Page 7 - aruba-today-20230510
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 10 May 2023
            Aruba in Canada!

            (Oranjestad)—Last    Thurs-  family  moved  to  Canada
            day, Aruba Today received  to  pursue  further  studies,
            a  special  e-mail  from  a  career  opportunities  and
            reader all the way in Can-   new    experiences.   They
            ada.  The  Futa-Toppenberg  have been living in Windsor
            family  shared  with  us  their  since 2019.
            daughter Lua’s school proj-
            ect  on  foreign  countries.  The  family  had  weeks  to
            Lua  gave  her  presentation  prepare  for  the  event,
            on Aruba, complete with a  and  stated  that  they  pre-
            hand-made  outfit  inspired  pared  ‘Funchi  Hasa’  for
            by  the  Aruban  Carnaval  the  guest  to  try.  They  also
            spirit and traditional snacks  made  Dulce  de  Leche  for
            for the class.               the  visitors.  Jamal  stated
                                         that  these  two  were  very
            Lua’s  father,  Jamal  Futa,  well-received  among  the
            explained  to  us  that  their  guests.
            daughter’s  school  orga-
            nized  a  Multi-Cultural  Day,  A  lot  of  people  were  also
            where  they  had  the  op-   very  interested  in  some
            portunity  to  present  their  facts  about  Aruba,  to
            Aruban heritage. The Multi-  which  Lua  provided  a  lot  ning their next trip to Aruba.  dren’s  traditional  clothing  ing  shared  and  spread
            cultural fair of May 4th fea-  of information on. They par-  Lua,  dressed  in  a  hand-  of their chosen country.   around  the  world!  To  Lua
            tured  many  countries,  in-  ticularly  asked  about  the  made  two  piece  outfit                                and  her  family,  we’d  like
            cluding India, China, Mexi-  map, the native language  inspired  by  the  glitz  and  Lua  and  her  family  were  to  give  congratulations
            co, Philippines, Iran, Turkey,  and  culture.  Some  guests  glamour of the Aruban Car-  very excited to present the  and  props  for  their  hard
            France, and of course Aru-   even told the family about  naval spirit, participated in  best  of  Aruba,  as  it  made  work.  Thank  you  for  your
            ba.                          their  recent  trips  to  the  is-  the  Culture  fashion  show,  them  feel  closer  to  home.  representation  and  shared
                                         land  and  asked  them  for  which the school also orga-  Aruba  Today  is  proud  to  pride  in  our  beautiful,  rich
            He  also  shared  that  the  more  information  on  plan-  nized to showcase the chil-  hear that our culture is be-  culture!q

            Aruba has yet to fix a date for the arrival of the first few cargo ships from Venezuela

            (Oranjestad)—Last Sunday,  of the maritime and aerial  ment  of  Aruba  does  not      ible  products,  construction  burden of the current high
            bringing  lemons,  avoca-    border  with  Venezuela:  play a role in this process.”   material etc. at a cheaper  living  cost  on  Aruba,”  the
            does  and  bananas,  two  “Prime Minister Pisas is very  She also assured that there   price.  This  may  help  the  prime minister declared.q
            cargo ships left the port of  grateful  for  all  the  mem-  is  still  no  set  date  where
            La Vela de Coro in Venezu-   bers of cabinet Pisas II, the  the first few ships will dock
            ela on their way to Curacao  government instances and  in Aruba. On May 4th, the
            as  part  of  the  reactivation  principally, to all respective  prime  minister  informed
            of  commercial  exchange  functionaries  of  the  gov-    that there are strict condi-
            between  the  ABC  islands.  ernment  that  formed  part  tions that have to be met in
            However, Aruba has yet to  of the work team in this re-   order to ensure good con-
            receive its first few ships.   opening. Thank you to the  trol,  among  other  things.
                                         Marshe  Nobo  Foundation  The  cargo  ships  coming
            After four years of non-ac-  and DMO for the beautiful  from  Venezuela  come  un-
            tivity, due to the closure of  ceremony  they  organized  der  the  responsibility  and
            the border between Aruba  for  this  memorable  mo-       request of an agency here
            and Venezuela, the historic  ment,” he stated on his so-  in  Aruba.  That  means  that
            relationship of commercial  cial media platform.          no  ship  is  permitted  to  ar-
            exchange  was  reactivat-    In regards to Aruba, Prime  rive  on  the  island  to  sell
            ed, with the first few cargo  Minister   Evelyn   Wever-  product here without prop-
            ships  heading  straight  to  Croes  assured  us  that  “no  er instructions from a local
            Curacao.                     ships have checked in yet.  agency. Crewmembers do
            Yester afternoon, the prime  Between the agency here  not have visas to enter the
            minister  of  Curacao  orga-  in  Aruba  and  the  cargo  country  and  so  they  are
            nized a welcome ceremo-      ships  over  in  Venezuela,  granted a maximum of 48
            ny for the ships coming from  they have to work togeth-   hours on the island—inside
            the Latin American country  er  to  reach  the  necessary  port property.
            in  mark  of  the  reopening  requirements.  The  govern-
                                                                      Up  until  now,  since  the  re-
                                                                      opening  of  the  maritime
                                                                      border, there are no cargo
                                                                      ships  that  have  arrived.
                                                                      There  are  paperwork  in
                                                                      Venezuela and Aruba that
                                                                      need to be completed, so
                                                                      it will take some time.
                                                                      “Maybe in these upcoming
                                                                      days we can start importing
                                                                      fruits  and  vegetables,  ed-
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