P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 24 January 2018

            Maryland:                                                                                                           California man, 57,

            Teen sentenced for threatening schools in 5 states                                                                  gets life for buying

                                                                                                                                Filipino children
            TERRE  HAUTE,  Ind.  (AP)  —  High School in Indiana. He  insisted  on  that  because  the  Indiana  call,  the  teen
            A  juvenile  from  Maryland  must  also  pay  a  $10,000  we  understand  the  effect  claimed  he was inside  the   SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)
            who  made  more  than  a  fine and will be supervised  this had and the terror this  school with a gun and ex-      —    A  California  man  was
            dozen hoax calls to schools  by  Maryland  authorities  caused to the community.”      plosives, and also demand-   sentenced to life in federal
            in five states has been sen-  until he turns 21, the (Terre  Modesitt said Monday that  ed  ransom  money.  The     prison  Tuesday  for  buy-
            tenced to serve two years  Haute)  Tribune-Star  report-  the  plea  agreement  also  school’s 1,800 students and   ing Filipino children for sex
            in a detention center.       ed . “He got a very serious  resolves 12 similar hoax calls  their teachers were told to   and  pornography  in  what
            The teen was charged with  sentence,”  Vigo  County  the youth made to schools  shelter  in  classrooms  while      prosecutors  called  one  of
            making the hoax call in April  Prosecutor  Terry  Modes-  in Colorado, Vermont, Mis-   about 50 police officers en-  most “lurid, willful, and dis-
            2017  to  Terre  Haute  North  itt  said  of  the  youth.  “We  souri and Maryland. During  tered the school.q      turbing”  child  exploitation
                                                                                                                                cases in the nation.U.S. Dis-
            2 arrested for cyberbullying before girl's suicide                                                                  trict  Judge  John  Mendez
                                                                                                                                said  he  was  sickened  by
                                                                                                                                the  crimes  committed  by
                                                                                                                                Michael  Carey  Clemans,
            By JASON DEAREN                                                                                                     57, of Sacramento.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Prosecutors  say  he  gave
            Two  12-year-olds  in  Florida                                                                                      detailed  instructions  on
            were arrested for cyberbul-                                                                                         how  young  girls  should
            lying in connection with the                                                                                        be  posed,  how  their  hair
            death  of  a  middle-school                                                                                         should  be  cut,  whether
            student  who  police  say                                                                                           they  should  wear  makeup
            hanged  herself  two  weeks                                                                                         or have their bodies oiled.
            ago.                                                                                                                “His  true  plan  was  to  find
            The  circumstances  around                                                                                          young  girls,  virgins,  and
            the  death  of  12-year-old                                                                                         then  go  have  sex  with
            Gabriella Green on Jan. 10                                                                                          them,”  Assistant  U.S.  At-
            led to the arrests of the two                                                                                       torney   Andre    Espinosa
            Surfside  Middle  School  stu-                                                                                      said.  “A  57-year-old  man
            dents, Panama City Beach                                                                                            doesn’t  have  sex  with  a
            officials  said  in  a  news  re-                                                                                   7-year-old  girl  —  he  rapes
            lease Monday.                                                                                                       her.”
            Police  did  not  release  the                                                                                      The  sentence  came  after
            names of the two children                                                                                           defense  attorney  Daniel
