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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 10 May 2023

            U.S. troops arrive at border as migration curbs set to end

            By  LOLITA  C.  BALDOR  and                                                                                         who  cross  illegally  and  by
            TARA COPP                                                                                                           creating  new  pathways
            Associated Press                                                                                                    meant to offer alternatives
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —                                                                                           to a dangerous and often
            About 550 U.S. active duty                                                                                          deadly journey.
            troops  have  begun  arriv-                                                                                         Some locations across the
            ing  along  the  U.S.-Mexico                                                                                        border are already seeing
            border in the first group of                                                                                        an  influx  of  migrants,  of-
            military  support  ahead  of                                                                                        ten  spurred  by  false  infor-
            an  expected  increase  of                                                                                          mation  from  smugglers  or
            migrants,  U.S.  defense  of-                                                                                       widespread  rumors  about
            ficials said Tuesday.                                                                                               what  the  Title  42  changes
            The movement of troops is                                                                                           will mean for their chances
            part  of  efforts  to  beef  up                                                                                     of being able to remain in
            security along the southern                                                                                         the U.S.
            border as the U.S. prepares                                                                                         Agents  in  the  Border  Pa-
            for the end of immigration                                                                                          trol’s  relatively  quiet  El
            restrictions  linked  to  the                                                                                       Centro,  California,  sector
            coronavirus     pandemic.                                                                                           stopped  about  260  mi-
            Those  restrictions  are  set                                                                                       grants  a  day  over  a  four
            to  expire  Thursday,  lead-                                                                                        or five day period through
            ing  to  concerns  about                                                                                            Sunday, up from about 90
            whether  that  will  result  in   Colombian migrants that were trying to evade U.S. Border Patrol wait to be processed near the   a  day  the  previous  week,
            an increase in migrants try-  port of entry in Hidalgo, Texas, Thursday, May 4, 2023.                               said  Gregory  Bovino,  the
            ing to enter the U.S. starting                                                                     Associated Press    sector chief.q
            The  forces  will  mainly  be   grounds  of  preventing  the
            used  to  help  monitor  and   spread of COVID-19.
            watch  the  border,  or  do   The  Biden  administration
            data  entry  and  support,   has  said  that  it  is  ready
            and  are  “not  there in  any   to  deal  with  whatever
            way to be interacting with   happens  after  Title  42’s
            migrants,”  said  Brig.  Gen.   use  ends,  although  it  has
            Pat Ryder, Pentagon press    also  repeatedly  criticized
            secretary.  The  goal  is  to   Congress  for  not  making
            free  up  U.S.  Customs  and   changes  to  the  country’s
            Border  Protection  person-  immigration system.
            nel to do law enforcement    “We believe we have a ro-
            activities.                  bust  process  to  deal  with
            “They  needed  assistance    what is going to occur after
            performing  some  of  those   Title 42 lifts. Again, we’re us-
            back  shop  type  require-   ing the tools that are avail-
            ments  so  that  they  can   able  to  us  because  Con-
            focus on the law enforce-    gress refuses to do their job
            ment aspect of this,” Ryder   as it relates to the border,”
            said.                        White  House  press  secre-
            At least some of the active   tary Karine Jean-Pierre said
            duty  troops  will  be  used   Tuesday.
            near El Paso, Texas, he said,   Roughly  2,500  National
            while adding that CBP will   Guard  members  are  al-
            decide  where  forces  will   ready  spread  across  all
            go.                          sectors of the border, pro-
            More  than  900  additional   viding an array of support
            soldiers,  Marines  and  air-  to  CBP,  including  moni-
            men will follow around the   toring,  detection  and  air
            end of May. The initial plan   transportation.
            calls  for  a  temporary  90-  Separately,  Texas  Nation-
            day deployment of the ac-    al  Guard  troops  are  also
            tive  duty  forces,  because   working  along  the  border
            they can be moved much       under  state  authority.  Ry-
            more quickly to the border   der  said  the  active  duty
            than National Guard or Re-   troops will be doing an en-
            serve troops.                tirely separate mission.
            U.S.  and  international  law   Even  with  the  COVID-19
            give  migrants  the  right  to   asylum  restrictions  still  in
            seek asylum. However, the    place,  the  administration
            U.S.  has  used  Title  42  of  a   has  seen  record  num-
            public health law to expel   bers  of  people  crossing
            migrants  with  no  chance   the  border.  President  Joe
            at  asylum  2.8  million  times   Biden  has  responded  by
            since  March  2020  on  the   cracking  down  on  those
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