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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 8 aPRiL 2021

                         Spain, Netherlands plan for fans at European Championship

            (  AP  )  -  Spain  and  the                                                                                        stage four games in Glasgow,
            Netherlands     are   now                                                                                           and  Ireland,  which  has  four
            committing to having fans                                                                                           fixtures in Dublin.
            at the European Champi-                                                                                             The city with the most games
            onship  matches  they  are                                                                                          is  London,  which  will  stage
            hosting in June.                                                                                                    seven  fixtures  at  Wembley
                                                                                                                                including the semifinals and
            They are the latest countries                                                                                       final.  Authorities  hope  the
            to offer assurances to UEFA                                                                                         90,000-capacity  might  even
            over  the  return  of  crowds,                                                                                      be full by the end of the tour-
            leaving  Dublin  as  one  of                                                                                        nament.
            the  12  cities  with  the  most
            doubts about whether specta-                                                                                        In Scotland, no date has been
            tors will be permitted during                                                                                       set for the return of fans but
            the pandemic, and at risk of                                                                                        provisional  proposals  will
            being cut from the hosting.                                                                                         be  submitted  to  UEFA  this
            Bilbao is telling UEFA that it                                                                                      week  about  what  is  achiev-
            will guarantee the 53,000-ca-                                                                                       able  at  Glasgow’s  Hampden
            pacity  San  Mamés  can  have                                                                                       Park in June.
            up to a quarter of seats filled,                                                                                    Russia has already confirmed
            Spanish    authorities   said                                                                                       that  St.  Petersburg’s  65,000-
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          seat stadium will be filled to at
                                                                                                                                least 50% capacity for its four
            A  similar  number  of  fans                                                                                        games. Denmark is planning
            should  be  at  games  in  Am-                                                                                      on up to 12,000 fans being al-
            sterdam,  with  the  Dutch  of  fans  in  the  Amsterdam  where  we  can  allow  even  were allowed into games.     lowed into the four matches
            football federation saying au-  stadium  will  have  to  be  re-  more spectators to attend.”  The city of Munich was less  at the 38,000-capacity Parken
            thorities want to allow at least  evaluated.              The  rescheduled  European  committal in its statement on  Stadium.  A  similar  number
            12,000  spectators  who  have  “We look forward to welcom-  Championship is due to open  Tuesday, saying it is “conceiv-  could be attending games in
            presented  a  negative  CO-  ing  12,000  spectators  to  the  on June 11 in Rome after Ita-  able and desirable that spec-  Romania  under  government
            VID-19  test  result  into  the  Johan  Cruyff  Arena,  but  we  ly said Tuesday that it is ready  tators can be in the stadium”  plans for the 55,000-capacity
            Johan Cruyff Arena.          are  aware  that  the  coronavi-  to let fans back into stadiums  for its four games.  national  stadium  in  Bucha-
            Both  Bilbao  and  Amster-   rus is unpredictable and there  by then.                  There  is  a  risk  that  cities  rest  to  be  at  least  a  quarter
            dam have three games in the  are no guarantees,” said Gijs  Fans have been banned from  could be cut from the host-  filled.
            group  stage  and  a  round  of  de Jong, a tournament direc-  matches in Italy for the ma-  ing if they can’t say if crowds  Baku,  Azerbaijan  and  Buda-
            16 match. Authorities in the  tor  in  Amsterdam.  “How-  jority  of  the  past  year,  apart  will  be  allowed  by  June.  pest, Hungary are also due to
            Netherlands warn that if the  ever, we remain hopeful that,  from  a  brief  period  shortly  Those  guarantees  are  yet  to  be part of the hosting of the
            coronavirus  situation  dete-  come June, the situation will  after  the  start  of  the  season  come from countries includ-  tournament that has been re-
            riorates,  then  the  presence  have  improved  to  the  point  when up to 1,000 spectators  ing Scotland, which is due to  arranged from 2020.

                          Overall ski champion Vlhova parts ways with coach Magoni

            ( AP ) - Overall World Cup  been tense following unflat-
            champion  Petra  Vlhova  tering  remarks  on  Vlhova’s
            will  go  into  the  Olympic  style  of  skiing  supposedly
            season  without  the  coach  made by Magoni in an inter-
            that  helped  her  win  ski-  view with an Italian newspa-
            ing’s  biggest  prize  this  per two weeks ago.
            year.                        “It  was  a  long  and  rocky
                                         road towards what we all so
            The Slovakian skier said she  desperately  wanted.  Even-
            was  parting  ways  with  Livio  tually,  the  dream  came  true
            Magoni after five years.     and I hold a Big globe in my
            “One  door  is  closing,  and  a  hands,”  said  Vlhova,  who
            thousand  more  are  opening  didn’t  mention  a  succes-
            and  we  just  have  to  choose  sor  for  Magoni.  “Amazing  5
            those  that  are  right  for  us.  years with you Livio, during
            For  this  time, our  doors  are  which  I  learned  a  lot.  I  am
            different,”  Vlhova  said  late  immensely  grateful  for  your
            Tuesday in a statement on her  time,  your  infinite  energy,
            social media channels.       perfectionism  and  the  hope
            No reason for the break was  you  have  constantly  placed  overall  title  in  2013,  when  developing  into  one  of  Mi-  season title in slalom for the
            mentioned,  but  media  re-  in  me.”  Magoni  previously  the Slovenian skier set a still  kaela Shiffrin’s main rivals in  first time in 2020 by edging
            ported their relationship had  coached  Tina  Maze  to  the  unbroken  record  for  most  the three-time overall cham-  Shiffrin,  who  was  taking  a
                                                                      World Cup points in a single  pion’s strongest discipline.  break from racing.
                                                                      season: 2,414.               Under the Italian coach, Vl-  Like he had done with Maze
                                                                      The Italian called his cooper-  hova quickly improved in gi-  before,  Magoni  gradually
                                                                      ation with Vlhova “5 beauti-  ant slalom as well.         turned  Vlhova  into  an  all-
                                                                      ful and incredible years.”   Vlhova  entered  five  events  around competitor who reg-
                                                                      “Sorry for all my mistakes in  but  failed  to  win  a  medal  ularly scored points in super-
                                                                      these 5 years, but I guarantee  at  the  2018  Pyeongchang  G and downhill as well.
                                                                      you that I have put and given  Olympics.  She  became  the  Last season, Vlhova started in
                                                                      everything I had for this ex-  first  world  champion  from  all  31  women’s  World  Cup
                                                                      perience,” he added.         Slovakia  by winning  the GS  races and beat former cham-
                                                                      The  pair  started  working  title at the worlds in Sweden  pion  Lara  Gut-Behrami  of
                                                                      together  in  2016,  when  the  the following year.       Switzerland  to  the  overall
                                                                      slalom  specialist  was  already  Vlhova  won  the  World  Cup  title by 160 points.
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