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                                                                                         world news Diamars 21 september 2021

                                         UN chief warns China, US to avoid Cold War

            (AP) — Warning of a po-      that  two  rival  geopolitical  puzzle ... this completely dys-  without a fight from the gov-  While former U.S. president
            tential new Cold War, the  and military strategies would  functional  relationship  be-  ernment’s U.S.-trained army  Donald  Trump  was  wedded
            head  of  the  United  Na-   pose  “dangers”  and  divide  tween China and the United  as  American  forces  were  in  to  an  “America  First”  policy,
            tions implored China and  the world. Thus, he said, the  States.”  The  secretly  negoti-  the  final  stage  of  withdraw-  President Joe Biden — who
            the United States to repair  foundering relationship must  ated deal angered China and  ing from the country after 20  will make his first appearance
            their  “completely  dys-     be repaired — and soon.      France,  which  had  signed  a  years.                    as chief executive at the Gen-
            functional”  relationship                                 contract with Australia worth                             eral  Assembly’s  high-level
            before  problems  between                                                                                           meeting Tuesday — has reaf-
            the  two  large  and  deeply                                                                                        firmed U.S. commitment to
            influential  countries  spill                                                                                       multilateral institutions.
            over even further into the
            rest of the planet.                                                                                                 Guterres  said  Biden’s  com-
                                                                                                                                mitment to global action on
            U.N. Secretary-General An-                                                                                          climate,  including  rejoining
            tonio Guterres spoke to The                                                                                         the 2015 Paris climate agree-
            Associated  Press  this  week-                                                                                      ment  that  Trump  withdrew
            end ahead of this week’s an-                                                                                        from,  is  “probably  the  most
            nual  United  Nations  gath-                                                                                        important of them all.”
            ering  of  world  leaders  —  a
            convening  blemished  by                                                                                            He said there is “a complete-
            COVID,  climate  concerns                                                                                           ly  different  environment  in
            and  contentiousness  across                                                                                        the  relationship”  between
            the planet.                                                                                                         the  United  Nations  and  the
                                                                                                                                United  States  under  Biden.
            Guterres  said  the  world’s                                                                                        But, Guterres said, “I did ev-
            two  major  economic  pow-                                                                                          erything — and I’m proud of
            ers should be cooperating on                                                                                        it  —  in  order  to  make  sure
            climate and negotiating more                                                                                        that  we  would  keep  a  func-
            robustly  on  trade  and  tech-                                                                                     tional  relationship  with  the
            nology even given persisting                                                                                        United States in the past ad-
            political  fissures  about  hu-                                                                                     ministration.”
            man  rights,  economics,  on-
            line security and sovereignty  “We need to avoid at all cost a  at least $66 billion for a dozen  What  role  will  the  United  Guterres  also  lamented  the
            in the South China Sea.      Cold War that would be dif-  French  conventional  diesel-  Nations have in the new Af-  failure  of  countries  to  work
                                         ferent from the past one, and  electric submarines.       ghanistan?  Guterres  called  together  to  tackle  global
            “Unfortunately,  today  we  probably  more  dangerous                                  it  “a  fantasy”  to  believe  that  warming  and  ensure  that
            only  have  confrontation,”  and  more  difficult  to  man-  The  White  House  gently  U.N.  involvement  “will  be  people  in  every  country  are
            Guterres said Saturday in the  age,” Guterres said.       pushed  back  against  Gut-  able  all  of  a  sudden  to  pro-  vaccinated.
            AP interview.                                             terres’  critique  on  Monday.  duce  an  inclusive  govern-
                                         The  so-called  Cold  War  be-  Press secretary Jen Psaki said  ment,  to  guarantee  that  all  Of  the  past  year  of  COV-
            “We  need  to  re-establish  a  tween the Soviet Union and  the  administration  disagrees  human  rights  are  respected,  ID-19 struggles, he said: “We
            functional  relationship  be-  its  East  bloc  allies  and  the  with  Gutterres’  character-  to  guarantee  that  no  terror-  were  not  able  to  make  any
            tween  the  two  powers,”  he  United  States  and  its  West-  ization  of  the  U.S.-China  ists will ever exist in Afghani-  real progress in relation to ef-
            said, calling that “essential to  ern allies began immediately  relationship.  “Our  relation-  stan, that drug trafficking will  fective coordination of global
            address the problems of vac-  after World War II and ended  ship with China is one not of  stop.”                   efforts.”
