Page 68 - MIN VOS 8 DEC 2015
P. 68


SPORTSTuesday 8 December 2015

Sepp Blatter at risk again from FIFA kickbacks scandal 

GRAHAM DUNBAR                  his spokesman Klaus Stoe-        the governing body and        The ethics judgment con-               as president of the South
AP Sports Writer               hlker told The Associated        Blatter through a criminal                                           American confederation
GENEVA (AP) — Sepp Blat-       Press on Monday.                 trial of six agency execu-    firmed three longtime                  CONMEBOL.
ter is at risk again from the  FIFA said it is cooperating      tives in 2008. A legal fight                                         Crticizing Havelange and
World Cup bribery scandal      to provide “all relevant         followed as FIFA tried to     executive  committee                   Teixeira for “morally and
that tainted much of his                                                                                                             ethically reproachable”
FIFA presidency.                                                                              members as bribe-takers:               conduct, the ethics ruling
Switzerland’s justice minis-                                                                                                         of April 2013 also noted
try confirmed on Monday                                                                       Havelange, who was FIFA                that commercial bribery
that American authorities                                                                                                            was not illegal in Switzer-
formally asked for files in    FIFA President Sepp Blatter gestures as he attends a news conference in Marrakech, Morocco.           land in the 1990s.
the ISL kickbacks case to      The FBI is investigating Blatter’s role in a kickbacks scandal that involved his predecessor as FIFA  And Blatter’s behavior over
aid their sprawling inves-     president, Joao Havelange, the BBC reported Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)           the years did not amount
tigation of alleged rack-                                                                                                            to “any criminal or ethical
eteering by international      information” to ongoing          keep sealed the identity of   president from 1974-1998,              misconduct,” ethics judge
soccer leaders.                American and Swiss inves-        officials named in a settle-  resigned as honorary presi-            Joachim Eckert wrote.
The ISL marketing agency       tigations, and would not         ment deal to repay bribes.    dent; his former son-in-law            Blatter had been mere-
was found to have rou-         comment on specific alle-        Two years ago, FIFA finally   Ricardo Teixeira of Brazil,            ly “clumsy,” Eckert said,
tinely bribed top sports of-   gations.                         declared the case closed      who had resigned a year                when in March 1997 he
ficials, including Blatter’s   The ISL case sent FIFA into fi-  after its ethics committee    earlier; and Nicolas Leoz              sent back a payment of
predecessor Joao Have-         nancial crisis, then dogged      reviewed the case.            of Paraguay, who resigned              1.5 million Swiss francs
lange, before collapsing                                                                                                             (then $1 million) which ar-
into criminal bankruptcy                                                                                                             rived at FIFA for Havelange
in 2001. British broadcaster                                                                                                         from ISL. Being cleared of
the BBC aired a program                                                                                                              misconduct was a relief
Monday alleging it had                                                                                                               to the FIFA president, FIFA
seen a letter obtained by                                                                                                            secretary general Jerome
the FBI that was written by                                                                                                          Valcke told the AP days
Havelange and said Blat-                                                                                                             after the ruling was pub-
ter had “full knowledge” of                                                                                                          lished. The name ISL that
kickback payments in the                                                                                                             was “tattooed on his fore-
1990s. Blatter was Have-                                                                                                             head” for more than a de-
lange’s general secretary                                                                                                            cade was washed away
for 17 years until becoming                                                                                                          from Blatter by the ethics
president in 1998.                                                                                                                   panel’s summary, Valcke
Blatter would not com-                                                                                                               said in May 2013 in Kuala
ment on the BBC’s claim,                                                                                                             Lumpur, Malaysia.q

Copa del Rey mistake exposes a fragile Real Madrid 

TALES AZZONI                   Real Madrid’s Cherishev walks off the field as Rafa Benitez    against Cadiz wasn’t even              play his support to coach
AP Sports Writer               gestures during a Copa del Rey soccer match between Cadiz      over when the shocking                 Benitez after the humiliat-
MADRID (AP) — The team         and Real Madrid at the Ramon de Carranza stadium in Cadiz,     news of Madrid’s mistake               ing home loss to Barcelona.
that calls itself the best in  Spain, Wednesday Dec. 2, 2015. 	 (AP Photo/Angel Fernandez)    began spreading across                 But instead of trying to
the world is entangled in                                                                     Spain: The team fielded                explain how a team as
an ordeal that only ama-       and are not being easily         misstep is proving to be too  Russian-born player Denis              powerful and wealthy
teur clubs are used to deal-   satisfied by wins on the field.  much to the team’s de-        Cheryshev, who was car-                as Madrid didn’t notice
ing with.                      The calls for the resignation    manding supporters. And       rying over a one-game sus-             that Cheryshev was sus-
Real Madrid inexplicably                                                                      pension from last season               pended, Perez stood tall in
fielded an ineligible player   of coach Rafa Benitez and although some might be               for accumulation of yel-               front of reporters and said
in a Copa del Rey match                                                                       low cards while playing on             that his team did nothing
last week, prompting its       president Florentino Perez       happy that the club is do-    loan for Villarreal.                   wrong and shouldn’t be
embarrassing elimination       have become a constant           ing everything it can to get  Social media exploded                  punished. He said the club
from the competition. To       at the Santiago Bernabeu         reinstated, the attempt is    with users talking about the           would appeal and explore
make it worse, the club        Stadium.                         seen by the rest of the soc-  potential problem, and the             “every avenue” to reverse
is defiantly trying to shift                                                                  mistake quickly became                 the Spanish federation’s
blame and avoid punish-        The team’s disqualification cer world as an act of des-        the focus of Spanish media             decision.
ment on a technicality.                                                                       covering the game. Chery-              “We believe that the ban
The mistake and the at-        from the Copa del Rey be- peration.                            shev had already scored                should not take effect be-
tempt to dodge responsi-       cause of a bureaucratic The Copa del Rey game                  Madrid’s first goal in the 3-1         cause the player was not
bility dents Madrid’s gran-                                                                   victory, and was substitut-            personally notified, which is
diose reputation, and ex-                                                                     ed early in the second half,           what the code says,” Perez
poses the fragility of the                                                                    apparently after team offi-            said. “Quite honestly, if we
Spanish giant. It further                                                                     cials realized the problem.            were not told by the player,
deepens the crisis sparked                                                                    For the second time in                 who is the individual who
by a demoralizing 4-0                                                                         less than a month, presi-              needs to know about it, if
home loss to rival Barce-                                                                     dent Perez was forced to               we were not told by either
lona two weeks ago, and                                                                       come out and speak pub-                the federation or Villarreal,
raises questions about the                                                                    licly about a difficult situa-         who are aware of it, it was
future of its leaders.                                                                        tion involving his team. He            impossible for us to know
Fans have had enough                                                                          had already done it to dis-            about it.”q
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