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A32     sports
                Diamars 21 september 2021

                              Elliott and Harvick add fiery feud to NASCAR’s playoffs

            (AP)  -  Chase  Elliott,  ac-
            cording to Kevin Harvick,
            doesn’t race very smart. In
            fact,  moving  forward  in
            NASCAR’s  playoffs,  Har-
            vick plans to run all over
            the  reigning  Cup  Series

            Those were the angry words
            Harvick  had  for  Elliott  after
            Saturday night’s race at Bris-
            tol Motor Speedway, where a
            feud no one saw coming took
            center stage.

            Elliott  is  NASCAR’s  most   But  when  an  aggressive  se-  allowed  teammate  Kyle  Lar-  “Obviously Kevin felt like it  “It’s  something  he  does  all
            popular  driver  and  the  de-  quence  for  the  lead  —  and  son to catch Harvick and fi-  cost  him  the  win,  which  it  the time. He runs into your
            fending   Cup     champion   probably the race win — re-  nally, with four laps remain-  very well may have. He’s go-  left  side  constantly  at  other
            doesn’t really make waves on   sulted in a flat tire for Elliott,  ing, pass Harvick for Larson’s  ing to be upset,” Larson said.  tracks. Sometimes it does cut
            the  racetrack.  He’s  had  his   he made sure to exact his re-  sixth win of the season.                           down  your  left  side,  other
            arguments  with  rival  drivers   venge. If Elliott wasn’t going                       Was he ever.                 times it doesn’t,” Elliott said.
            before,  but  the  25-year-old   to win the playoff race, then  “Chase  was  obviously  upset                       “Did  it  to  me  in  Darling-
            entered  new  territory  when   Harvick wasn’t going to vic-  with  the  contact,  was  just  “I’m ready to rip somebody’s  ton a few weeks ago because
            he decided at Bristol that he’d   tory lane either.       making things kind of tough  freaking  head  off,”  Harvick  he  was  tired  of  racing  me.
            had enough of Harvick’s per-                              on  him.  It  kept  me  in  the  said as the crowd roared.  Whether he did it on purpose
            ceived bullying.             “I  don’t  care  who  he  is  or  game,” Larson said after col-                        doesn’t matter. At some point
                                         how long he’s been doing it,  lecting the checkered flag.  He accused Elliott of throw-  you have to draw a line.”
            Harvick  has  never  backed   I’m going to stand up for my-                            ing  a  temper  tantrum  over
            down from anyone, on or off   self  and  my  team  and  we’re  He  was  celebrating  as  Har-  what  should  have  been  a  Now he’s labored through a
            the  track,  and  his  early  ca-  going down the road,” Elliott  vick  and  Elliott  jawed  with  standard racing incident.  tough season at Stewart-Haas
            reer was marked by explosive   fumed.                     each other on pit road, Elliott                           Racing,  where  teammate
            confrontations that occasion-                             wagging  his  finger  in  Har-  “We  were  racing  for  the  Aric  Almirola  has  the  orga-
            ally became physical. Because   To  ruin  Harvick’s  race,  as  vick’s helmet-protected face.  frickin’ win at Bristol, we’re  nization’s  only  win  and  was
            he is known as a master ma-  well as Harvick’s bid to end  The  discussion  spilled  into  three-wide  in  the  middle,”  eliminated from the playoffs
            nipulator  who  can  mentally   a  yearlong  losing  streak,  El-  the  garage  area,  where  re-  Harvick said of the sequence.  at  Bristol.  Harvick  is  12th
            derail the toughest competi-  liott  returned  to  the  track  porters  picked  up  Harvick’s                       in the standings headed into
            tors,  most  drivers  make  a   after  changing  his  flat  tire  promise  to  run  Elliott  over  But  Elliott  indicated  it’s  a  the start of the second round
            genuine  attempt  not  to  land   and  deliberately  slowed  in  moving  forward,  before  the  pattern  with  Harvick  that  of  the  playoffs,  a  three-race
            in Harvick’s crosshairs.     front  of  Harvick.  By  acting  drivers  continued  their  dis-  he’s tired of tolerating.  round in which the field will
                                         as  a  rolling  chicane,  Elliott  pute in private.                                    be trimmed to eight.

