Page 65 - MIN VOS 8 DEC 2015
P. 65
Tuesday 8 December 2015
NFL Roundup:
Panthers stay unbeaten while Patriots suffer shock loss
The Associated Press a meeting with a Patriots third straight game with a Williams scored his first ca- fore leaving in the fourth
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Un- team that had not lost 38-7 victory at Minnesota. reer TD on a 35-yard run. quarter because of neck
beaten Carolina wrapped back-to-back games since Russell Wilson threw for The Cardinals (10-2) have and shoulder pain. The
up the NFC South division 2012, but pulled off a stun- three touchdowns and won six in a row, and with Colts remain tied with Hous-
title with a 41-38 win at New ning result. rushed for another while a three-game lead in the ton for the lead in the AFC
Orleans on Sunday, with Najee Goode scored on the Seahawks’ defense NFC West, seem certain to North.
Cam Newton finding Jer- Denver won 17-3 at hapless
richo Cotchery with 1:05 to Carolina Panthers wide receiver Devin Funchess (17) scores a touchdown in front of New Or- San Diego, with second-
go for his fifth touchdown leans Saints cornerback Brandon Browner (39), New Orleans Saints linebacker James Anderson string quarterback Brock
pass of the game. (42) and defensive tackle Kaleb Eulls (71) in the second half of an NFL football game in New Or- Osweiler throwing for one
The Panthers improved to touchdown.
12-0 — only the ninth team leans, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015. (AP Photo/Bill Feig) Osweiler improved to 3-0
in NFL history to win their first since taking over for the
dozen games — and be- a blocked punt, Malcolm didn’t allow a score. win the division. injured Peyton Manning,
came the first team to se- Jenkins returned an inter- Doug Baldwin had two The Rams (4-8) have lost while Danny Trevathan
cure a division title. ception 99 yards for anoth- touchdowns and 94 yards five in a row and have intercepted a pass and
The surprise result of the er touchdown and Darren receiving and Thomas been outscored 58-10 over returned it 25 yards for a
day came at New Eng- Sproles returned a punt 83 Rawls rushed for 101 yards. the past two. score.
land, where the Patriots yards as the Eagles special Minnesota’s star running Pittsburgh quarterback Ben It was potentially the pen-
suffered a shock defeat at teams and defense put the back Adrian Peterson was Roethlisberger threw for ultimate Chargers game
the hands of struggling Phil- visitors up by 21. limited to 18 yards on eight 364 yards and four touch- in San Diego, with the fran-
adelphia, while other key Patriots quarterback Tom carries, and the Vikings (8- downs as the Steelers over- chise eyeing a move to Los
games saw Seattle romp Brady threw for a touch- 4) got their only points from whelmed Indianapolis 45- Angeles and the NFL tell-
past Minnesota in a meet- down and then, after an a kickoff return in the third 10. ing the city of San Diego
ing of NFC playoff contend- onside kick, ran it in from quarter. Antonio Brown caught that it had until the end of
ers, and Arizona improve to the 1 yard-line to cut the Arizona’s running backs eight passes for 118 yards this month to come up with
10-2 with a convincing win deficit to seven points with David Johnson and Ker- and two scores and also re- plans for a new stadium or
at St. Louis. 3 minutes left. wynn Williams scored a turned a punt 71 yards for the Chargers would move.
Carolina quarterback New- New England’s second touchdown apiece to lead a touchdown for the Steel- Kansas City extended its
ton, who completed 28 of onside kick failed, but the the Cardinals to a 27-3 win ers (7-5), who started slowly winning streak to six games
41 passes for 331 yards, Patriots (10-2) forced a at St. Louis. but dominated the final with a 34-20 victory at
twice had to lead the third-down fumble to give Johnson, a rookie, had 99 three quarters. Oakland, aided by three
Panthers back from fourth- Brady one more chance, yards on 22 carries in his Colts quarterback Matt fourth-quarter interceptions
quarter deficits to preserve but his receivers could not first start and caught one Hasselbeck, standing in for thrown by Raiders quarter-
the Panthers’ unbeaten re- hold on to their subsequent of two TD passes by Carson Andrew Luck, threw for 169 back Derek Carr.
cord. chances. Palmer, who led an offense yards with a touchdown The New York Jets rallied
Jonathan Stewart had a A surging Seattle won a that accrued 524 yards. and two interceptions be- from 10 points down with
5-yard scoring run on a 4:24 to go and beat the
pitch from Newton. crosstown Giants 23-20 in
New Orleans quarterback overtime, with Randy Bull-
Drew Brees passed for 282 ock kicking a 31-yard field
yards and three touch- goal on the first possession
downs, while Saints line- of OT.
backer Stephone Anthony Buffalo’s Tyrod Taylor threw
returned a fumble 31 yards a 40-yard touchdown pass
for a score and also be- to Charles Clay with 1:53
came the first player in NFL left to lead the Bills to a
history to return a blocked 30-21 win against Houston,
extra-point kick for 2 points. putting the two teams on
Philadelphia raced out to a 6-6 records in the AFC play-
21-point lead at New Eng- off race.
land and held on to beat Cincinnati closed in on the
the fast-finishing Patriots 35- AFC North title with a 37-3
28. win at a woeful Cleve-
The Eagles came into land which has lost seven
the game with a 4-7 re- straight. Bengals quarter-
cord and had given up 45 back Andy Dalton threw
points apiece in consecu- two touchdown passes
tive weeks heading into and ran for a score.q