            cination, the problems of cli-  with the breakup of the So-  conflict but of competition,”
            mate change and many other  viet Union in 1991. It was a  Psaki said. She added: “He is  After  all,  he  said,  the  Unit-  Guterres  called  it  “totally
            global challenges that cannot  clash  of  two  nuclear-armed  not looking to pursue a new  ed  States  and  many  other  unacceptable”  that  80%  of
            be  solved  without  construc-  superpowers  with  rival  ide-  Cold  War  with  any  country  countries  had  thousands  of  the  population  in  his  native
            tive  relations  within  the  in-  ologies  —  communism  and  in the world.”          soldiers  in  Afghanistan  and  Portugal has been vaccinated
            ternational  community  and  authoritarianism on one side,                             spent trillions of dollars and  while in many African coun-
            mainly among the superpow-   capitalism and democracy on  Biden,  in  his  address  before  weren’t  able  to  solve  the  tries, less than 2% of the pop-
            ers.”                        the other.                   the  General  Assembly  on  country’s  problems  —  and,  ulation is vaccinated.
                                                                      Tuesday, will underscore that  some say, made them worse.
            Two  years  ago,  Guterres  The  U.N.  chief  said  a  new  he  doesn’t  believe  in  “the                          “It’s completely stupid from
            warned global leaders of the  Cold War could be more per-  notion  of  a  new  Cold  War”  Though the United Nations  the point of view of defeating
            risk of the world splitting in  ilous because the Soviet-U.S.  in  which  the  world  divided  has  “limited  capacity  and  the virus, but if the virus goes
            two,  with  the  United  States  antipathy created clear rules,  into blocs, according to a se-  limited leverage,” he said, it is  on spreading like wildfire in
            and  China  creating  rival  in-  and  both  sides  were  con-  nior  administration  official.  playing a key role in leading  the  global  south,  there  will
            ternets,  currency,  trade,  fi-  scious of the risk of nuclear  That  official,  who  spoke  on  efforts to provide humanitar-  be more mutations,” he said.
            nancial rules “and their own  destruction.  That  produced  the  condition  of  anonymity  ian aid to Afghans. The U.N.  “And we know that mutations
            zero-sum  geopolitical  and  back channels and forums “to  to  preview  Biden’s  speech,  is also drawing the Taliban’s  are making it more transmis-
            military strategies.”        guarantee  that  things  would  said Biden will make the case  attention  to  the  importance  sible, more dangerous.”
                                         not  get  out  of  control,”  he  that  vigorous  competition  of  an  inclusive  government
            U.N.  GENERAL  ASSEM-        said.                        between  the  two  nations  is  that  respects  human  rights,  He  again  urged  the  world’s
            BLY                                                       possible without tipping into  especially  for  women  and  20  major  economic  powers
            K-pop  stars  BTS  dip  into  “Now,  today,  everything  is  conflict.                 girls, he said.              in the G20, who failed to take
            global  diplomacy  at  UN  more fluid, and even the ex-                                                             united  action  against  CO-
            gathering                    perience  that  existed  in  the  In  the  wide-ranging  AP  in-  “There  is  clearly  a  fight  VID-19 in early 2020, to cre-
            The AP Interview: UN chief  past  to  manage  crisis  is  no  terview,  Guterres  also  ad-  for  power  within  different  ate the conditions for a global
            warns  China,  US  to  avoid  longer there,” Guterres said.  dressed  three  major  issues  groups  in  the  Taliban  lead-  vaccination plan. Such a plan,
            Cold War                                                  that  world  leaders  will  be  ership.  The  situation  is  not  he said, must bring together
            Biden looks to turn page on  He said the U.S.-Britain deal  confronting  this  week:  the  yet  clarified,”  he  said,  call-  vaccine-producing  countries
            20 years of war at UN        to  provide  Australia  with  worsening climate crisis, the  ing  it  one  more  reason  why  with  international  financial
            The Latest: Johnson to Bol-  nuclear-powered submarines  still-raging pandemic and Af-  the international community  institutions  and  pharmaceu-
            sonaro: vaccines save lives  so it could operate undetect-  ghanistan’s  uncertain  future  should  engage  with  the  Tal-  tical  companies  to  double
            He  reiterated  that  warning  ed in Asia “is just one small  under its new Taliban rulers.  iban.                  production and ensure equi-
            in  the  AP  interview,  adding  piece  of  a  more  complex  They  took  power  Aug.  15                           table distribution.
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