Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210408
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A32     sports
                      Diahuebs 8 aPRiL 2021

                             China warns Washington not to boycott Winter Olympics

            (AP)  —  China’s  govern-                                                                                           international   community
            ment  warned  Washing-                                                                                              including  the  U.S.  Olympic
            ton  on  Wednesday  not  to                                                                                         Committee  will  not  accept
            boycott next year’s Winter                                                                                          it.”
            Olympics  in  Beijing  after
            the  Biden  administration                                                                                          Human  rights  groups  are
            said  it  was  talking  with                                                                                        protesting  China’s  hosting
            allies  about  a  joint  ap-                                                                                        of the games, due to start in
            proach  to  complaints  of                                                                                          February  2022.  They  have
            human rights abuses.                                                                                                urged  a  boycott  or  other
                                                                                                                                measures to call attention to
            A  Foreign  Ministry  spokes-                                                                                       accusations of Chinese abus-
            person rejected accusations of                                                                                      es against Uyghurs, Tibetans
            abuses against ethnic minori-                                                                                       and residents of Hong Kong.
            ties  in  the  Xinjiang  region.                                                                                    The  U.S.  State  Department
            He warned of an unspecified                                                                                         suggested  an  Olympic  boy-
            “robust Chinese response” to                                                                                        cott was among the possibili-
            a potential Olympics boycott.                                                                                       ties but a senior official said
            “The  politicization  of  sports                                                                                    later  a  boycott  has  not  been
            will damage the spirit of the                                                                                       discussed.  The  International
            Olympic  Charter  and  the                                                                                          Olympic Committee and the
            interests  of  athletes  from  all                                                                                  U.S.  Olympic  and  Paralym-
            countries,”  said  the  spokes-                                                                                     pic  Committee  have  said  in
            person,  Zhao  Lijian.  “The                                                                                        the past they oppose boycotts.

            South Africa wins toss, sends Pakistan in to

                                         bat in 3rd ODI

            (AP)  —  South  Africa  won  the  toss  and  The home side is missing Kagiso Rabada, An-
            sent Pakistan in to bat in the third and  rich Nortje, Lungi Ngidi and David Miller,
            deciding  one-day  international  cricket  who are in India for the India Premier League.
            match on Wednesday.                        Legspinner Usman Qadir, son of the late Ab-
                                                       dul Qadir, will make his ODI debut for Paki-
            “We  looked  at  overhead  conditions  and  we  stan. He is among four changes for Pakistan.
            think  in  the  morning  their  might  be  a  bit  On  Sunday,  South  Africa  leveled  the  series
            of  swing  to  exploit.  Defending  here  on  the  with a 17-run win. Last Friday, captain Babar
            Highveld is a challenge,” South Africa captain  Azam’s century set up Pakistan’s three-wicket
            Temba Bavuma said.                         victory in the first match.

                          Mariners’ Paxton leaves after 24 pitches due to elbow injury

            (AP) — Left-hander James                                                                                            ners  in  February  on  a  one-
            Paxton  exited  the  first                                                                                          year deal worth $8.5 million.
            start  of  his  second  stint                                                                                       Paxton can earn an additional
            with Seattle due to a fore-                                                                                         $1.5  million  in  performance
            arm strain in his pitching                                                                                          bonuses  for  games  started:
            arm after throwing just 24                                                                                          $150,000  each  for  six  to  10
            pitches  against  the  White                                                                                        and  $750,000  more  over
            Sox on Tuesday night.                                                                                               starts 11-22. He had surgery
                                                                                                                                in February 2020 to repair a
            The  Mariners  initially  said                                                                                      herniated disk and remove a
            Paxton  had  elbow  discom-                                                                                         cyst from his back. He went
            fort but after the 10-4 loss to                                                                                     2-3 with a 6.64 ERA in five
            Chicago both manager Scott                                                                                          starts for New York last year
            Servais and Paxton described                                                                                        before being shut down with
            it as a forearm injury.                                                                                             a left forearm flexor strain.
            Paxton, who remained in the                                                                                         Paxton said this issue with his
            dugout to watch after he left                                                                                       forearm  feels  different  than
            the mound, will undergo an                                                                                          what he dealt with last year.
            MRI on Wednesday.                                                                                                   He said there was more pain
            “It’s  just  frustrating.  I  feel                                                                                  a year ago, which has him op-
            like for me it’s kind of been                                                                                       timistic this could be less se-
            one thing after another,” Pax-                                                                                      rious than initially feared.
            ton said. “I work really hard                                                                                       Paxton said the offseason was
                                                                                                                                a progression of building up
                                                                                                                                strength in the forearm in the
                                         and  doing  everything  I  can  Scott Servais and a trainer im-  came up it just got worse and  hope of putting the problem
                                         to be out there and I’ll con-  mediately came to the mound  worse  and  just  kind  of  felt  behind him.
                                         tinue to do so. And hopefully  while Paxton bent over with  it,” Paxton said. “It got to the  “I  came  into  tonight  I  was
                                         I  can  catch  a  break  and  stay  his  hands  on  his  knees.  Af-  point where I couldn’t throw  pretty  confident  that  I  was
                                         healthy.” Paxton grimaced af-  ter  some  discussion,  Paxton  pitches.”  Paxton,  who  spent  going  to  be  good,  but  it
                                         ter throwing a 92 mph fastball  walked off and was replaced  the  last  two  seasons  with  turned out that it just was a
                                         to Chicago’s Andrew Vaughn  by Nick Margevicius.“I kind  the  New  York  Yankees  after  little too much for what my
                                         with  one  out  in  the  second  of felt it coming on and then  playing his first six years for  flexor was ready for, I guess,”
                                         inning.  Mariners  manager  by the time that  third hitter  Seattle, returned to the Mari-  Paxton said.
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