Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210408
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A30     world news
                      Diahuebs 8 aPRiL 2021

                          Salvage of Dutch ship adrift off Norway postponed for a day

            (AP) — Bad weather con-                                                                However,  it’s  slowly  be-  ed to shore by helicopter af-
            ditions  have  postponed                                                               ing  carried  landward  by  the  ter the ship sent a distress call
            efforts to salvage a Dutch                                                             waves,  and  there  is  a  risk  following a power outage in
            cargo  ship  that’s  been                                                              that  it  could  run  aground  its main engine in heavy seas
            drifting  off  the  coast  of                                                          later  Wednesday.  The  vessel  late Monday.
            Norway  for  two  days  af-                                                            has  substantial  quantities  of
            ter its crew was evacuated,                                                            diesel  and  fuel  in  its  tanks,  Norwegian  news  agency
            Norwegian maritime offi-                                                               which  could  cause  an  envi-  NTB  said  that  under  a  sal-
            cials said Wednesday.                                                                  ronmental disaster if released  vage plan four Dutch rescue
                                                                                                   into the sea.                experts  would  be  lowered
            Norwegian  and  Dutch  sal-                                                            The  Eemslift  Hendrika,  a  onto  the  Eemslift  Hendrika
            vage experts are now expect-                                                           Netherlands-registered  spe-  by  helicopter,  after  which
            ed to try again Thursday.                                                              cial  ship  designed  to  carry  they  would  attach  towing
            “Life  and  health  are  always                                                        boats on its deck, is adrift in  ropes to secure the vessel to
            the  first  priority  during  an                                                       an area where the North Sea  two waiting tug boats.
            incident  like  this,  and  it                                                         and  Norwegian  Sea  meet,  One  large  boat  aboard  the
            must be safe to carry out the  Coastal Administration.    diate  danger  of  capsizing  —  some  40-50  kilometers  (25-  deck of the 6-year-old Eems-
            rescue,”  said  Hans  Petter  The  weather  in  the  region  even though it was listing at  31  miles)  off  the  shore  and  lift Hendrika fell off the ves-
            Mortensholm,     emergency  has improved slightly and the  a 40-50 degree angle — Nor-  the city of Alesund.        sel  in  heavy  seas  Tuesday,
            director  at  the  Norwegian  ship was no longer in imme-  wegian officials said.      The crew of 12 was evacuat-  helping to stabilize the ship.

                            Thailand confirms first local cases of coronavirus variant

            (AP) — Thailand has con-     family  arriving  from  Britain  for  an  entire  week.  The  of-
            firmed its first local cases  who had been quarantined.   ficial  holiday  was  postponed
            of the coronavirus variant  The new cluster from night-   last year to slow the spread of
            first detected in the U.K.,  spots, along with another at a  the disease, as it came as the
            raising the likelihood that  prison in the southern prov-  country was experiencing its
            it is facing a new wave of  ince  of  Narathiwat,  had  al-  first major outbreak.
            the  pandemic,  a  senior  ready caused major concern.    Prime    Minister   Prayuth
            doctor said Wednesday.       Bangkok  city  officials  on  Chan-ocha has so far brushed
                                         Monday ordered the closing  aside  the  idea  of  banning
            The  variant  was  found  in  for two weeks of almost 200  inter-provincial  travel  for
            blood samples from 24 peo-   bars and other nightspots  in  this year’s holiday. A state of
            ple  in  a  new  cluster  of  cas-  three areas linked to the new  emergency declared last year
            es  involving  customers  of  cases.                      that  is  still  in  effect  allows
            nightlife venues in the capi-                             him to take such actions.
            tal,  Bangkok,  said  Dr.  Yong  Many  international  schools  Thailand  also  has  been  lag-
            Pooworavan,  a  virologist  in  the  city  canceled  classes  ging in vaccinating its 69 mil-
            from the Faculty of Medicine  for  the  week,  in  some  cases  lion population. As of Tues-
            at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn  substituting remote learning.  day,  according  to  the  World  total  to  29,905  including  95  ing  for  14  days  after  having
            University.                  The new virus threat comes  Health  Organization,  just  deaths.                       contact with infected people.
            Speaking at a Health Minis-  at  a  particularly  vulnerable  274,354 people had received a  Most of the new cases origi-  Transport Minister Saksayam
            try  news  conference,  Yong  time for Thailand.          first vaccine dose and 49,635  nated in the Bangkok enter-  Chidchob  is  the  only  one
            described  the  variant  as  1.7  Next  week  Thais  celebrate  a second dose.         tainment venue cluster, with  who announced he has tested
            times  more  contagious  than  the   traditional   Songkran  The  government’s  Center  related  cases  showing  up  in  positive for the disease.
            the original coronavirus, still  New  Year’s  holiday,  which  for  COVID-19  Situation  the  north,  south  and  north-  All  61  lawmakers  belonging
            more  common  in  Thailand.  usually  sees  an  exodus  of  Administration  announced  east of the country.         to Saksayam’s Bhumjai Thai
            The  variant  was  found  in  people  from  cities  to  visit  Wednesday  that  it  had  con-  Six  of  Prayuth’s  Cabinet  Party also went into quaran-
            Thailand for the first time in  relatives  in  other  provinces  firmed 334 new coronavirus  ministers  announced  this  tine  because  they  met  with
            January in four members of a  and  is  generally  celebrated  cases,  bringing  Thailand’s  week  they  are  quarantin-  him at a recent party meeting.

