Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210921
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diamars 21 september 2021
Biden launches plan to address ‘silent killer,’ extreme heat
including agricultural, con- ally focuses on providing heat adding that a proposed work-
struction and delivery work- during winter weather, but place heat standard “could be
ers, as well as those work- will be expanded to help with quite consequential for how
ing indoors in warehouses, purchasing air conditioning work happens in the United
factories and kitchens. Farm units or paying electric bills States.”
and construction workers are for cooling assistance.
at greatest risk of heat stroke The administration also is The Biden administra-
and other problems, the expanding the use of schools tion has taken steps since its
White House said, but other and other public buildings as first days in office to tackle
workers lacking climate- cooling centers, a program climate change. Extreme
controlled environments also McCarthy called life-saving. weather events across the
face risks. “They are opportunities for country — from wildfires
people in every community in California, to Hurricane
“Rising temperatures pose an to actually find relief at a time Ida and related floods that
imminent threat to millions when they need it most,” she killed scores of people from
of American workers ex- said. Louisiana to New York —
(AP) — The Biden ad- physical problem until it’s posed to the elements, to kids “have blown apart the lives
ministration is moving to too late for them,” she said. in schools without air condi- McCarthy urged communi- of working families, wiping
protect workers and com- tioning, to seniors in nurs- ties to implement programs homes and businesses off the
munities from extreme The effort to address heat ing homes without cooling such as “adopt a senior citi- map,” Biden said.
heat after a dangerously stress comes as President Joe resources, and particularly zen” to conduct wellness
hot summer that spurred Biden is working with world to disadvantaged communi- checks, making sure that el- “This is a blinking code red
an onslaught of drought- leaders to hammer out next ties,” Biden said, citing Na- derly residents are drinking for our nation,” he added.
worsened wildfires and steps against rapidly worsen- tional Weather Service data fluids and not overheating. “We cannot wait to act to
caused hundreds of deaths ing climate change. Biden on that extreme heat is now the “That kind of personal touch meet the broader crisis of cli-
from the Pacific North- Friday announced a pledge leading weather-related killer is going to be the difference mate change.”
west to hurricane-ravaged with the European Union to in America. between an individual liv-
Louisiana. cut climate-wrecking meth- ing longer and those that are As part of the new effort, the
ane leaks, and he is expected Labor’s Occupational Safety passing away, basically unrec- administration is focusing on
Under a plan announced to address climate change and Health Administration, ognized in their own homes,” urban “heat islands” where
Monday, the departments when he goes to the United or OSHA, is set to issue a new she said. temperatures in cities with
of Labor, Health and Hu- Nations on Tuesday. rule on heat illness preven- fewer trees and higher pave-
man Services and other fed- tion in outdoor and indoor David Hondula, an associate ment concentrations can be
eral agencies are launching A June heat wave in the Pa- work settings and will focus professor Arizona State Uni- higher than in surrounding
actions intended to reduce cific Northwest, exacerbated interventions and workplace versity’s Urban Climate Re- areas. The administration
heat-related illness and pro- by climate change, caused inspections on days when search Center, said heat-re- will expand urban forestry
tect public health, including hundreds of deaths and thou- the heat index exceeds 80° F lated deaths are underreport- programs and other “green-
a proposed workplace heat sands of emergency room (26.7 degrees Celsius). The ed nationwide and frequently ing” projects to reduce ex-
standard. visits for heat-related illness- White House called the rule occur in isolation, to “people treme temperatures and heat
es, In Louisiana, more than a a significant step toward a who are literally alone.” He exposure, the White House
White House climate adviser million people, including the federal heat standard in U.S. applauded the Biden initia- said.
Gina McCarthy called heat entire city of New Orleans, workplaces and said officials tive, but said more data is
stress a “silent killer” that lost power when Hurricane will expand the scope of needed about health risks The Department of Home-
disproportionately affects the Ida struck on Aug. 29. At scheduled and unscheduled posed by extreme heat. land Security, meanwhile, is
poor, elderly and minority least 12 of the 28 Ida-relat- inspections to address heat- launching a series of prize
groups. While not as dramat- ed deaths in Louisiana were related hazards. “Better tracking of heat- competitions focused on
ic as wildfires or hurricanes, caused by heat, according to health impacts across the strengthening the nation’s
“heat stress is a significant, the Louisiana Health Depart- The administration also country can help us make resilience to climate change.
real threat that has deadly ment. will expand its Low Income smart investments,” Hon- The first competition will
consequences,” McCarthy Home Energy Assistance dula said. More frequent in- focus on new ways to protect
said in an interview. As part of the administra- Program, or LIHEAP, to spections and safety checks people at risk of heat-related
tion’s plan, the Labor Depart- boost programs to address ex- at work sites — especially in illness or death during ex-
“Many people don’t recog- ment is launching a program treme heat, the White House agriculture and construction treme heat events or in con-
nize that heat stress is a real to protect outdoor workers, said. The program tradition- — will save lives, he said, nection with other disasters.
Military training jet crashes in Texas,
injuring both pilots
(AP) — A military train- “This incident could have The other was driven to a
ing jet crashed Sunday in been much worse knowing hospital in Fort Worth.
a neighborhood near Fort that this plane went down
Worth, Texas, injuring the in a residential area,” Lake The chief of naval air train-
two pilots and damaging Worth Fire Chief Ryan Ar- ing in Corpus Christi said
three homes but not seri- thur said of the crash, which in a Facebook post that the
ously hurting anyone on was reported to authorities training jet that crashed was
the ground, authorities shortly before 11 a.m. a Navy T-45C Goshawk as- and being treated.
said. signed to Training Air Wing Three homes were damaged
Police Chief J.T. Manousha- 2 at Naval Air Station Kings- The post says they were and three residents of those
Both pilots managed to gian said one pilot’s para- ville, about 420 miles (676 conducting a routine train- homes were treated at the
eject from the plane before chute got tangled in power kilometers) south of Lake ing flight that originated scene and released, the Fort
it crashed in Lake Worth, lines. One of the pilots was Worth. The post said that the from the Corpus Christi Worth Fire Department said.
which is just west of Fort flown to a hospital in Dallas instructor pilot was in stable International Airport, about The crash cut power to 44
Worth, authorities said at a and was in critical condition, condition and the student 350 miles (563 kilometers) homes in the area, and util-
news conference. the Fort Worth Fire Depart- naval aviator’s condition was south of Lake Worth along ity crews were working to
ment said in a statement. unknown but he was alive the Gulf Coast. restore it.