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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 24 January 2018

            A moment for moderates: Senators hope deal builds goodwill

             Continued from Front        as  a  “safe  space”  where
                                         lawmakers  can  exchange
             Senators have dubbed the  ideas, regardless of party.
             informal  group  the  Com-  “I  hope  we  can  kind  of
             mon  Sense  Caucus,  but  be  an  incubator  of  good
             “hopefully  it’ll  grow  large  ideas  —  common  sense
             enough  that  we’ll  eventu-  ideas,”  she  said.  “Our  job
             ally call it the United States  is  to  keep  government
             Senate,”  said  Sen.  Angus  working.”  The  three-day
             King  of  Maine,  an  inde-  shutdown    ended    with
             pendent who is one of the  new  assurances  from  Sen-
             group’s informal leaders.   ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch
             King  has  been  here  be-  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  that  the
             fore.  Five  years  ago,  he  Senate would consider im-
             was  part  of  a  similar  but  migration  proposals  in  the
             smaller group that worked  coming weeks.
             to end a 2013 government  “We  now  have  a  window
             shutdown.  That  group  dis-  of opportunity to show we
             sipated  after  the  govern-  can  work  together  and
             ment  reopened,  but  King  build  a  bipartisan  consen-
             and others say the new ef-  sus  that  produces  a  prod-
             fort  has  a  chance  to  stick  uct  worthy  of  time  on  the
             around.                     (Senate)  floor,”  said  Sen.   From left, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Sen.
             “I  think  what’s  different  is  Chris Coons, D-Del., one of   Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., arrive at the Capitol after a bipartisan group of moderate senators held
             a number of us have said,  the  leaders  of  the  biparti-  a private meeting on Day 2 of the federal shutdown, at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Jan.
             ‘Let’s keep this going. Let’s  san group. In language re-  21, 2018. Sen. Angus King, I-Vt., is seen at rear.
             not make this a shutdown-   peated  by  other  senators,                                                           (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
             only event,’” King said in an  Coons  said  the  shutdown
             interview. “Let’s talk about  crisis  provides  an  opening
             some things we can do to  to  “let  the  Senate  be  the
             improve  how  this  place  Senate”  and  allow  free-
             works.”                     flowing  debate  on  immi-
             If they can stay united, the  gration and other issues.
             group  could  be  a  crucial  The  concept  does  not  ex-
             voting  bloc  in  the  closely  tend to the House or Presi-
             divided  Senate,  King  and  dent Donald Trump’s White
             other senators said.        House  —  both  of  which
             “I  think  everybody’s  look-  are likely to be formidable
             ing  for  that  middle,”  said  obstacles  on  immigration
             Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.  — but those problems can
             “Everybody  has  input.  Ev-  be addressed later, Coons
             erybody  trusts  everybody  and other senators said.
             in that room.”              “If  President  Trump  would
             Success in the Senate is far  let the Senate be the Sen-
             from  guaranteed.  Move-    ate  and  work  for  the  next
             ment  in  the  Republican-  three weeks, I think he’d be
             controlled House — where  encouraged and surprised
             the  2013  immigration  bill  at  how  positive  the  results
             died  without  a  vote  —  is  could be,” Coons said.
             even less certain, but sena-  Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. was
             tors  said  they  are  forging  equally upbeat.
             ahead.                      Flake, who has been push-
             “For  the  first  time,  we  at  ing  a  bipartisan  immigra-
             least  have  some  hope,”  tion  solution  for  months,
             said  Sen.  Bill  Nelson,  D-  said he is optimistic that the
             Fla.  “And  that’s  because  spirit  of  cooperation  born
             you’ve  got  a  bipartisan  in Collins’ office — dubbed
             group of senators that want  Little  Switzerland  by  sena-
             to get something done.”     tors  —  will  extend  to  the
             Sen.  Lisa  Murkowski,  R-  debate  on  immigration
             Alaska,  sees  the  group  and beyond.q
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