Page 64 - MIN VOS 8 DEC 2015
P. 64
SPORTSTuesday 8 December 2015
Spieth gets 3 weeks to reflect on big year College Football:
Turning points define playoff teams
DOUG FERGUSON Presidents Cup. He won or than all of them to get-
AP Golf Writer finished second 10 times. ting the third leg. He was RALPH D. RUSSO
NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) — He was a combined 54-un- tied for the lead at the Brit- AP College Football Writer
Jordan Spieth and his cad- der par in the four majors. ish Open with two holes to Clemson will play Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl in the
die shared the kind of hug He was due a working va- play until finishing one shot College Football Playoff semifinal on New Year’s Eve,
on the 18th green normally cation. out of a playoff. He was in and Alabama will play Michigan State at the Cotton
seen only by winners. Even so, he’s always look- the final group of the PGA Bowl in the nightcap of the Dec. 31 doubleheader. In
They were six shots behind ing ahead. Championship and was the end, the only real debate was how to rank the top
when they finished the “I think these last two runner-up by three shots to four teams. For the playoff teams, a series of season-
Hero World Challenge, weeks, the fact that I didn’t Jason Day. saving moments and turning points have brought them
and it was clear this mo- win when I had a chance, Even so, the Masters is what two wins away from a national championship.
ment wasn’t about Sunday may actually be a good made his year.
at Albany Golf Club. This thing for me,” he said. “I’m He opened with a 64 to ALABAMA: The Crimson Tide lost to Ole Miss at home
was about the realization going to look at it positively build a three-shot lead, in late September, a game that left Alabama uneasy
that the year was finally that you can’t settle down, set the 36-hole record with about its passing game and in need of help just to win
over, the kind of year a you’ve got to work a little a 66 on Friday and never the Southeastern Conference West.
player never wants to end. bit harder. Everyone is play- gave anyone much hope To fix the offense, the Tide turned to Derrick Henry and
The Masters made it spe- ing a high level of golf right after that. When it was, he let the tailback shoulder the load. The junior had at
cial. The U.S. Open made it least 22 carries against each of Alabama’s remaining
incredible. The FedEx Cup Jordan Spieth of the U.S. bends down to line up a putt on the SEC opponents, including a whopping 90 in the past
made it lucrative. The No. 1 11th green during the Australian Open Golf Tournament in Syd- two games.
ranking made it satisfying. ney, Australia, Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. Against Michigan State, it will be strength against
When the 22-year-old Tex- strength. The Spartans rugged defensive line with Shi-
an made his final full swing (AP Photo/Rob Griffith) lique Calhoun and Malik McDowell contained Ohio
of the year and was walk- State and Iowa’s running game.
ing toward the green, cad- now, and they’re going to tied the 72-hole record set To fix its Mississippi problem, Alabama got some help
die Michael Greller walked carry that into next season. by Tiger Woods in 1997. from Arkansas, which need a stunning bounce-pass lat-
alongside him. So if I want to stay at the “Before the tournament, eral play to beat the Rebels in overtime and clear a
“Michael said, ‘Hey, man, top, I’m going to have to we were one of the favor- path for the Tide to win the SEC.
it’s been an honor to be outwork them. ites,” he said. “And then af-
in the passenger seat, sit- And that’s going to be ter the first round, it’s on us. CLEMSON: The Tigers tried to ease star quarterback
ting shotgun for this ride challenging.” Every question is, ‘You’re Deshaun Watson into the 2015 season. The gifted dual-
this year. Thanks for every- He was headed home to supposed to win.’ Without threat quarterback was coming off a major knee injury.
thing,’” Spieth said. “Ob- Dallas on Monday for his saying it, ‘It’s on you. What Clemson coaches knew Watson’s wheels would be a
viously, I thanked him. It’s three-week break. His first are you thinking now?’ It’s weapon, but it was one they didn’t want to use until it
been a team effort this order of business was to tough to sleep on that. And was needed most — like in the rain against Notre Dame.
year, just as we always play golf. we did it so well.” Watson ran for 16 times for 103 yards and a score in that
stress. Spieth is taking his father, With a green jacket on the 24-22 victory against the Fighting Irish in October, a win
But yeah, there was cer- Shawn, and agent Jay line, it’s not easy protecting sealed when the Tigers defensive line stopped a tying
tainly a sigh of relief.” Danzi to Augusta National such a big lead. 2-point attempt with 7 seconds left.
It’s time to take a break, to enjoy the privileges of As he told the story, it Watson surpassed 100 yards rushing in four of the last
even if it’s a short one. being the Masters cham- brought him back to his first five games.
He leaves in just over three pion. He also plans to play big tournament where he Making plays on the move will be critical for Watson
weeks for Maui, where the with Augusta member and lost the lead. against Eric Striker, Charles Tapper and an Oklahoma
new year starts at Kapalua AT&T chief executive Ran- He was 11. pass rush that produced 3.08 sacks per game (fifth-best
and Spieth will have to fig- dall Stephenson. The winner was a kid in the nation).
ure out an encore from And that’s a fitting way to named Eddie DeVane.
winning two majors to get end the year. “I had a two-shot lead MICHIGAN STATE: No team in the playoff stared down
halfway to the Grand Slam, Spieth joined Arnold Palm- with one hole to play,” Spi- defeat as frequently as the Spartans, and no situation
five tournaments overall, a er, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger eth said. “I played it smart was as dire as the one Michigan faced at the Big House
record $12 million in PGA Woods as the only play- — I laid up. The kid made in mid-October.
Tour earnings and a sweep ers since 1960 to win the par and I made triple. He The Spartans turned a botched punt into a last-play,
of all the major awards. first two legs of the Grand cruised to a two-shot vic- game-winning touchdown at Michigan. The play was
Except that he’s not look- Slam, and he came closer tory.” q dubbed Michigan State’s Miracle, but in some ways it
ing at it as a new year. It’s symbolized the Spartans’ greatest traits. They seem to
simply a break. embrace adversity and delight in being the underdog.
He had a chance to win Those qualities should serve them well against an Ala-
the Australian Open last bama team that is favored by nine points, but has rare-
week in Sydney until Matt ly been challenged deep into the fourth quarter.
Jones recovered on the
back nine. Spieth was in OKLAHOMA: The result is even more puzzling now than it
range at the Hero World was back in October: Texas 24, Oklahoma 17.
Challenge until Bubba There was nothing complicated about what went
Watson didn’t give anyone wrong in Dallas. The Sooners did not play tough. They
much of a chance and missed tackles and blocks.
won by three shots. Instead of allowing that dud to define their season,
Spieth was on a victory lap quarterback Baker Mayfield and the Sooners went on a
these last two weeks, and seven-game winning streak, outscoring opponents 364-
he said he spent more time 136. Still, if not for Steven Parker slapping down TCU’s
on the beach than on the 2-point conversion pass in the final seconds to preserve
putting green, with no re- a 30-29 win in late November, the Sooners would not
grets. He played 28 times be here.q
this year, including the