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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 10 May 2023
            EU takes aim at countries helping Russia to avoid sanctions

             By LORNE COOK                                                                                                      terests  of  our  country  and
             Associated Press                                                                                                   our  companies.”  German
             Brussels (AP) — A top Euro-                                                                                        Foreign  Minister  Annalena
             pean Union official on Tues-                                                                                       Baerbock stressed that any
             day urged the 27 member                                                                                            sanctions would target spe-
             nations to take trade mea-                                                                                         cific companies, not coun-
             sures against countries that                                                                                       tries,  that  supply  Russian
             help the Kremlin to circum-                                                                                        arms  manufacturers  with
             vent  the  bloc’s  sanctions                                                                                       critical  components    in-
             against  Russia,  sparking  a                                                                                      cluding  so-called  dual  use
             warning from China that it                                                                                         goods.“This  is  not  directed
             would retaliate if targeted.                                                                                       at any specific country, but
             During a visit to Kyiv, Euro-                                                                                      rather  it  is  directed  in  par-
             pean  Commission  Presi-                                                                                           ticular at these sanctioned
             dent  Ursula  von  der  Leyen                                                                                      goods,”  she  told  reporters
             said  the  measures  -  which                                                                                      in  Berlin.  “But  we  expect
             would  set  a  new  prece-                                                                                         of  everyone,  including  of
             dent for EU action - should                                                                                        China,  that  they  put  pres-
             be part of a fresh round of                                                                                        sure  on  their  companies
             Russia  sanctions  which  the                                                                                      accordingly.”  The  EU  has
             member  countries  are  dis-                                                                                       imposed 10 rounds of sanc-
             cussing.  “We  recently  see                                                                                       tions  on  Russia  since  Presi-
             a growth of highly unusual                                                                                         dent Vladimir Putin ordered
             trade flows through the Eu-  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, right, and European Commission President Ursula von   his  forces  into  Ukraine  on
             ropean  Union  and  certain   der Leyen attend their press conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, May 9, 2023.      Feb. 24. Banks, companies
             third countries. These goods                                                                      Associated Press   and markets have been hit
             then end up in Russia,” von  goods,” von der Leyen told  after approval by EU mem-    regions. At the same time,  even  parts  of  the  sensitive
             der  Leyen  said,  standing  reporters.  All  27  members  ber states. But there should  he insisted that “exchange  energy sector.
             alongside  Ukrainian  Presi-  must  approve  any  sanc-  be no doubt that we work  and cooperation between  Well over 1,000 officials are
             dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy.   tions unanimously. Over the  against  sanctions  circum-  Chinese and Russian com-     subject to asset freezes and
             She  did  not  name  the  last  several  months,  von  vention,”  she  said.  China’s  panies” should not be inter-  travel bans. Much work has
             countries,  but  EU  officials  der  Leyen’s  commission  foreign minister said Beijing  fered with. “We are strictly  involved  closing  loopholes
             have    raised   concerns  has  become  responsible  would  respond  strongly  if  against      some    countries  so  that  goods  vital  to  Pu-
             about  certain  flows  of  for  proposing  what  sanc-   the  EU  took  steps  against  using  their  own  domestic  tin’s  war  effort  do  not  get
             goods  through  China  and  tion action to take, leaving  Chinese  companies  doing  laws, their long arm jurisdic-  through.  However, it is the
             Iran  for  some  time.  “If  we  the  member  countries  to  legitimate  business  in  Rus-  tion,  to  impose  one-sided  first  time  that  plans  have
             see  that  goods  are  going  thrash  out  their  differenc-  sia. Speaking after a meet-  sanctions  against  China,”  been  announced  to  tar-
             from  the  European  Union  es, sometimes over several  ing with his German coun-     Qin  said,  according  to  an  get  trade  via  other  coun-
             to third countries and then  weeks.  “This  tool  will  be  a  terpart  in  Berlin,  Chinese  official interpreter. “In such  tries,  apart  from  sanctions
             end up in Russia, we could  last resort and it will be used  Foreign  Minister  Qin  Gang  a  case,  we  would  also  re-  against Iranians alleged to
             propose  to  the  member  cautiously following a very  said Beijing has laws forbid-  act  strongly  to  this  and  be supplying drones to Rus-
             states  to  sanction  those  diligent  risk  analysis  and  ding arms deliveries to crisis  defend  the  legitimate  in-  sia. q

             Israeli security agency defends use of threatening messages

            By JOSEF FEDERMAN            dismiss the case. It said the  legitimate  tool  within  the  It  described  the  misfired  Using  mobile-phone  track-
            Associated Press             tracking technology was a  scope of its authority.        messages  as  an  isolated  ing  technology,  the  Shin
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israel’s                                                           error,  said  it  had  identified  Bet sent a text message to
            Shin  Bet  internal  security                                                          “several  specific  flaws  in  people it believed were in-
            agency is defending its use                                                            the manner of sending the  volved  in  the  clashes  and
            of  a  sophisticated  surveil-                                                         messages” and updated its  told them “we will hold you
            lance  tool  that  was  used                                                           guidelines  to  prevent  simi-  accountable”  for  acts  of
            to  send  threatening  text                                                            lar mistakes in the future.  violence.
            messages  to  Palestinian                                                              It  described  the  tool  as  The   recipients   included
            protesters  during  unrest  at                                                         “proportionate,  balanced  both Palestinian residents of
            Jerusalem’s  most  sensitive                                                           and most reasonable.”        east  Jerusalem,  who  hold
            holy site two years ago.                                                               The  messages  were  sent  Israeli  residency  rights,  as
            A leading civil rights group                                                           to hundreds of Palestinians  well  as  Palestinian  citizens
            has asked Israel’s Supreme                                                             in  May  2021  at  the  height  of Israel. While some recipi-
            Court to halt the practice,                                                            of  one  of  the  city’s  most  ents had participated in the
            saying   the   threatening                                                             turbulent  periods  in  recent  clashes,  others,  including
            messages  exceeded  the                                                                years. At the time, Palestin-  people  who  lived,  worked
            authorities  of  the  Shin  Bet.                                                       ian  protesters  were  clash-  or  prayed  in  the  area,  re-
            It  has  also  noted  that  the   A worshipper stands in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the   ing with Israeli police at the  ceived  the  message  erro-
            messages  were  sent  er-    Old City of Jerusalem, Jan. 29, 2022, and holds his mobile phone   Al Aqsa Mosque in violence  neously and said they were
            roneously  to  people  unin-  showing  a  threatening  message.  The  May  2021  text,  signed   that helped fuel an 11-day  surprised or scared. Jewish
                                         “Israeli intelligence,” reads: “Hello! You have been spotted as
            volved in the unrest.        having participated in acts of violence in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and   war between Israel and the  Israelis  in  the  area  are  not
            In a May 4 submission, the   we will hold you accountable.”                            Hamas militant group in the  known  to  have  received
            Shin Bet asked the court to                                           Associated Press   Gaza Strip.                the message.q
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