home”
cently had the great pleasure to say “Masha Danki” to guests whom ing Aruba as their best-loved vaca-
recognize a Distinguished Visi- have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 tion destination and as their home- Top reasons for returning to Aruba
tor and a Goodwill Ambassador years or more consecutively. away-from-home. provided by Mrs. Paidoussis were:
of Aruba. These two visitors were Aruba’s warm consistent weather
respectively honored with certifi- The three honoring levels are as On behalf of the Aruba Tourism all year round
cates acknowledging their years follows: Authority, we would like to express The wonderful people of Aruba
of visits, loyalty, and love for the is- Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- our sincere gratitude and appre- The location where Aruba is locat-
land of Aruba. secutively visiting Aruba) ciation to both Mrs. Braun and Mrs. ed
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years Paidoussis for their continued visits Aruba’s variety of activities to
The honor certification is presented consecutively visiting Aruba) to the “One Happy Island”. We are choose from
on behalf of the Minister of Tourism Emerald Ambassador (35>years incredibly thankful to have such Aruba’s nice sandy beachesq