                              UK Deliveroo riders strike over pay, gig work conditions

                                                                      hundreds  of  riders  to  take  cerns  about  employment  The  “success  they  claim  to
                                                                      part.Deliveroo said that “this  conditions  for  riders  and  a  have had during the pandem-
                                                                      small  self-appointed  union  dual-class shareholder struc-  ic  was  built  on  our  backs,”
                                                                      does  not  represent  the  vast  ture  that  gives  founder  Will  said  Wave  Roberts,  a  Deliv-
                                                                      majority of riders who tell us  Shu outsize control.      eroo  rider  in  Reading  and
                                                                      they  value  the  total  flexibil-  The  company,  which  oper-  chair of the union’s couriers
                                                                      ity they enjoy.” Rider surveys  ates  in  a  dozen  countries  in  branch. “It’s not sustainable.
                                                                      found  most  are  happy  with  Europe,  the  Mideast  and  It’s  got  to  the  point  where
                                                                      the  company  and  flexibility  Asia,  saw  its  business  boom  they’ve hired too many peo-
                                                                      was  their  priority,  the  com-  over the past year because of  ple. They’ve lowered the fees
            (AP)  —  Riders  for  the  smoke  flares  rode  through  pany said in a statement.     COVID-19  restrictions  that  too much.”
            app-based  meal  delivery  the  streets  of  Central  Lon-  The  strike  coincides  with  powered  demand  for  meal  Deliveroo and other gig com-
            platform Deliveroo held a  don.  Socially  distanced  pro-  the first day of unconditional  deliveries. More than 6 mil-  panies  in  the  U.K.  that  rely
            strike in London Wednes-     tests  were  also  planned  in  share  trading  for  Deliveroo,  lion customers order through  on  flexible  workforces  are
            day  over  pay  and  work-   York, Reading, Sheffield and  which went public last week  its  app  each  month  and  the  also facing looming regulato-
            ing  conditions,  part  of  a  Wolverhampton  to  demand  in a multibillion pound stock  company  promised  some  ry challenges, after the U.K.’s
            broader  backlash  against  fair  pay,  safety  protections  offering that was one of Eu-  longtime   riders   bonuses  top court ruled Uber drivers
            one  of  the  U.K.’s  biggest  and basic workers’ rights.  rope’s most hotly anticipated  from the IPO.             should  be  classed  as  “work-
            gig economy companies.       The  Independent  Work-      IPOs  this  year.  However,  a  However,  riders  say  they  ers”  and  not  self-employed,
                                         ers’ Union of Great Britain,  number  of  institutional  in-  haven’t  been  sharing  in  the  entitling  them  to  benefits
            Scooter  and  bicycle  delivery  which  represents  migrant  vestors  skipped  the  initial  success because the company  such as minimum wage and
            riders  waving  flags  and  red  and  gig  workers,  expected  public  offering,  citing  con-  has been paying them less.  pensions.
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