Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210408
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 8 aPRiL 2021
Greece rolls out free self-testing kits for COVID-19
(AP) — Kits for self-ad- population would begin on record number of daily cases
ministered coronavi- Thursday. The tests involve Tuesday, with 4,309 new con-
rus tests began arriving simple nasal swabs and are firmed cases and 79 deaths,
in Greek pharmacies easily carried out without the bringing the total number of
Wednesday, with each res- need for a healthcare profes- deaths to more than 8,530.
ident entitled to one free sional, he noted. Despite the surge, retail
of charge per week as part stores in most of the country
of efforts to tackle a surge Addressing complaints re- reopened Monday on an ap-
of coronavirus cases and ported by some pharmacists pointment-only basis. Cafes,
hospitalizations. that the tests had arrived in restaurants and bars remain
packages of 25 instead of as shut and are allowed to oper-
Priority for the home tests individual kits, forcing phar- ate on a takeout or delivery
is initially being given to macists to repackage them for basis only, while a 9 p.m. to 5
teachers and high school stu- distribution, Kontozamanis a.m. curfew remains in place
dents aged 16-18, as authori- said future shipments would and people are allowed to
ties contemplate reopening be in individual packaging. leave home only for specific
schools, at least for certain Greece has been under lock- ularly for the final grades of ment website and will have to reasons and after sending a
grades. Greece’s commit- down-type restrictions since high school, where students undergo a repeat PCR test. text message to authorities
tee of medical experts han- early November and schools are preparing for university Despite restrictions on move- or carrying a self-declaration
dling coronavirus issues was have been shut for most entrance exams. Health offi- ment and gatherings and the form. Masks are compulsory
meeting Wednesday, and an of the time since then, al- cials have said students who closures of bars, restaurants in all public indoor and out-
announcement on whether though they briefly reopened don’t carry out the self-test and retail stores for months, door areas.
and under what conditions for a few weeks earlier this and have a declaration signed coronavirus cases have been But after five months of re-
schools will reopen was ex- year. Only special education by their parents confirming surging in Greece. Hospitals strictions, many are openly
pected in the evening. schools have remained open a negative result won’t be al- are under strain and many flouted and crowds outside
Alternate Health Minister throughout. lowed to attend classes. intensive care units are at cafes and bars serving drinks
Vassilis Kontozamanis said Authorities have been debat- Anyone testing positive will capacity. The country of 11 in plastic cups have become
distribution of the tests to the ing reopening schools, partic- have to declare it on a govern- million people announced a common in the evenings.
Indonesia landslides death toll rises to 126, dozens missing
(AP) — The death toll it on a bamboo stretcher and deployed from Makassar
from mudslides in east- take it away for burial. city on Sulawesi island, but
ern Indonesia has risen to In all, landslides and flood- were hindered by a lack of
126 with scores still miss- ing have killed at least 126 sea transportation. National
ing, officials said Wednes- across several islands in In- Disaster Mitigation Agency
day, as rain continued donesia as well as 27 people chief Doni Monardo called
to pound the region and in neighboring East Timor. on the private sector to sup-
hamper the search. Thousands of homes have port relief efforts.
been damaged and thousands Three helicopters began
East Flores district on of people displaced by the reaching isolated areas of
Adonara island suffered the weather, which is expected to the islands on Tuesday, and
highest losses with 67 bod- continue until at least Friday President Joko Widodo held
ies recovered so far and six as the storm moves south to- a Cabinet meeting in Jakarta
missing. Mud tumbled down ward Australia. to speed up the operation.
from surrounding hills early The disaster agency’s spokes-
on Sunday, catching people at solidified lava from a volca- Hundreds of police, soldiers Rescue efforts were being person Raditya Jati said three
sleep. Some were swept away nic eruption in November and residents dug through hampered by the rains and more helicopters with relief
by flash floods after over- to crash down on more than the debris with their bare the remoteness of the area, supplies and rescue person-
night rains caused rivers to a dozen villages, killing at hands, shovels and hoes where roads and bridges were nel arrived Wednesday and a
burst their banks. least 28 and leaving 44 unac- searching for those buried. damaged in many places. hospital ship carrying more
On nearby Lembata island, counted for, according to the On Tuesday, relatives wailed Rescue personnel with ex- goods was expected to arrive
the downpour triggered by National Disaster Mitigation as they watched rescuers pull cavators and tons of food on Friday to relieve over-
Tropical Cyclone Seroja sent Agency. out a mud-caked body, place and medicine were being whelmed health clinics.
Russia to boost ties with Pakistan, supply military gear
(AP) — Russia’s foreign gion, particularly in Afghani- stepped up its involvement who were aided by the U.S. railway system as well as its
minister on Wednesday stan. There, it has sought to in Afghanistan, emerging as a to oust the former Soviet energy sector.
said Moscow and Islam- inject itself as a key player significant player. Last month Union, which negotiated an The visit underlines the wan-
abad will boost ties in the in accelerated efforts to find it hosted talks between the end to a 10-year occupation ing influence of the United
fight against terrorism, a peaceful end to decades of Taliban and senior govern- in 1989. States in the region, while
with Russia providing un- war. ment officials, and Lavrov Russian and Chinese clout
specified military equip- suggested another high-level Russia is also building a gas grows, says Michael Kugel-
ment to Pakistan and the “We stand ready to strength- meeting could again be held pipeline between the south- man, Deputy Director of the
two holding joint exercis- en the anti-terrorist potential in Moscow. ern port city of Karachi and Asia Program at the U.S.-
es at sea and in the moun- of Pakistan, including by sup- Lavrov arrived in Pakistan on eastern Lahore. Pakistan’s based Wilson Center.
tains. plying Pakistan with special Tuesday from neighboring Foreign minister Shah Mah- “There’s a good reason why
military equipment,” Lavrov India, with whom Moscow mood Qureshi said Islam- this is the first Russian for-
Sergey Lavrov spoke on the said, without going into de- has had a long and solid rela- abad will also buy 5 million eign minister visit to Islam-
second day of a two-day trip tail about the equipment. tionship. The apparent reset doses of the Russian made abad for nearly a decade:
to Pakistan. It’s the first visit Washington is reviewing an in Pakistani-Russian rela- COVID-19 Sputnik V vac- Russia-Pakistan relations are
by a Russian foreign min- agreement it signed more tions however is by contrast cine, and expressed a desire on the ascent,” he said in an
ister in nine years, part of a than a year ago with the Tal- a recent phenomena. to eventually manufacture it interview. He also noted a
warming of frosty relations. iban as it rethinks a May 1 In the 1980s Pakistan was in Pakistan. He said Pakistan new 25-year development
It comes as Moscow seeks to withdrawal of its soldiers. a staging arena for anti- also wanted Russian expertise agreement between Iran and
increase its stature in the re- Meanwhile, Moscow has communist Afghan rebels to modernize its antiquated China.