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A30     world news
                Diamars 21 september 2021

                           UK gov’t says lights will stay on despite energy price surge

            (AP) — Britain’s business
            secretary said on Monday                                                                                            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-
            that  there  is  no  danger                                                                                         son put the problems at  the
            that people won’t be able                                                                                           door  of  an  economic  recov-
            to  heat  their  homes  this                                                                                        ery that he likened to “the big
            winter after a surge in nat-                                                                                        thaw” after a frost had frozen
            ural gas prices forced him                                                                                          the pipes.
            to  hold  emergency  talks
            with energy suppliers and                                                                                           “That’s  when  you  have  the
            consumer groups.                                                                                                    problems  and  the  leaks  and
                                                                                                                                all  the  difficulties,  that’s  re-
            Kwasi Kwarteng also assured                                                                                         ally what’s happening to the
            lawmakers  that  the  govern-                                                                                       global economy,” he told re-
            ment  wouldn’t  bail  out  fail-                                                                                    porters  in  New  York  at  the
            ing energy suppliers as a re-                                                                                       U.N. General Assembly. “It’s
            sult of the growing crisis. He                                                                                      thawing very rapidly and you
            earlier  said  that  the  govern-                                                                                   are  seeing  problems  in  the
            ment  is  prepared  to  appoint                                                                                     supply  chains,  very  strong
            a  special  administrator  for                                                                                      demand  for  gas  around  the
            failed suppliers to ensure gas                                                                                      world is producing this phe-
            and electricity keeps flowing                                                                                       nomenon. But we’re going to
            until their customers can be                                                                                        fix it.”
            moved to new suppliers.
                                                                                                                                U.K.  consumers  are  already
            “There is absolutely no ques-                                                                                       feeling the pinch, with price
            tion of the lights going out or                                                                                     comparison  websites  report-
            people  being  unable  to  heat                                                                                     ing  heavy  volume  as  people
            their homes,” Kwarteng told                                                                                         search  for  increasingly  rare
            the  House  of  Commons.                                                                                            opportunities to lock in pric-
            “There will be no three-day                                                                                         es  with  long-term  contracts.
            working  weeks  or  a  throw-  wide. Wholesale gas prices in  gas  supplies  from  domestic  date, British media reported.  Gas  and  electricity  costs  for
            back  to  the  1970s.  Such  Britain have tripled this year  production,  30%  from  Nor-  This proposal would be simi-  many people are set to jump
            thinking is alarmist, unhelp-  as  the  global  economic  re-  way, and the rest from Euro-  lar to the so-called bad banks  next  month  after  regulators
            ful and completely misguid-  covery from the COVID-19  pean  pipelines  and  liquefied  that were used to house the  in  August  approved  a  12%
            ed.”                         pandemic  increases  demand  natural gas delivered by ship.  high-risk assets of some lend-  price  increase  for  customers
                                         at  the  same  time  storms  in                           ers during the global financial  without such contracts.
            Kwarteng  said  he  would  the U.S. and planned main-     Still,  supporting  the  energy  crisis.
            make  a  joint  announcement  tenance  have  crimped  sup-  industry through the current                            Peter Smith, director of pol-
            with  Britain’s  energy  regu-  plies.                    troubles may ultimately cost  Another  option  is  for  the  icy and advocacy at fuel pov-
            lator  later  in  the  day  on  the                       taxpayers billions of pounds.  government  to  provide  loan  erty charity National Energy
            government’s  plans  to  ad-  Kwarteng  stressed  that  Brit-                          guarantees  to  large  energy  Action, said the spike in en-
            dress the crisis.            ain’s diverse gas supply means  One  option  proposed  by  suppliers  to  absorb  the  cus-  ergy prices couldn’t come at
                                         it  has  more  than  enough  to  some large energy firms is to  tomers  of  failed  companies.  a  worse  time  for  consumers
            Four  small  energy  compa-  meet  the  nation’s  energy  move the customers of failed  The costs of such a program  who  are  already  struggling
            nies  have  failed  in  recent  needs, unlike some European  suppliers  into  a  temporary  would  ultimately  be  recov-  with the economic impact of
            weeks because of the sudden  countries that rely on a single  government-owned  compa-  ered  through  higher  energy  the pandemic.
            increase in gas prices world-  source. The U.K. gets half its  ny that could be sold at a later  bills.

                                                                       ‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero sentenced to 25 years

                                                                                               on terror charges

                                                                      on  eight  charges  including  denied  targeting  dissenting  said he never supported vio-
                                                                      membership  in  a  terrorist  voices with arrests and extra-  lence  —  and  sought  to  dis-
                                                                      group,  murder  and  abduc-  judicial killings.           tance himself from its deadly
                                                                      tion.  He  was  charged  along                            attacks.
                                                                      with 20 other people.        Monday’s ruling comes more
                                                                                                   than a year after Rusesabagi-  Throughout,  Rusesabagina
                                                                      The    circumstances   sur-  na disappeared during a visit  has maintained that he is not
                                                                      rounding  Rusesabagina’s  ar-  to Dubai in the United Arab  guilty  of  the  charges  against
                                                                      rest last year, his limited ac-  Emirates,  and  appeared  days  him but said he didn’t expect
                                                                      cess to an independent legal  later in Rwanda in handcuffs,  to get justice.
                                                                      team and his reported wors-  accused  of  supporting  the
            (AP)  —  The  man  who                                    ening health have drawn in-  armed wing of his opposition  A member of his legal team,
            inspired  the  film  “Hotel  Paul  Rusesabagina,  credited  ternational  concern  for  the  political platform, the Rwan-  Kate Gibson, added that “the
            Rwanda”  for  saving  hun-   with  sheltering  ethnic  Tut-  67-year-old who left Rwanda  dan  Movement  for  Demo-  only thing that has been sur-
            dreds  of  his  countrymen  sis  during  Rwanda’s  1994  in 1996.                      cratic Change.               prising in watching this hor-
            from  genocide  was  con-    genocide  and  a  recipient  of                                                        ror show unfold over the last
            victed of terrorism offens-  the  U.S.  Presidential  Medal  Rusesabagina,  who  remains  The  armed  group  claimed  year has been the brazenness
            es Monday and sentenced  of  Freedom,  boycotted  the  in  custody,  has  asserted  that  some  responsibility  for  at-  and openness with which the
            to  25  years  at  a  trial  that  announcement  of  the  ver-  his  arrest  was  in  response  tacks  in  2018  and  2019  in  Rwandan  authorities  have
            human  rights  watchdogs  dict  after  calling  the  trial  a  to  his  criticism  of  longtime  southern  Rwanda  in  which  been  willing  to  systemati-
            and other critics of Rwan-   “sham.”                      Rwandan  President  Paul  nine  Rwandans  died.  Rus-     cally violate all of the fair trial
            da’s  repressive  govern-                                 Kagame  over  alleged  hu-   esabagina testified at trial that  rights to which Paul was en-
            ment have described as an  The  U.S.  resident  and  Bel-  man rights abuses. Kagame’s  he helped to form the armed  titled.”
            act of retaliation.          gian  citizen  was  convicted  government  has  repeatedly  group  to  help  refugees  but
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