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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Wednesday 10 May 2023
             U.S. regulators OK spent nuclear fuel facility in New Mexico

            By  SUSAN  MONTOYA  BRY-                                                                                            Steinborn, a Democrat who
            AN                                                                                                                  sponsored the measure.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Holtec  has  argued  that
            ALBUQUERQUE,  N.M.  (AP)                                                                                            the  New  Mexico  measure
            —  U.S.  nuclear  regulators                                                                                        is  pre-empted  by  federal
            licensed  a  multibillion-dol-                                                                                      law  and  that  a  court  fight
            lar  complex  to  temporarily                                                                                       would only delay the eco-
            store tons of spent nuclear                                                                                         nomic  boon  that  would
            fuel  in  New  Mexico  from                                                                                         come  from  building  the
            commercial  power  plants                                                                                           complex.
            around the nation, a deci-                                                                                          The company has spent an
            sion likely to be challenged                                                                                        estimated $80 million pursu-
            in court.                                                                                                           ing  the  40-year  license  to
            The  Nuclear  Regulatory                                                                                            build  and  operate  the  fa-
            Commission  issued  its  de-                                                                                        cility.
            cision  Tuesday,  saying  it                                                                                        “This milestone is the culmi-
            will allow the energy com-                                                                                          nation of an eight-year pro-
            pany  Holtec  International                                                                                         cess to bring a safe, secure,
            to  build  and  operate  the                                                                                        temporary  and  retrievable
            facility in southeastern New                                                                                        private  facility  to  help  the
            Mexico. New Jersey-based                                                                                            nation’s spent fuel storage
            Holtec  may  still  need  to                                                                                        dilemma,” Holtec said in a
            acquire  permits  from  the   An illustration depicts a planned interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in southeastern New   statement thanking regula-
            state,  and  top  New  Mexi-  Mexico as officials announce plans to pursue a project by Holtec International during a news   tors.
            co officials have vowed to   conference in Albuquerque, N.M., on April 29, 2015.                   Associated Press  Since  the  federal  govern-
            fight the project.                                                                                                  ment  has  failed  to  build  a
            Hot  and  highly  radioac-   uranium fuel. Future expan-  Gov.     Michelle    Lujan  proved legislation in March  permanent  repository,  it
            tive,  spent  fuel  consists  sion  could  make  room  for  Grisham  and  the  state’s  aimed  at  stopping  the  reimburses utilities to house
            of  uranium  pellets  inside  as many as 10,000 canisters  congressional  delegation  project.  “Today’s  actions  the fuel in either steel-lined
            metal  rods.  It  can  only  be  over six decades. The ma-  say  they  fear  New  Mexico  by  the  NRC  illustrate  the  concrete pools of water or
            handled by machines and  terial would be transported  will  become  the  nation’s  importance  of  New  Mex-        in steel and concrete con-
            people  have  to  be  physi-  to New Mexico via rail.     dumping  ground  for  spent  ico’s  new  prohibition  on  tainers  known  as  casks  at
            cally  shielded  from  it,  usu-  Critics  say  most  would  be  nuclear  fuel  because  the  the storage and disposal of  sites  in  nearly  three  dozen
            ally by steel or concrete.   brought  from  East  Coast  federal government has no  high-level  nuclear  waste.  states.  The  cost  of  that
            The  New  Mexico  project  sites,  prompting  concern  permanent solution for the  It’s  time  that  our  voice  be  practice  is  expected  to
            would  have  capacity  to  after  recent  railway  ac-    waste piling up at commer-   heard  and  honored,  and  stretch  into  the  tens  of  bil-
            temporarily  store  up  to  cidents    involving   other  cial  reactors  around  the  that  this  project  be  shut  lions of dollars over the next
            8,680  metric  tons  of  used  chemicals and cargo.       country.  New  Mexico  ap-   down,” said state Sen. Jeff  decade.q

            U.S. busts Russian cyber operation in dozens of countries

            By ERIC TUCKER               ware  to  conduct  cyberes-  The  specific  targets  were  successfully    exfiltrated  America.  U.S.  officials  said
            Associated Press             pionage against the United  not named in court papers,  sensitive  documents  from  they’d  been  investigat-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  States  and  our  allies    that  but the Justice Department  NATO countries.             ing  Snake  for  about  a  de-
            Justice  Department  said  ends  today,”  Assistant  At-  said the affected networks  Prosecutors  say  the  hack-  cade and came to regard
            Tuesday  that  it  had  dis-  torney  General  Matthew  were in more than 50 coun-     ers,  employing  malicious  it as the most sophisticated
            rupted a long-running Rus-   Olsen, the head of the Jus-  tries. U.S. officials described  software  known  as  Snake,  malware  implant  relied  on
            sian cyberespionage cam-     tice Department’s National  the  espionage  campaign  routed data stolen from for-     by the Russian government
            paign  that  infected  com-  Security  Division,  said  in  a  as  “very  consequential,”  eign  governments  through  for  espionage  campaigns.
            puter networks in dozens of  statement.                   saying  the  hackers  had  compromised computers in  They said Turla, the FSB unit
            countries,  including  in  the                                                         the U.S. as a way to cover  believed responsible for the
            United States, and resulted                                                            their tracks. They operated  malware,  had  refined  and
            in the theft of sensitive infor-                                                       from  what  the  Justice  De-  revised  it  multiple  times  as
            mation from governments.                                                               partment said was a known  a way to avoid being shut
            Prosecutors  linked  the  spy-                                                         FSB facility in Ryazan, Russia.  down.  The  Justice  Depart-
            ing  operation  to  a  unit  of                                                        In  a  separate  statement,  ment,  using  a  warrant  this
            Russia’s  Federal  Security                                                            CrowdStrike Intelligence, a  week from a federal judge
            Service,  or  FSB,  and  ac-                                                           private  cybersecurity  firm  in Brooklyn, launched what
            cused the hackers of steal-                                                            that has studied the threat,  it said was a high-tech op-
            ing  documents  from  hun-                                                             said  the  sectors  targeted  eration using a specialized
            dreds of computer systems                                                              by  the  hacking  included  tool  called  Perseus  that
            belonging  to  governments                                                             government  organizations,  caused the malware to ef-
            of  NATO  members,  an  un-                                                            defense-related  organiza-   fectively self-destruct.
            identified  journalist  for  a                                                         tions  and  companies  de-   Federal  officials  said  they
            U.S. news organization who                                                             veloping    cryptographic  were confident that, based
            reported  on  Russia,  and   Russian RS-24 Yars ballistic missiles drive along the embankment   hardware.  It  said  coun-  on  the  impact  of  its  op-
            other select targets of inter-  next to the Kremlin wall after the Victory Day military parade   tries all over the world had  eration  this  week,  the  FSB
            est to the Kremlin.          in  Moscow,  Russia,  Tuesday,  May  9,  2023,  marking  the  78th   been  affected,  including  would  not  be  able  to  re-
            “For  20  years,  the  FSB  has  anniversary of the end of World War II.               in Europe, Australia, part of  constitute  the  malware
            relied  on  the  Snake  mal-                                          Associated Press  Asia  and  North  and  South  implant.q
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