                           England cricketers pull out of trip to Pakistan, angers PCB

            (AP) - English cricket of-   team’s  tour  of  Pakistan  fol-  ing concerns about travelling  According  to  Ahmed,  New  touring Pakistan in 2019.
            ficials  provoked  an  angry  lowing  a  government  alert  to the region,” the ECB said,  Zealand   Prime   Minister
            response  from  Pakistan  that warned of a possible at-   “and believe that going ahead  Jacinda Ardern told Pakistan  The ECB said another “com-
            after  withdrawing  their  tack outside Rawalpindi Sta-   will add further pressure to a  counterpart Imran Khan that  plexity”  was  the  potential
            men’s and women’s teams  dium.                            playing  group  who  have  al-  the country had information  harm a trip to Pakistan could
            from  a  limited-over  trip                               ready coped with a long pe-  the players could come under  do to the men’s team’s prepa-
            to the Asian country next  The  ECB  didn’t  detail  any  riod of operating in restricted  attack outside of the stadium.  rations  for  the  T20  World
            month,  citing  “increasing  specific  security  issues  in  COVID environments.”                                   Cup,  which  begins  later  in
            concerns”  about  travel-    a  statement  released  after                             England men’s and women’s  October.
            ling to the region.          a  board  meeting  over  the  Within  minutes,  Pakistan  teams were scheduled to play
                                         weekend,  instead  highlight-  Cricket   Board   chairman  all of their matches in Rawal-  “We understand that this de-
            The  decision  taken  by  the  ing “the mental and physical  Ramiz Raja reacted by saying  pindi.                   cision  will  be  a  significant
            England  and  Wales  Cricket  wellbeing of our players and  on  Twitter:  “Disappointed                             disappointment to the PCB,
            Board  on  Monday  came  support staff.”                  with England, pulling out of  England’s men, who were set  who  have  worked  tirelessly
            three days after New Zealand                              their  commitment  &  failing  to play T20s on Oct. 13 and  to host the return of interna-
            Cricket abandoned its men’s  “We know there are increas-  a  member  of  their  Cricket  14,  have  not  played  an  in-  tional  cricket  in  their  coun-
                                                                      fraternity  when  it  needed  it  ternational  in  Pakistan  since  try,” the statement said.
                                                                      most. Survive we will inshal-  2005.  The  women  were  to
                                                                      lah.”                        visit  for  the  first  time  and  “Their  support  of  English
                                                                                                   were due to play three ODIs  and  Welsh  cricket  over  the
                                                                      In the wake of the New Zea-  as well as two T20s.         last  two  summers  has  been
                                                                      land team’s withdrawal from                               a  huge  demonstration  of
                                                                      its  tour  on  Friday,  Pakistan  Pakistan was a no-go zone for  friendship.  We  are  sincerely
                                                                      Interior  Minister  Sheikh  international  cricket  teams  sorry for the impact this will
                                                                      Rashid  Ahmed  said  he  had  for  a  decade  after  terrorists  have  on  cricket  in  Pakistan
                                                                      no  information  about  a  se-  attacked  the  Sri  Lanka  team  and  emphasize  an  ongoing
                                                                      curity threat against the New  bus  in  Lahore  in  2009.  The  commitment  to  our  main
                                                                      Zealanders  and  that  Paki-  ambush  killed  seven  people  touring plans there for 2022.”
                                                                      stan had given New Zealand  and injured several Sri Lank-
                                                                      guarantees  that  the  players  an cricketers.            Pakistan’s men’s team visited
                                                                      would be safe.                                            England  to  play  three  ODIs
                                                                                                   International teams resumed  and three T20s in July.
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