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Wednesday 10 May 2023
Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse, awards accuser $5M
Continued from Front he doesn’t remember it.
According to Carroll, she
Trump immediately lashed ended up in a dressing
out with a statement on his room with Trump after
social media site, claiming they ran into each other
again that he does not at Bergdorf Goodman on
know Carroll and referring to an unspecified Thursday
the verdict as “a disgrace” evening in spring 1996.
and “a continuation of They took an impromptu
the greatest witch hunt of jaunt to the lingerie
all time.” He promised to department so he could
appeal. search for a women’s gift,
The trial’s outcome was and soon were teasing
a validation for Carroll, each other about trying on
one of more than a a skimpy bodysuit, Carroll
dozen women who have testified. To her, it seemed
accused Trump of sexual like comedy, something
assault or harassment. She like her 1986 “Saturday
went public in 2019 with Night Live” sketch in which
her allegation that the a man admires himself in a
Republican raped her in mirror.
the dressing room of a posh But then, she said, Trump
Manhattan department E. Jean Carroll, center, walks out of Manhattan federal court, Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in New York. slammed the door, pinned
store. Associated Press her against a wall, planted
Trump, 76, denied it, saying his mouth on hers, yanked
he never encountered The trial revisited the Jurors also heard from The six-man, three-woman her tights down and
Carroll at the store and lightning-rod topic of Jessica Leeds, a former jury also saw the well-known raped her as she tried to
did not know her. He has Trump’s conduct toward stockbroker who testified 2005 “Access Hollywood” break away. Carroll said
called her a “nut job” who women. that Trump abruptly hot mic recording of Trump she ultimately pushed
invented “a fraudulent and Carroll gave multiple days groped her against her talking about kissing and him off with her knee and
false story” to sell a memoir. of frank, occasionally will on an airplane in the grabbing women without immediately left the store.
Carroll, 79, had sought emotional testimony, 1970s, and from Natasha asking. “I always think back to why
unspecified damages, buttressed by two friends Stoynoff, a writer who said The Associated Press I walked in there to get
plus a retraction of what who told jurors she reported Trump forcibly kissed her typically does not name myself in that situation,”
she said were Trump’s the alleged attack to them against her will while she people who say they have she testified, her voice
defamatory denials of her in the moments and day was interviewing him for a been sexually assaulted breaking, “but I’m proud to
claims. afterward. 2005 article. unless they come forward say I did get out.”
publicly, as Carroll, Leeds She soon confided in two
and Stoynoff have done. friends, according to her
The verdict comes as Trump and them. But she never
is facing an accelerating called police or told
swirl of legal risks. anyone else — or noted
He’s fighting a New York it in her diary — until her
criminal case related to memoir was published in
hush money payments 2019. Carroll said she kept
made to a porn actor. The silent out of fear that Trump
state attorney general has would retaliate, out of
sued him, his family and shame and out of a sense
his business over alleged that other people quietly
financial wrongdoing. denigrate rape victims and
Trump is also contending see them as somewhat
with investigations responsible for being
elsewhere into his possible attacked. Trump weighed
mishandling of classified in on the case from afar,
documents, his actions branding it “a made up
after the 2020 election SCAM” in a social media
and his activities during post early in the trial. U.S.
the insurrection at the U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan
Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. called the comments
Trump denies wrongdoing “entirely inappropriate”
in all of those matters. and warned that the ex-
Carroll, who penned an Elle president could cause
magazine advice column himself more legal woes if
for 27 years, has also he kept it up. Tacopina told
written for magazines and the jury Carroll made up her
“Saturday Night Live.” She claims after hearing about
and Trump were in social a 2012 “Law and Order”
circles that overlapped episode in which a woman
at a 1987 party, where a is raped in the dressing
photo documented them room of the lingerie section
and their then-spouses of a Bergdorf Goodman
interacting. Trump has said store.q