Page 67 - MIN VOS 8 DEC 2015
P. 67

                                                                                                                           Tuesday 8 December 2015

NHL Roundup

	 Rangers beat Senators to go top of Metro division 

NEW YORK (AP) — The New       Los Angeles Kings left wing Tanner Pearson, right, tries to score on Tampa Bay Lightning goalie Ben Bishop during the third period
York Rangers returned to      of an NHL hockey game, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015, in Los Angeles. The Kings won 3-1.
the top of the NHL Metro-
politan Division with a 4-1                                                                                                                                                             (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
win against Ottawa on
Sunday, with Derick Bras-       Portland wins MLS Cup, beating Columbus 2-1 
sard scoring twice.
The Rangers moved a point     CRAIG MERZ                    tle, Columbus midfielder         Darlington Nagbe kept go-      a shot hit the post and
above Washington, but         Associated Press              Wil Trapp sent a back pass       ing with the ball and sent a   crossbar then the arm of
the Capitals have three       COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) —         to goalkeeper Steve Clark,       pass wide to Lucas Melano,     Crew defender Michael
games in hand.                Diego Valeri scored at the    who tried to move the ball       who found Wallace for the      Parkhurst.
Another divisional leader,    27-second mark for the        from his right foot to the left  header.                        Even though Portland has
Los Angeles,                  fastest goal in MLS Cup his-  for a clearance. But Clark       Kamara, who tied for the       been in MLS since 2011, the
boosted its lead in the Pa-   tory and the Portland Tim-    didn’t see Valeri closing        MLS regular-season lead        Timbers as a brand have
cific with a 3-1 win against  bers won the league title     and the midfielder poked         with 22 goals, got his fourth  been in existence for 40
Tampa Bay, while New Jer-     for the first time, beating   the ball away from him and       in five playoff games with     years back to the North
sey ended Florida’s road      the Columbus Crew 2-1 on      into the goal.                   the aid of a poor punch by     American Soccer League.
winning streak.               Sunday.                       The Crew had barely re-          Timbers goalkeeper Adam        The last time the Timbers
New York goaltender           Rodney Wallace made it        covered when a mental            Larsen Kwarasey.               played for a championship
Henrik Lundqvist stopped      2-0 in the seventh minute,    gaffe gave Portland a con-       Kwarasey was bumped by         was a loss to the Tampa
23 shots while Ryan Mc-       and the Crew’s Kei Kama-      troversial second goal.          Kamara and the ball spilled    Bay Rowdies in the 1975
Donagh and Jesper Fast        ra scored in the 18th off a   Crew midfielder Tony             in front of the goal. Diego    NASL Cup.
scored for the Rangers.       scramble in front of the      Tchani and several team-         Chara cleared the ball to      Columbus is founding
Marc Methot scored for        goal.                         mates stopped playing            Crew midfielder Federico       member (1996) of MLS. It
Ottawa.                       But the early deficit was     when the ball rolled several     Higuain and he fed Kama-       won its only championship
Los Angeles extended its      too much for Columbus to      feet over the right bound-       ra for the score.              in 2008, beating the New
home winning streak to six    overcome.                     ary. Instead of a stoppage       Portland almost doubled        York Red Bulls 3-1 in Carson,
by beating Tampa Bay 3-1.     Just after the opening whis-  for a throw-in, Portland’s       the lead in the 61st, but      Calif.q
Andy Andreoff, Brayden
McNabb and Milan Lucic
scored for the Kings.
Brian Boyle scored for Tam-
pa Bay,
which started with back-
up goalie Andrei Vasilevs-
kiy, with first-choice Ben
Bishop suffereing a poke
in the eye by a stick in the
previous game, but he lat-
er came off the bench.
New Jersey’s Lee Stemp-
niak and Kyle Palmieri
scored first-period goals
to set up a 4-2 win against
Cory Schneider made 34
saves while Adam Hen-
rique and Mike Cammalleri
also scored for the Devils,
who had lost their previous
four home games.
Aaron Ekblad and Huber-
deau scored for the Pan-
who had won five straight
overall and a club record-
tying five in a row on the
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