            who  were  arrested  be-                                                                                            Olmos  argued  that  the
            cause they are minors.                                                                                              judge    should   consider
            Investigators  were  made                                                                                           Clemans’  cooperation  in
            aware of the potential cy-                                                                                          helping  authorities  catch
            berbullying   against   the                                                                                         his co-conspirators.
            girl  while  looking  into  the                                                                                     But  Mendez  agreed  with
            death,  which  led  them     This undated selfie made available by Tanya Green shows her with her daughter Gabriella   prosecutors,  saying  the
            to  examine  several  cell-  Green. Gabriella, 12, of Panama City Beach, Fla., killed herself on Jan. 10, 2018. Two 12-year-  “unthinkable, inexcusable”
            phones  and  social  media   olds have been charged with cyberstalking in connection with Gabriella's death.        crimes outweighed the as-
                                                                                                           (Tanya Green via AP)
            accounts, the news release                                                                                          sistance.
            said.                        “(He) responded by saying  ing up to it.                  children  say  they  are  cy-  “He  has  taken  away  the
            They  interviewed  two  sus-  something to the effect of,  School  officials  said  they  berbullied,  and  about  12   childhood  of  those  vic-
            pects  with  their  parents’  ‘If you’re going to do it, just  are   making   counselors  percent say they have bul-  tims,” Mendez said.
            permission,  and  say  both  do it,’ and ended the call,”  available at Surfside for stu-  lied  others  online,  accord-  Clemans was an Army vet-
            confessed  to  cyberbully-   police  wrote.  “He  immedi-  dents, faculty and staff.   ing  to  Sameer  Hinduja,  a   eran  with  no  criminal  re-
            ing.                         ately  regretted  that  state-  “We  continue  to  mourn  criminology  professor  at   cord who lived in Bangkok
            A  police  report  states  that  ment,  and  began  calling  the loss of Gabbie and our  Florida  Atlantic  University   for two years while working
            one of the suspects told an  and  text-messaging  her,  hearts go out to her family,  and co-director of the Cy-    as a pilot for a small airline.
            investigator  that  she  had  but  did  not  receive  a  re-  her friends and to everyone  berbullying  Research  Cen-  He  later  returned  to  Sac-
            started rumors about Green  sponse.”                      at Surfside Middle School,”  ter . He said his most recent   ramento  and  lived  with
            in person, and online.       Police said the suspects did  Superintendent     William  study  of  more  than  5,000   his  mother  while  traveling
            “Her  actions  consisted  of  not notify any adult or au-  Husfelt said in a statement.  children  ages  12-17  in  the   to  the  Philippines  several
            starting rumors of the victim  thority about Green’s state  “This is an absolutely tragic  U.S.  shows  that  real-world   times.
            having  sexually  transmit-  of  mind.  The  two  children  situation.”                bullying  is  still  vastly  more   Authorities  say  Clemans
            ted diseases, vulgar name-   arrested   also   acknowl-   Police said that during the  common  than  online  bul-   began  conspiring  with  a
            calling  ...  and  threats  to  edged  that  their  conduct  investigation,  they  discov-  lying,  and  that  fewer  than   woman in the Philippines in
            ‘expose’ personal and sen-   was  directed  at  Green  ered several middle-school  1 percent of cyberbullying       2014 to produce child por-
            sitive details of the victim’s  “knowing  that  said  con-  children  with  unrestricted  cases involve suicide.    nography and obtain girls.
            life,” the police report said.  duct  would  result  in  emo-  and   unmonitored   ac-  “In  many  suicide  cases   He  sent  the  woman,  Lyan
            The  other  suspect,  a  boy,  tional distress.”          cess to social media apps,  the victims were also deal-   Tandeg,  nearly  $6,000  for
            told  police  he  video-chat-  Even  so,  police  said  the  and  said  the  department  ing  with  atypical  stressors,   equipment  she  used  to
            ted  with  Green  after  she  investigation  did  not  re-  will  hold  a  training  in  the  like  family  issues  at  home,   photograph  naked  chil-
            told him she had attempt-    veal that the cyberbullying  coming  weeks  for  parents  or  they  were  clinically  de-  dren  so  he  could  decide
            ed to hang herself and had  caused the girl’s death, just  about how to manage this  pressed,”     Hinduja   said.   which ones he would rape
            marks on her neck, accord-   that  it  was  happening  in  access.                     “Many kids are bullied and   when  he  traveled  to  the
            ing to the report.           the  days  and  weeks  lead-  Nationally,  about  1-in-3  don’t take their lives.”.q   country, authorities said.q
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